101 - 125 of 247
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101 Comstock, MackenzieThe Dilemma of Global Justice: Assessing Why the United States Has Not Joined the International Criminal CourtThe United States has long been called the policeman of the world, intervening in international conflicts in order to promote peace and security on a global scale. With such a history, why then, has the United States not joined the International Criminal Court? A key actor in the establishment of...International criminal courts - United States2016
102 Crapo, Micah L.Transitioning Control: Examining the Individual Differences Between Automatic and Controlled ProcessesTransitioning control is the process of switching attentional behaviors between voluntary (controlled attention) and involuntary (automaticity) cognition. The objective of this study was to examine individual differences in the ability to transition between automatic and controlled processes. In a r...2016
103 Zamantakis, AlithiaThe death of hetero and homo"The Death of Hetero/Homo" is a theoretical examination of the ways in which sexuality, love, and desire are not merely abstract, innate concepts but have very real consequences as weapons in the process of abjection, particularly of trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming individuals. As gender ...Sex (Psychology); Sex (Biology)2016-01
104 Murray, ClintKeynes as theorist and investorThere is an abundance of literature that extensively explicates how various factors, notably probability theory, influenced John Maynard Keynes's thinking and economic theories in regards to the behavior of financial markets and the agents making decisions in those markets. Commentators, however, ha...Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 - Criticism and interpretation2016-04
105 Hawkley, Jesse DeanMetropolitan divergence segregation patterns in New York and DetroitSegregation is usually defined in terms of limiting a certain ethnic group to a single area through discriminatory institutional practices like racially restrictive covenants or redlining. However, segregation is also affected by household decisions and demographic processes. Through the mid-twentie...Residential segregation - Detroit; Residential segregation - New York2016-04
106 Le, VanSocial externalities of community college educationIt has been repeatedly shown that increasing a person's level of education increases their income earning potential as well. This correlation is used to support recent tuition-subsidies for community college students that several states -such as Oregon and Tennessee -have begun to implement and t...Municipal universities and colleges2016-04
107 Esplin, JessCapital account liberalization & income inequality: 1980-2009In this paper, I examine the relationship between income distribution and the capital market account from 1980 to 2009 across a sample of developed and semi-developed countries. A review of the literature suggests that capital account liberalization raises income inequality. Several factors alleged ...Income distribution - Mathematical models2016-04
108 Powell, CheyenneThe unforgiven: Pathways to homelessnessHomelessness is a socially constructed problem. We as a society do not take the time to truly listen to the concerns of those who are still impact us in our day to day lives. In this current study, the use of qualitative data was analyzed to determine and understand pathways to homelessness. The pur...Homelessness - United States2016-04
109 Falvo, JamieDecomposition of ethnic wage gap in Utah and intermountain regionHispanic workers on average earn less than white workers in both Utah and the Intermountain region. Average wage disparities in Utah and the Intermountain region are largely similar in magnitude, with various socioeconomic factors affecting these wage disparities. However, little is known about the ...Income distribution - Utah; Wages - Utah2016-04
110 Greenberg, KevinThe effect the duration and location of rest breaks have on sustained attention and reaction timeHumans general system of sustained attention is susceptible to fatigue. The Attention Restoration Theory postulates when the system is fatigued exposure to natural environments may help to restore the fatigued resources. However, the duration and location of exposure needed is unknown, therefore the...Rest periods; Hours of labor2016-04
111 Victorine, PaigeExamining the DBT ways of coping checklist and therapist expectancies as predictors of success in DBT gift group participantsResearchers have long focused on which variables play a role in managing the stress-illness relationship, and more specifically, emotion dysregulation (Linehan, 1993; McCrae, 1984). The current study examined psychologically dysregulated individuals (n=22), who had been recommended by their primary...Dialectical behavior therapy2016-04
112 Hunter, LeaThe "tampon tax" public discourse of policies concerning menstrual tabooThe "tampon tax" is a policy in which feminine hygiene products are taxed as "luxury goods" despite the fact that many countries exempt "necessary goods" - such as basic groceries and medical products-from sales tax. In the summer of 2015, the Canadian parliament took steps to exempt feminine hygien...Women's rights - United States; Sales tax - Law and legislation2016-04
113 Reynolds, MiraGuilt and shame among military personnel and veterans who have experienced military sexual traumaObjective: Sexual trauma is more likely to result in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women than other types of trauma. Women who have suffered any form of trauma are also more likely to experience guilt and shame than men. However, less is known about the relationship of guilt and shame wit...Sexual violence - Military; Post-traumatic stress disorder - Research - United States2016-05
114 Pistorius, JordanThe operational code of presidential candidate Hillary ClintonOperational code analysis provides key insight into the fundamental views that influence the decision making process. In this paper, I explain the importance of operational code in regard to understanding how important leaders think and in forecasting their behavior in future decision making roles...Clinton, Hillary Rodham; Presidential candidates - United States; Women presidential2016-05
115 Hawkins, LisaThe social market: Commitment to responsibility in a changing generationAs the partisan divide in U.S. politics grows wider, actionable and proactive policy making becomes more difficult to achieve. To address growing social issues, then, a more flexible and evidence-based approach must be realized. In the last 40 years, the United States has employed varying levels of ...Public opinion; Social responsibility of business2016-05
116 Koronkowski, CharlesPrince Hall freemasonry: Forming a free African American communityBefore the foundation of the Prince Hall Freemasonic Order, the free black population in the United States was lacking a community and group identity. Rather, there existed a disjointed group of individuals kept at a perpetual distance from one another, both by societal pressures and by personal d...African American freemasonry - History2016-05
117 Stephens, EmilyDo children affect an abused parent's choice to seek treatment?Intimate partner abuse is a major problem especially when there are children present. In attempt to stop the cycle of abuse, it is of critical importance to understand the impact children have on the relationships and the decision making process of those involved. I am conducting research to see ...Family violence; Marital violence2016-05
118 Kirkegaard, MatthewTransboundary water conflict, cooperation, and regional integration: Mercosur and the La Plata BasinWater politics become diplomatic concerns when watersheds cross international borders. But how do these relationships between states change when the nature of these international borders themselves change through economic and political integration? The purpose of this study is to consider the relati...MERCOSUR (Organization); Water-supply - South America; Water-supply - Political aspects2016-05
119 Baker, MargaretComparative morphology of chenopodium berlandieri seeds and fruits from cowboy cave, Utah: implications for cultivation and domesticationThe ancient shift from collecting and gathering native plants to the cultivation and domestication of those species was one of the most significant evolutionary transitions in human history. Due to recent advancements in archaeological techniques, the geographic occurrences of prehistoric plant cul...Plants - Utah2016-05
120 Esposito, CamilaAxl Inhibitors for Pancreatic Cancer TreatmentBackground: In the United States more than 46,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Although it is relatively rare, pancreatic cancer is the 4th leading cause of cancer death in men and women. Gemcitabine, the most common treatment for pancreatic cancer has less than 10% partial respo...Pancreas - Cancer - Research2016-05
121 Gappmaier, AndreaRestorative justice: Refocusing the lens on the American criminal justice systemThe traditional punitive justice system has failed American citizens. The United States has over 25 percent of the world's prison population and when released, three in four offenders will be back in prison within five years of their release date. High costs, estranging members of society, and rac...Criminal justice, Administration of - United States2016-05
122 Dean, CourtneyFood Aid or Industry Subsidy? the Power Dynamics of How the U.S. Feeds the WorldIn the 1950s the United States passed Public Law 480 and officially took up the cause of international food aid. Today, the United States is the largest provider of food assistance in the world accounting for over 50% of all aid. While other counties have stepped back or shifted their commitments t...Public law - United States - History2016-08
123 Doxey, Lauren"An exact portrait of the people": the need for Gender Parity in U.S. congress for legitimate governmentThough women received the right to vote in 1919 with the ratification of the nineteenth amendment, women still hold few elected positions. In the United States Congress, women make up 19.4% of the body. When groups are not represented fully, this affects the quality of the representation they recei...Women legislators; United States; attitudes2016-08
124 Hynes, WilliamAudience Tailoring: Implications for Narrative IdentityIn the present study, I examined the extent and effect of audience tailoring in a sample of college-going emerging adults (n = 106). Participants reported four narratives for the researcher, and then edited them for mothers and friends, producing eight edited narratives each (n = 848 narratives) in ...2017
125 Lavelle, Mark E.Eeg time-Frequency Dynamics Associated with eye Blink SuppessionThe majority of individuals with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) experience fluctuating, involuntary sensations which build in intensity until tics are performed. These sensations, termed premonitory urges (PUs), are described both as general states of unease and somatotopically specific sensations like he...2017
101 - 125 of 247