101 - 125 of 1,952
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101 Golden, Kenneth M.Critical behavior of transport in lattice and continuum percolation modelsIt has been observed that the critical exponents of transport in the continuum, such as in the Swiss cheese and random checkerboard models, can exhibit nonuniversal behavior, with values different than the lattice case. Nevertheless, it is shown here that the transport exponents for both lattice a...Ising model; Magnetization; Scaling1997
102 Olivera, Baldomero M.Uniquely selective inhibitor of the mammalian fetal neuromuscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptorWe have purified and characterized a novel conotoxin from the venom of Conus obscurus, which has the unique property of selectively and potently inhibiting the fetal form of the mammalian neuromuscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) (α1β1γδ-subunits). Although this conotoxin, αA-cono...Conotoxins; Conus obscurus; Fetal; Muscle; nAChR; Inhibitor; Receptor2005-01-19
103 Gesteland, Raymond F.Processing of adenovirus 2-induced proteinsAnalysis of (35)S-methionine-labeled extracts of adenovirus 2-infected KB cells revealed 22 virus-induced polypeptide components. Most proteins of the virion were easily detected in extracts of whole cells labeled for short periods between 15 and 30 h after infection; however, several virion compone...Adenoviridae; Viral Proteins; Protein Precursors; Methionine; Mouth Neoplasms1973
104 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogeny of the Cyphomandra clade of the genus Solanum (Solanaceae) based on ITS sequence data13 major clades can be recognized within the genus Solatium (Solanaceae) based on chloroplast DNA sequence data. One of these is the Cyphomandra clade, which includes about 50 neotropical species. These have traditionally been placed into two or three sections: S. section Pachyphylla (formerly recog...Cyphomandra; ITS; osmophores; self-incompatibility; Solanum2007
105 Dearing, Maria-Denise[Dearing_Database_Pilot][Database deposited March 08, 2013, as part of a pilot project, eResearch Committee, University of Utah.] [This description should include information that explains the dataset in detail in a manner that would be useful to potential reuse. The contact information for the primary investigator should ...[Creator keywords here.]2013-03-08
106 Goller, FranzVorkommen und Brut des Bienenfressers (Merops apiaster) in Osttirol (Österreich) (Aves: Meropidae)Synopsis: The first record of Bee-eater for the Eastern Tyrol is imparted by KL1MSCH (1950), three further observations are mentioned. In 1983 a breeding place was discovered near Lavant in about 650 m NN. Feeding adults were watched on the 11th and 12th of August. The breeding place is briefly desc...Merops apiaster; Meropidae; Tyrol1984
107 Boehme, ChristophElectrical detection of spin coherence in siliconExperimental evidence is presented showing that photocurrents in silicon can be used as highly sensitive readout probes for coherent spin states of localized electrons, the prime candidates for quantum bits in various semiconductor based quantum computer concepts. Conduction electrons are subjected ...Spin coherence; Electronic transitions; Rabi oscillation2003-12
108 Olivera, Baldomero M.; McIntosh, J. Michael; Hillyard, David R.A-superfamily of conotoxins: structural and functional divergenceThe generation of functional novelty in proteins encoded by a gene superfamily is seldom well documented. In this report, we define the A-conotoxin superfamily, which is widely expressed in venoms of the predatory cone snails (Conus), and show how gene products that diverge considerably in stru...Conotoxins; A-superfamily conotoxin2004-02-03
109 Shapiro, Michael D.Adaptive evolution of pelvic reduction in sticklebacks by recurrent deletion of a Pitx1 enhancerThe molecular mechanisms underlying major phenotypic changes that have evolved repeatedly in nature are generally unknown. Pelvic loss in different natural populations of threespine stickleback fish has occurred by regulatory mutations deleting a tissue-specific enhancer of the Pituitary homeobox t...Adaptive evolution; Pelvic reduction; Pituitary homeobox transcription factor 1; Pitx1; Gasterosteus aculeatus2010-01-14
110 Mishchenko, EugeneOptical conductivity of a two-dimensional electron liquid with spin-orbit interactionThe interplay of electron-electron interactions and spin-orbit coupling leads to a new contribution to the homogeneous optical conductivity of the electron liquid. The latter is known to be insensitive to many-body effects for a conventional electron system with parabolic dispersion. The parabolic...Optical conductivity; Electron liquid; Spin-orbit coupling2006-08
111 Miller, Joel StevenPhotoelectron spectra of transition-metal carbonyl complexes: comparison with the spectra of adsorbed COThe uv and x-ray photoelectron spectra of carbon monoxide and transition-metal (TM) carbonyl complexes have been studied. The systematic changes in these spectra were recorded as the number of metal atoms in the complexes was increased and as the bonding configuration of the CO changed. The observat...TM carbonyl complexes; electron binding energies; metal atoms1978
112 Capecchi, Mario R.Fundamental cellular processes do not require vertebrate-specific sequences within the TATA-binding protein.The 180-amino acid core of the TATA-binding protein (TBPcore) is conserved from Archae bacteria to man. Vertebrate TBPs contain, in addition, a large and highly conserved N-terminal region that is not found in other phyla. We have generated a line of mice in which the tbp allele is replaced with a v...Mice, Knockout; Cells, Cultured; Fibroblasts; Embryo2003-02-21
113 Vardeny, Zeev ValentinePicosecond optical time-of-flight studies of carrier transport in α-Si:H/α-SiNx:H multilayersWe report time-of-flight experiments in the time range from 0.2 psec to 1.8 nsec in 0-Si:H-a-SiNx:H multilayer structures using a purely optical technique. The transport mechanism of photoexcited carriers is shown to be dispersive and its characteristic parameters are determined in the temperature r...Time-of-flight; Amorphous silicon; Carrier transport; Photoexcited carriers1987-09
114 Capecchi, Mario R.Hox group 3 paralogous genes act synergistically in the formation of somitic and neural crest-derived structures.Hox genes encode transcription factors that are used to regionalize the mammalian embryo. Analysis of mice carrying targeted mutations in individual and multiple Hox genes is beginning to reveal a complex network of interactions among these closely related genes which is responsible for directing th...Abnormalities, Multiple; Gene Targeting; Glossopharyngeal Nerve; Mice, Knockout; Morphogenesis1997-12-15
115 Linton, Matthew J.Magnitude and mechanisms of disequilibrium between predawn plant and soil water potentialsPredawn plant water potential (Uw, measured with leaf psychrometers) and surrogate measurements made with the pressure chamber (termed Upc here) are used to infer comparative ecological performance, based on the expectation that these plant potentials reflect the wettest soil Uw accessed by roots. T...Roots; Transpiration; Solutes2003
116 Mattis, Daniel C.Theory of paramagnetic impurities in semiconductorsIn this paper, a model of a paramagnetic impurity in a semiconductor (or of an F' center in an alkali halide) is proposed. It is an exactly soluble form of the quantum-mechanical 3-body problem. Specifically, we deal with 2 interacting particles in any number of dimensions in an attractive external ...Paramagnetic impurities; Eigenstates1966
117 Mishchenko, EugeneFrequency dependence of the photonic noise spectrum in an absorbing or amplifying diffusive mediumA theory is presented for the frequency dependence of the power spectrum of photon current fluctuations originating from a disordered medium. Both the cases of an absorbing medium ("grey body") and of an amplifying medium ("random laser") are considered in a waveguide geometry. The semiclassical ap...Random laser; Noise power spectrum; Frequency dependence; Waveguide geometry2001-01
118 Adler, Frederick R.Alternating host cell tropism shapes the persistence, evolution and coexistence of Epstein-Barr virus infections in humanEpstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects and can persist in a majority of people worldwide. Within an infected host, EBV targets two major cell types, B cells and epithelial cells, and viruses emerging from one cell type preferentially infect the other. We use mathematical models to understand why EBV infec...2011
119 Gerton, JordanSinglet s-wave scattering lengths of 6Li and 7LiPhotoassociation of ultracold lithium atoms into bound vibrational levels of the A 1Σu+ excited state is used to probe the X1Σg+ ground-state interaction potential of 6Li2 and 7Li2 . It had been predicted that the s-wave photoassociation signal strength would pass through a minimum as a function...1996-06
120 Gerton, JordanTip-enhanced fluorescence microscopy at 10 nanometer resolutionWe demonstrate unambiguously that the field enhancement near the apex of a laser-illuminated silicon tip decays according to a power law that is moderated by a single parameter characterizing the tip sharpness. Oscillating the probe in intermittent contact with a semiconductor nanocrystal strongly...2004-10
121 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Gray, William RobertContryphan is a D-tryptophan-containing Conus peptideIn this report, we document for the first time the occurrence of D-tryptophan in a normally translated polypeptide, contryphan. The peptide, isolated from the venom of the fish-hunting marine snail Conus radiatus, produces the "stiff-tail" syndrome in mice.Conotoxins; Contryphan; D-tryptophan; Conus peptides; Conus radiatus; Stiff-tail syndrome1996
122 Lupton, John MarkLinewidth-limited energy transfer in single conjugated polymer moleculesUsing low temperature single molecule spectroscopy on rigid-rod conjugated polymers we are able to identify homogeneously broadened, strongly polarized emission from individual chromophore units on a single chain. Gated fluorescence spectroscopy allows real time imaging of intramolecular energy tran...Linewidth-limited; Energy transfer; Rigid-rod; Single molecule spectroscopy; Gated fluorescence spectroscopy; Chromophores; Intramolecular energy transfer; Spectral linewidth2003-12
123 Goller, FranzRespiratory motor correlates of song plasticity in young adult zebra finchesYoung adult zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata, 90150 phd) sing a stereotyped song, but can show rapid changes in song structure if sensory feedback is disrupted. The vocal motor correlates accompanying induced song plasticity have not yet been examined. To investigate motor changes underlying song ...Pattern; Muting; Sound2002
124 Kieda, David B.Overview of the ANITA projectThe ANITA project is designed to investigate ultra-high energy (>1017 eV) cosmic ray interactions throughout the universe by detecting the neutrinos created in those interactions. These high energy neutrinos are detectable through their interactions within the Antarctic ice sheet, which ANITA will u...ANITA; Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna; High energy neutrinos; Antarctica; Balloon2003
125 Miller, Joel StevenSynthesis, structural, and magnetic characterization of substituted benzoimidazole-l-yl N,N'-dioxidesThe crystal structures, EPR spectra and magnetic properties of the novel halogen- and cyano-substituted nitronyl nitroxide radicals 2-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)benzimidazolyl N,N'-dioxide, 6, 2-(2,6-difluorophenyl)benzimidazolyl N,N'- dioxide, 7, 2-(2-chloro-6-fluorophenyl)benzimidazolyl N,N'-dioxide, 8,...Organic; Ferromagnetic; Coupling2004
101 - 125 of 1,952