101 - 125 of 1,117
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101 Potter, HannahLifting Coach: Using Machine Learning to Battle Musculoskeletal DamageMany manual laborers develop musculoskeletal disorders performing their work duties. The prevalence of these issues is concerning because of the negative effects on workers' health and well-being, the great cost to workers who are not able to work temporarily or permanently, and the great cost to co...2019
102 Webb, AndrewLegal instability and societal breakdown in La mort le roi ArturThe death of King Arthur and the twilight of his empire are attributed by many scholars to the adulterous love affair between Queen Guinevere and Lancelot. Indeed their adulterous relationship seems to set off a chain of events that leads to the inglorious demise of almost all of the Knights of the ...Legend of King Arthur; Arthurian law1991
103 Foott, BettymayaLight pollution hazards within ecosystems and mitigation strategies for the futureLight Pollution is a phenomenon caused by poor lighting design, and is increasing globally. Only recently are scientists beginning to fully understand how light pollution affects humans and the environment. Birds, which play an important role in our ecosystem, are vulnerable to light pollution effec...Light pollution Lighting -- Environmental aspects2015-05
104 Tse, JustinThe Linear Algebra of the Last Passage Percolation ModelWe study the linear algebra of the last passage percolation model. In this model, we want to find the statistics of maximal paths through a randomly weighted grid. Specifically we focus on bases of the set of path lengths made from paths. The maximum path length is a deterministic function of a much...2017
105 Arave, MariahLife elevated: investigating the association between altitude and depressionThe purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between altitude and depression. Evidence obtained from previous studies show that hypoxia can cause changes in the levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters, potentially affecting mental health. There is also a region in the western Unit...University of Utah2018
106 Loveland, JessicaLearning styles of teachers and students in a second language classroomsThe general research questions for this research study are concerned with learning styles and whether differences in student and teacher learning styles negatively impact students' perceived grades in second and foreign language classrooms. Participants were asked to take a 30-minute online question...Learning - Evaluation - Case Studies; Learning styles - Students; Learning styles - Teachers
107 Johnson, DylanModular forms, Elliptic Curves, and Their Connection to Fermat's Last TheoremFermat's Last Theorem (FLT) states that if n is an integer greater than three, the equation xn + yn = zn has no integer solutions with xyz 6= 0. This incredible statement eluded proof for over three-hundred years: in that time, mathematicians developed numerous tools which finally proved FLT in 1995...2020
108 Astin, Holly M.Modulating Intestinal Liver X Receptor Activity to Alter the Development of Atherosclerosis in Zebrafish2016
109 Tonks, JacobPolitics without character: Liberal virtues and the situationist critiqueA critique of virtue ethics has recently been raised by social psychologists who believe experimental psychology has all but proved the non-existence of character. In morally compromising situations, external situational factors have the greatest influence on choice, and therefore virtue as a stable...Situation ethics; Virtue Choice (Psychology); Autonomy (Philosophy)2015-05
110 Morgenstern, CamillePowerful Paradigms: Theoretical Frameworks Activated in National Discourse on Mining Policy and Political History in Peru and costa RicaThis comparative analysis between Costa Rica and Peru serves as an examination of the paradigms guiding national policy and discourse, with the potential outcome of being able to provide a clearer conceptualization of national and international relations that would be useful in other situations and ...2019
111 Uchida, Kimberly AkimiPost-translational regulation of the tumor suppressor PDCD4Expression of the tumor suppressor Programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) is correlated with better survival outcomes in several types of cancer. When PDCD4 is coexpressed with protein arginine methyltransferase 5, however, this trend does not hold true, suggesting that PDCD4 methylation is involved in the...Tumor suppressor proteins - Regulation2013-12
112 Hunter, SamuelSignaling Role of the Hamp Domain in the Escherichia Coli Serine ChemoreceptorThe chemoreceptor Tsr enables Escherichia coli to track serine gradients in its environment. Binding of serine to the periplasmic domain propagates a signaling conformational change through other domains of the chemoreceptor molecule to modulate the activity of CheA, a kinase associated with t...Chemoreceptors - Research2016-07
113 Andruski, Jordan JosephThe social contract of international politicsThe purpose of this research paper is to examine the extent to which states engage in the proposed idea of a currently forming international social contract and what effect have institutions had on this development. More specifically, the paper will examine the extent to which the development of int...Social contract; International relations2013-05
114 Trakhimets, AlesiaPre-clinical trials of anti-neoplastic drugs using zebrafish with T-cell cancerNote: To agree with NCBI nomenclature guidelines, human gene abbreviations are italicized and capitalized; human protein abbreviations are non-italicized and capitalized, and zebrafish gene abbreviations are italicized in lowercase. T lymphocytes, or T-cells, are blood cells that normally fight vira...Antineoplastic agents - Testing; Zebra danio2013-04
115 Beus, ZacharyPower system stabilizerThe goal of this project, part of the Power Industry Consortium, was to design a power system stabilizer for a small grid-connected three phase synchronous generator. Power System Stabilizers control the excitation of synchronous generators to reduce lowfrequency oscillations on the grid and increas...Voltage regulators; Power system stabilizers2015-05
116 Galvez, HeillyPorosity Control in Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Through Low Temperature Block Copolymer AnnealingPerovskite solar cells have gained popularity in recent years due to their simplicity in manufacturing. The aim of this work is to provide a direct means to increase perovskite solar cell efficiency by increasing the contact surface area between the perovskite and the electron-transfer material (ETM...2019
117 Chen, JiahuiPractical and Configurable Network Traffic Classification using Probabilistic Machine LearningNetwork traffic classification that is generally applicable and highly accurate is extremely valuable for many network security and management tasks. A flexible and easily configurable classification framework is ideal so it can be customized for use in many different networks. In this thesis we pro...2020
118 Newton, JamesSocial behaviors in the developing Danio Rerio larva and adult DanionellaLarval zebrafish (Danio rerio) in most respects excel as an animal model in the study of neural networks, due to their small size and optical transparency. These traits permit optogenetic manipulation and live neuronal imaging of the entire brain, which when paired with behavioral analysis, have pot...Zebrafish (Zebra danio) - behavior; Zebrafish - embryology; Zebrafish - physiology2016-04
119 Zamantakis, AlithiaInvisible bodies: LGBTQIA youth in the juvenile legal systemScholars, such as Michelle Alexandra and Angela Y. Davis, and activists alike have begun to voice the inequitable conditions through which people of color are funneled into the prison industrial complex and laws are racially biased, so as to relegate people of color to a space of invisibility. It is...Juvenile justice, Administration of - United States; GLBTQIA youth2015-09
120 Kaur, KimanThe Intersections of Gender, Race, and the Environment: How can Queer Ecology Shift Power and Place in Ecosystems?Colonization and colonialism in the United States (U.S.) create flawed social constructions of race and gender that perpetuate a hierarchical dominance of power based on one's identity. This hierarchy of power overwhelmingly marginalizes communities of color, especially womxn1 of color, while uplift...2018
121 Lewis, AlexJournaling as a central focus in the secondary classroomFor my thesis project, I have studied the role of journaling into a secondary language arts classroom. Everyone can learn about themselves through writing, and I have explored this idea further. We can learn a lot when we simply put our pens to paper and write what we already have within our minds,...Diaries - Authorship - Study and teaching (Secondary); Creative writing (Secondary education)2013-04
122 Rush, JacobThe Kantian concept of the person, rationality and Socrates' deathIn this paper, I consider Socrates' death sentence in The Apology and his choice to accept his death sentence in The Crito. I structure his choice in a Kantian manner. First, I argue that Socrates has a duty to himself, as a rational agent, to (a) act as a promisekeeping individual and (b) perform t...Socrates - Death and burial; Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1824 - Ethics2014-05
123 Haxhiu, ElirdThe labor market implications of unification between Albania and KosovoThis paper estimates the impact that political unification between the currently independent states of Albania and Kosovo would have on the labor markets in each country. Specifically, it analyzes and quantifies by analogy the propensity of workers in Kosovo to migrate to Albania seeking employment ...Albania - Economic conditions; Kosovo (Republic) - Economic conditions2014-04
124 Schmid, CheyenneJoint position sense in knee osteoarthritic patientsOsteoarthritis (OA) is a slow progressing degenerative joint disease affecting approximately 10% of the United States population. The incidence of OA increases with age due to the continual loading of the knee joint throughout life and is one of the main causes of chronic pain and disability in the ...Knee -- Diseases -- Exercise therapy; Osteoarthritis; Joint position sense2014-08
125 Jacobson, Brady RyanLate City Riders: an Attempt to Create a Capstone Project that Best Retains a Player's FocusThe most important quality a video game can possess is the ability to maintain a player's attention. The thousands of games developed over three decades all differ in intensity and emotional impact. An action game can be exhilarating, a horror game terrifying, a story based game emotionally taxing, ...
101 - 125 of 1,117