101 - 125 of 134
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101 Kowaleski-Jones, Lori; Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Brown, Barbara B.; Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.Patterns of household food expenditures: a cluster analysisIn this study we use the Diary Survey component of the 2001 and 2002 Consumer Expenditure Survey to investigate patterns of household food expenditures. We identify eight constellations of food expenditures that are more and less likely to be associated with healthy eating habits. These clusters in...Diet; Fast food; Nutrition; Eating habits2007
102 Zick, Cathleen D.; Smith, Ken R.; Brown, Barbara B.; Kowaleski-Jones, LoriPhysical activity during the transition from adolescence to adulthoodWe examine how age, life course roles, and contextual variables relate to both the composition and the overall level of physical activity in late adolescence and early adulthood. Methods: Data on respondents age 15 to 29 y in the 2003 American Time Use Survey are used to estimate multivariate logist...Time use; Active leisure; Team sports; Active transportation; Physical activity2007
103 Brown, Barbara B.; Werner, Carol M.Walkable route perceptions and physical features: converging evidence for en-route walking experiencesGuided walks near a light rail stop in downtown Salt Lake City, UT, were examined using a 2 (gender) x 3 (route walkability: low, mixed, or high walkability features) design. Trained raters confirmed that more walkable segments had more traffic, environmental and social safety; pleasing aesthetics;...Guided walks; Walkability; Environmental aesthetics; Urban environment; Incivilities; Salt Lake City2007-01-01
104 Zick, Cathleen D.Over-scheduled or at loose ends? The shifting balance of adolescent time useLittle is known about the time use of American youth. In this study, time diary data from 1977-78 and 2003-05 are used to investigate time use in middle adolescence with the goals of ascertaining (1) changes in time use, (2) how socioeconomic and familial factors influence adolescent time allocation...Adolescents; Adolescent time use; Adolescent wages; Leisure2007-05-18
105 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Toward the development of an inventory of daily widowed life (IDWL): guided by the duel process model of coping with bereavementThe Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (Stroebe & Schut, 1999) suggests that the most effective adaptation involves oscillaton between two coping processes: loss-orientation (LO) and restoration-orientation (RO). A 22-item Inventory of Daily Widowed Life (IDWL) was developed to measure t...Bereavement; Grief reaction; Widowhood; Psychological orientation; Adaptation, Psychological2007-07
106 McDaniel, SusanWhy generation(s) matter(s) to policyGeneration is a packed social concept, with immense explanatory capacity and policy utility, yet it is a concept fraught with misunderstanding in both the social sciences and in popular usage. It is no less fraught in policy. This short overview paper has three objectives: • 1) to explore gener...Social policy; Aging; Generation2007-11-13
107 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Problems in the pipeline: gender, marriage, and fertility in the ivory towerWomen have traditionally fared worse than men in the workplace. In few places has this been more apparent than higher education (Jacobs, 1996). In 2003, women received 47% of PhDs awarded (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2005a) but comprised only 35% of tenured or tenure-track fac...Family; Career; Marital Status2008
108 Brown, Barbara B.; Werner, Carol M.Using accelerometer feedback to identify walking destinations, activity overestimates, and stealth exercise in obese and nonobese individualsAccelerometer output feedback might enable assessment of recall biases for moderate bouts by obese and nonobese individuals; accelerometry might also help residents recall destinations for moderate-intensity walking bouts. Methods: Adult residents' 1-week accelerometer-measured physical activity and...Accelerometer feedback; Walking destinations; Activity overestimates; Stealth exercise; Recall bias; Obese individuals; Nonobese individuals2008
109 Werner, Carol M.; Sansone, Carol; Brown, Barbara B.Guided group discussion and attitude change: the roles of normative and informational influenceGroup discussion has effectively changed attitudes and behaviors compared to individually-targeted messages (Lewin, 1952; Werner, 2003). This study examines the roles of normative and informational social influence in this effect. High school students heard a message about replacing toxic products w...Elaboration likelihood model; ELM; Waste reduction; Sustainability; Household hazardous waste; HHW; Toxic waste; Nontoxic alternatives; Group discussion2008-03
110 Yu, ZhouLeaving gateway metropolitan areas in the United States: immigrants and the housing marketImmigration is no longer a phenomenon that is simply affecting gateway metropolitan areas in the United States. This analysis demonstrates that large numbers of immigrants are moving to other metropolitan areas and analyzes the housing outcomes of households who currently live in the fourteen larges...Homeownership; Migrants; Households2008-05-01
111 Yu, ZhouImmigrants and housing markets in mid-size metropolitan areasThe recent trend of immigrants arriving in mid-size metropolitan areas has received growing attention in the literature. This study examines the success of immigrants in the housing markets of a sample 60 metropolitan areas using Census microdata in both 2000 and 2005. The results suggest that immig...2009
112 Yu, ZhouMisleading comparisons of homeownership rates between groups and over time: the effects of variable household formationDespite ominous signs of housing market stress, the homeownership rate reached an all time high in 2006. We seek to understand whether the conventional definition of homeownership, which is based on the share of households and ignores the effects of variable household formation, has confounded the a...2009
113 Yu, ZhouAssimilation and Rising Taiwanese Identity: Taiwan-born Immigrants in the United States, 1990-2000This study examines why a growing percentage of Taiwan-born immigrants in the U.S. have identified themselves as Taiwanese rather than ethnic Chinese in the U.S. decennial censuses between 1990 and 2000. The trend appears inconsistent with the assimilation theory, which postulates that ethnic groups...Taiwanese; immigration; identity; economic status; United States2009-06-01
114 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Alone in the ivory tower: how birth events vary among male and female fast-track professionalsWe use data from the 2000 Census Public Use Microsample to examine the likelihood of a birth event, defined as the household presence of a child under two years old, for male and female professionals. Physicians have the highest rate of birth events, followed in order by attorneys and academics. W...Fertility; Family; Occupation; Academic careers; Census2009-06-10
115 Zick, Cathleen D.Trends in Americans food-related time use: 1975-2006Objective: To describe how the time spent in food-related activities by Americans has changed over the past 30 years. Design: Data from four national time diary surveys, spanning 1975-2006, are used to construct estimates of trends in American adults' time spent in food-related activities. Multivari...2010-01-01
116 Yu, ZhouMisleading comparisons of homeownership rates when the variable effect of household formation is ignored: explaining rising homeownership and the homeownership gap between Blacks and AsiansDespite ominous signs of housing market stress in the U.S., the homeownership rate reached an all time high in 2006. The conventional definition of homeownership, which is based on the share of households and ignores the effects of variable household formation, confounds the measurement of "success"...2010-01-01
117 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Thanks for nothing: income and labor force participation for never-married mothers since 1982We examine the changing social and economic characteristics of women who give birth out of wedlock. Using Current Population Survey data collected between 1982 and 2002, we find that never-married mothers remain impoverished. Their income growth over these years was modest despite substantial gains ...2011
118 D'Astous, Valerie AnneGrandparents and their grandchildren with autism spectrum disorder: building bridges through technologyAutism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impaired social interactions, deficits in verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors or unusual or severely limited interests (American Psychiatric Association 2008). A child's autism diagnosis affect...2011
119 Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Wen, MingDisparities in healthcare utilization in China: do gender and migration status matter?Using a multi-stage cluster sampling approach, we collected healthcare and demographic data from 531migrants and 529 local urban residents aged 16-64 in Shanghai, China. Logistic regressions were used to analyze the relationship between gender-migration status and healthcare utilization while contr...2012
120 Zick, Cathleen D.The kids are all right: Generational differences in responses to the great recessionData from a university survey of 2,799 employees were examined to determine age cohort differences in retirement planning activities in the aftermath of the Great Recession. A life course approach and logistic regression were used to assess whether members of four different age cohorts altered their...2012-01-01
121 Diener, Marissa L.Kindergarten readiness and performance of Latino children participating in Reach Out and ReadBackground: Literacy is a vital skill that forms the basis for academic, occupational, and social success. Minority populations, especially immigrant Latinos in the US, have achievement gaps in literacy when compared to the White population. The Reach Out and Read (ROR) program is a pediatric, prima...2012-01-01
122 Zick, Cathleen D.Family, frailty, and fatal futures? Own-health and family-health predictors of subjective life expectancySubjective life expectancy is a powerful predictor of a variety of health and economic behaviors. This research expands upon the life expectancy literature by examining the influence of familial health histories. Using a genetic/environmental model, we hypothesize that individuals' assessments of th...2014-01-01
123 Brown, Barbara B.Adding maps (GPS) to accelerometry data to improve study participants recall of physical activity: a methodological advance in physical activity researchObjective Obtaining the ‘when, where and why' of healthy bouts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) provides insights into natural PA. Design In Salt Lake City, Utah, adults wore accelerometer and Global Positioning System (GPS) loggers for a week in a cross-sectional study to establis...2014-01-01
124 Smith, Ken R.A population-based study of childhood cancer survivors body mass indexPopulation-based studies are needed to estimate the prevalence of underweight or overweight/obese childhood cancer survivors. Procedure. Adult survivors (diagnosed ≤20 years) were identified from the linked Utah Cancer Registry and Utah Population Database. We included survivors currently aged ≥...2014-01-01
125 Smith, Ken R.The association between adult mortality risk and family history of longevity: the moderating effects of socioeconomic statusStudies consistently show that increasing levels of socioeconomic status (SES) and having a familial history of longevity reduce the risk of mortality. But do these two variables interact, such that individuals with lower levels of SES, for example, may experience an attenuated longevity penalty by ...2014-01-01
101 - 125 of 134