101 - 125 of 10,888
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101 Moffett, James W.A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some Utah Streams Variously Affected by ErosionFloods and cloudbursts in the Intermountain region of western United States cause considerable damage to watersheds and streams. Because of steep gradients these torrential waters remove vast quantities of debris, stones, gravel and soil from the stream beds. It follows that, with the removal of mat...1936-06
102 Durrant, Stephen D.A new gopher from Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, UtahThe present paper presents the results of a study of a series of specimens taken around the Great Salt Lake and on Antelope Island in this lake, the series forming part of the collection of the University of Utah. The form from Antelope Island differs sufficiently from the described subspecies of Th...1936-10
103 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New spiders from Mexico and PanamaIn the present paper are described eighty new species of spiders, among which are representatives of five new genera, found in two collections from Mexico and Panama respectively. The collection from Mexico was made in the state of Guerrero by Prof. Dr. Schultze Fena, of the University of Marburg, a...1936-11
104 Jones, David T.A comparative study of certain goblet cellsThe origin of the primordial droplets has been rightly given the primary place in the study of secretion. Bowen has limited the term secretion to the actual synthesis of these droplets from cytoplasmic materials, which limitation we shall accept. The secondary problems in this field concern chieflly...1937-06
105 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Two genera of trap-door spders from CaliforniaWhile trap-door spiders have long excited general interest, as a group they are very imperfectly known. This is due largely to the fact that their subterranean habits enable them to escape ordinary observation and to have, as a consequence, relatively poor representation in collections, both as to s...1937-08-18
106 Durrant, Stephen D.Two new gophers from UtahA study of mammals in the collection of the University of Utah, taken in western Utah during the summer of 1936 has brought out some interesting differences in the genus Thomomys. Series of gophers from Wah Wah Springs, Beaver County, and from Oak Creek Canyon, Millard County, differ sufficiently fr...1937-08-18
107 Garrett, A. O.The uredinales or rusts of UtahThe catalogue of the rusts of Utah presented herewith is the result o f thirty-four years work in collecting and observation by the author. During this time the writer has collected in every county in the state, excepting Daggett.1937-11-18
108 Durrant, Stephen D.A new pocket gopher of the thomomys quadratus group from the Northern Great Basin RegionCritical examination of specimens of Thomomys quadratus from Utah has brought to light the existence of an hitherto unnamed race from the Raft River region in the northwest corner of the state and contiguous areas of Idaho and Nevada. Extensive material from northeastern Nevada in the collection of ...1939-02-28
109 Rees, Don M.Origin of Mosquito producing waters in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, UtahDuring the course of this investigation, from 1929 to 1987, of the mosquitoes in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, some interesting data have been collected on the origin of waters that produce mosquitoes. These data are now sufficient to justify certain pertinent conclusions. As all mosquito larvae a...1939-04-28
110 Garrett, A. O.The ustilaginales or smuts of UtahSince September, 1902, the writer has been collecting fungi in Utah. During that time collecting has been carried on in every county in Utah. Several consecutive summers were spent at Brighton, in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County. The summer o f 1911 was spent with the late Dr. Rydberg, colle...1939-05-15
111 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New tarantulas from the Southwestern StatesIn this paper are presented diagnoses of seven new species of mvgalomorph spiders, one of which, represents the new genus Hesperopholis. The other species are placed in Delopelma. We are indebted to Dr. W. P- Cottam for making the photographs reproduced 0 11 the first three plates. All of these are ...1939-06-28
112 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On a collection of chilopods from the East IndiesThe present paper is a report upon' a collection of chilopods received for identification from the Buitenzorg Museum, Java, through the courtesy of Dr. Dammerman,1939-06-28
113 Cottam, Walter P.A new violet from UtahA beautiful violet strikingly different from any species heretofore reported from Utah was discovered by the writer growing 011 vacant property on the outskirts of Salt Lake City at the corner of 13th South and 17th E as t streets, April 17, 1937.*' This property and neighboring areas to the east ha...1939-06-28
114 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On some Diplopods of the family fontariidaeThe purpose of the present paper is to designate certain new genera in the family Fontariidae occurring in the eastern and southeastern states and to give brief preliminary diagnoses of various new species within these and related genera.1939-07-08
115 Durrant, Stephen D.A new pocket gopher from the Oquirrh Mountains, UtahContinued studies of the pocket gophers of the talpoides group from Utah have disclosed the existence of an hitherto undescribed race indigenous to the Oquirrh Mountains, which are located in Utah, Tooele and Salt Lake Counties.1939-10-24
116 Rees, Don M.The termite problem in UtahTermites or " white ants" are present in all parts of Salt Lake City and are generally found in other cities and towns throughout the state. Three different species of termites have been found in Utah: Reticulitermes tibialis Banks, Reticuliterm.es tumiceps Banks, and Kalotervies minor Hagen. Reticu...1939-12-27
117 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On a diplopod collection from Barro Colorado Island, PanamaThe present paper presents the results of a taxonomic study of an important collection o f millipeds made bv Mr. Eliot C. Williams, Jr., of Northwestern University on Barro Colorado Island during July and August of 1938. Twenty-three species were secured, these representing •i very interesting and...1940-01-18
118 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Genera and species of North American ParaiulidaeThis paper presents briefly some results of a preliminary taxonomic study of North American millipeds of the family Paraiulidae in the author's collection. It is based primarily upon a study of the nude copulatory organs which offer the most convenient and dependable characters for the definitions b...1940-03-12
119 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New American Tarantulas of the family aviculariidaeWhile accumulating material for a long needed review of nearctic mvgalomorph spiders, a considerable number of species in the family Aviculariidae have been noted which it seems desirable to diagnose and name at this time. It is the purpose of the present paper to do this. It has been found convenie...1940-05-06
120 Brenckle, J. F.A new polygonum from Garfield County, UtahThe plant described below was collected 6 miles north of Escalante, Garfield Co., Utah, by W . P. Cottam, Sept. 17, 1935. It was found growing in great abundance along sandy ravines on the rocky Navajo sandstone spur which projects southward from the Aquarius Plateau. The type specimen, No. 65 0 7 ,...1940-06-27
121 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryAgelenid spiders of the Genus CicurinaThe genus Cicurina was erected by Menge in 18(59 for the species jlranea cicurea Fabricius (1793). Since then, various species from North America have been added to this genus. Petrunkevitch, in his catalog of 1911, listed 11 species from this continent. Exline, in a review of the Cicurinas in 1936,...1940-06-29
122 Cottam, Walter P.New and extended ranges for Utah PlantsThe following Utah plan ts are not included in Tidestrom's " Flora of Utah and Nevada," nor are any listed specifically for Utah in Rvdberg's " Flora of the Rocky Mountains and A djacent Plains." Specific localities are given for each species, followed by the herbaria where it may be found. The Univ...1940-06-29
123 Jones, David T.A study of the Great Basin Land Snail oreohelix strigosa depressa (Cockerell)A survey of the previous mention of this snail provides a practical background for this essentially morphological study. The literature applicable to Oreolxdix strigosa depressa (Cockerell) in Utah may be summarized by reference to the following articles in the bibliography: directions for preparing...1940-10-15
124 Rees, Don M.A preliminary list of the ants of UtahThe following list of the ants of Utah was prepared from specimens and data now in the Biology Department of the University of Utah. This list is by no means complete, yet it is representative of practically all parts of the state. A few specimens in the collection date back to 1902, and all of thes...1940-11-05
125 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Spiders collected by L. W. Saylor and other, Mostly in CaliforniaIn the present paper are listed some 150 species of spiders composing a collection submitted to us bv Mr. L. W . Saylor, now of the United States Bureau of Biological Survey, who personally took most of the specimens. Of the species represented in the collection, 24 are new, and three of these are m...1941-02-13
101 - 125 of 10,888