101 - 125 of 1,126
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101 Smith, Jaclynn KehaulaniA feasibility trial to determine the effect of mindfulness on weight-loss maintenancePURPOSE: Over 70% of all adults in the U.S. have overweight and obesity. Weight loss is often recommended to improve overall health and risk of disease. However, weight regain following intentional weight loss is common and diminishes initial improvements. Therefore, interventions aimed at attenuati...2023
102 Kiel, DrewHow branding influences our willingness to pay for necessity productsThough marketing has existed in one manner or another for the duration of human history, the field has only seen strong development since the beginning of the 20th century. Marketing is now an inescapable part of everyday life and companies across every industry advertise of to us as potential custo...2021
103 Krueger, AdrienneThe commune in commodities: Bruno braquehais's photography of the Paris commune of 1871Perhaps no other photographer of the Paris Commune has received as much art historical attention as Bruno Braquehais. Within this scholarship, he is heralded as unique, either framed as the dedicated photojournalist of the Commune or as the sole photographer sympathetic to the cause of the Commune. ...2021
104 Kearsley, Elizabeth A.Making 360 and representing the aesthetics of nostalgia through documentary360 is a short documentary film I made that follows Micha Osuchowski, a young woman obsessed with the culture of the late 1990s and early 2000s, also referred to as the Y2K era. The film weaves together two aspects of Osuchowski's life, her occupation selling Y2K clothing online and skateboarding, a...2021
105 Kunz, AshleyReturns to education based off educational quality: a study of American lawyersAttending college is an important decision for many individuals to make and this choice has a cost associated with it, as well as the opportunity to increase one's earnings post-baccalaureate. This paper explores the returns to wages for attending college and the subsequent impact of attending an el...2021
106 Hansen, MasonInterferon gamma inducible nampt and its role in resisting cancer cell growthThe tumor microenvironment (TME) is very complex and important due to its ability to influence the response of therapies on tumors. Immune cells infiltrate the TME and secrete inflammatory cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFNg), which help activate the immune system. This activation leads to an ...2023
107 Jordan, Benjamin WaltzFrom sewer to soil: planetary boundaries, metabolic rift and Salt Lake City's wastewater treatmentSalt Lake City's water resource recovery facility (WRRF) is undergoing a multi-year upgrade in order to reduce nitrogen-induced eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles all converge at WRRFs where they can, in part, be managed. In this paper, I perform a general...2021
108 Howard, KathrynReligious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS context religious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS contextIn recent years, there has been more discussion around the trauma and trauma responses that come from being a queer individual (one who identifies with members of the LGBTQIA+ community) inside a high-demand religion that does not affirm existence or behaviors of LGBTQ+ individuals. Emerging literat...2023
109 Grandy, HaileyExamining the associations between maternal intrusiveness and detachment and cognitive and language skills in 18-month-old childrenSensitive parenting refers to the degree to which a parent responds to a child's needs punctually and appropriately. In contrast, insensitive parenting occurs when a parent is less attuned to their child's needs and often comes in two distinct forms: detachment and intrusiveness. Detachment occurs w...2023
110 Geisler, EmilVariable stretch textures on the GPUIn computer graphics, a texture is an image that is overlaid on a triangle when the object is rendered. Textures allow for objects to have more complicated appearances than just a single color across the triangle. Usually when a triangle is stretched, the texture stretches uniformly with it. However...2023
111 Garzella, ErinCoinfection of Malaria and gammaherpesvirus in B cells and macrophagesMalaria kills over 600,000 people a year. 67% of those deaths are children under five and pregnant women. Some children get malaria, but they do not die. The reasons for this are not completely understood. Malaria is caused by the Plasmodium parasite, and in sub-Saharan Africa Plasmodium falciparum ...2023
112 Child, SkyleeImaining an ultimate approach to the healthcare system in the 21st century2023
113 Brown, Jackson AyersThe effects and general applicability of British influence in post-colonial EswatiniIn the building of new states in Sub-Saharan Africa following the long period of British colonialism, successful democracies have been few and far between. Eswatini, the main focus of this research, began as a democracy following its independence in 1968, but soon slid into authoritarianism. Today, ...2023
114 Djokovich, Alexander CataldoReducing waste in supply chains in pursuit of a sustainable and socially responsible futureThe purpose of this research project is to propose solutions for reducing waste to optimize supply chains that are both workable and yield tangible results when applied by firms as theorized. In addition to the well-established cost-saving rationale behind reducing supply chain waste, the pressing i...2023
115 Breiholz, CamilleNot there yet: The effect of persistent grief on an immigrant's ability to assimilateGrief is a component of immigration present no matter the time period or mode of migration. In the Distance by Hernan Diaz tells the story of a young Swedish immigrant to America during the 1800s gold rush as he traverses the country in search of his brother while Go, Went, Gone by Jenny Erpenbeck r...2023
116 Adams, IsabelPelvic floor acceleration is damped compared to skeletal acceleration while walkingOne in four American women suffer from pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) [1]. Current research shows the cause of pelvic organ prolapse is multifactorial, with risk factors including vaginal childbirth and advancing age [2]. To facilitate the development of prevention strategies and treatments to minimi...2023
117 Lindley, ClaraPre-surgery inflammatory and angiogenesis biomarkers as predictors of 12-month cancer-related distress: results from the colocare studyBackground Patients with colorectal cancer commonly suffer from complex psychological distress. Elevated distress may be linked to systemic biomarkers. We investigated associations of biomarkers of inflammation and angiogenesis with cancer-related distress (CTXD) score. Methods N = 315 patients (sta...2023
118 Ward, Bridget E.Functionalizing a hemagglutinin epitope tag for induced mitochondrial protein degradation in saccharomyces cerevisiaeMitochondria are organelles known for their role in many critical cellular processes including the production of metabolic energy in eukaryotic cells. In order to produce this energy, mitochondria continually transport metabolites across the impermeable mitochondrial inner membrane. The transport of...2022
119 Calder, DallenAdipocyte enhancer binding protein 1 (AEBP1) as a potential therapeutic target to combat cardiac fibrosisFibrosis is one of the major hallmarks of heart failure (HF) progression and is characterized by fibroblast activation and excess extracellular matrix (EMC) deposition. RNA sequencing of myocardial tissue acquired from HF patients showed a significant upregulation of adipocyte enhancer binding prote...2022
120 Weglarz, AnyaInternalized HIV stigma among women giving birth in Tanzania: a mixed-methods studyBackground Women living with HIV (WLHIV) commonly experience internalized HIV stigma, which refers to how they feel about themselves as a person living with HIV. Internalized stigma interferes with HIV care seeking behavior and may be particularly heightened during the pregnancy and postpartum perio...2023
121 Wang, AlisonMechanistic studies of the electroanalytic reduction of CO2 TO CO: A BPY-MN(CO)3Coome modelTransition-metal electrocatalysts have previously been shown to convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide, which is promising for future energy schemes. Recent efforts have focused on (N^N)Mn(CO)3X complexes due to their performance and exclusion of expensive metals (X = anionic ligand, N^N = bident...2023
122 Sageser, EmilyUnderstanding the radial distribution of dwarf satellite galaxies beyond the virial radiiDark matter has been theorized to exist for over 80 years based on astronomical observations but has yet to be found in terrestrial experiments. Named for its lack of interaction with the electromagnetic field, dark matter does not absorb, reflect, or emit electromagnetic radiation making it undetec...2023
123 Sencion, MaglayGardens on food security and health of resettled refugees in the Salt Lake City AreaThere are several nutritional challenges that refugees and immigrants face during and after migration. Often, they arrive in their new countries with nutrition deficiencies due to cultural and language barriers, poor housing, and low socioeconomic conditions. Following their arrival, recently resett...2023
124 Rashid, InakhshmiCommunication between young adults and family members with type 2 diabetesWith a staggering 537 million adults living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) as of 2021, T2D has become one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in the world. Lowering this prevalence is possible as T2D is preventable through healthy lifestyle habits, even amongst people with an increased risk due to ...2023
125 Rebentisch, Kayla,A content analysis and comparison of hashtag popularity of nicotine and cannabis posts on InstagramMarketing exposure through social media is an identified risk factor for nicotine and cannabis use. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the exposure-selected hashtags found on Instagram to understand the potential reach of nicotine and cannabis marketing on this social media platform. An I...2023
101 - 125 of 1,126