101 - 125 of 193
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101 Beams, AlexanderImplications of antibiotic use for co-infections when a fitness trade-off for resistance is presentHow much does indiscriminate antibiotic use promote the spread of antibiotic-resistant infections in a population? Assuming a fitness trade-off for resistance exists, it is possible for an antibiotic-vulnerable strain to outlast a resistant type within an untreated host carrying both. That means pru...Drug resistance in microorganisms -- Mathematical models Co-infections2015
102 Owen, Cameron J.Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy and Guided Ion Beam Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Experimental and Theoretical investigations of Transition Metal and Lanthandie CationsEmployment of Free Electron Lasers (FELs) and a Guided Ion Beam Tandem Mass Spectrometer (GIBMS) has allowed for the spectroscopic and spectrometric investigations of a variety of ionic complexes, respectively. The data presented in Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis were obtained using two FELs locate...2019
103 Hansen, MasonInterferon gamma inducible nampt and its role in resisting cancer cell growthThe tumor microenvironment (TME) is very complex and important due to its ability to influence the response of therapies on tumors. Immune cells infiltrate the TME and secrete inflammatory cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFNg), which help activate the immune system. This activation leads to an ...2023
104 Allam, JeremyLow-energy satellite transfer from Earth to MarsA new type of satellite transfer that uses half the amount of fuel as conventional transfers has been discovered. This transfer, called a low-energy transfer, proved to work in 1991 when a Japanese satellite successfully went in orbit around the moon using this technique. Since then, more research h...Space vehicles -- Dynamics -- Mathematics Space flight to Mars -- Mathematics2015-04
105 Wallace, Joshua J.Lyman-alpha emission as a probe of galaxy environmentsAs a result of resonant scatterings off hydrogen atoms, Lya emission from star-forming galaxies provides a potential probe of the neutral gas environment around them. In order to determine the utility of Lya emission as a probe of gas environments we study the effects of environmental anisotropy on ...Galaxies - Spectra2014-05
106 Zurbuchen, RudiMacrocyclization of glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) by thiol-ene reactionMacrocyclization of peptides helps maintain a stable alpha helical structure using a conformational constraining staple. One such peptide, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), is a 37 amino acid peptide agonist for the GLP-1 receptor and has the ability to lower blood glucose levels and is responsible ...Peptide hormones - Receptors - Research; Ring formation (Chemistry) - Research; Macrocyndization; GLP-1; Swim kinematics; Pre-pulse inhibition2016-05
107 Pearson, CassidyMajor Urinary Protiens as a signal of genetic Quality and Infection statusThe Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis suggests that susceptibility to infectious disease is so important that many physical traits, particularly secondary sexual characters, will evolve to signal genetic quality for resistance to prospective mates. We expanded upon this theory using the house mouse (Mus muscu...2018
108 Shimko, TylerMapping suppressors of premature sperm activation in C. ElegansThe sperm of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans move by a crawling motion, in contrast to mammalian sperm, which exhibit a swimming motion. This method of locomotion makes the sperm of C. elegans an excellent model for examining cell motility. In order to become motile, the sperm must undergo the ...Caenorhabditis elegans -- Spermatozoa; Sperm activation2015-05
109 Tang, AnnaMathematical model of drug resistance in ER+ breast Cancer: the role of the microenvironmentOne of the main obstacles to treating cancer is its ability to evolve and resist treatment. In this project, we are primarily interested mathematically modeling how the cancer microenvironment interacts with cancer cells and affects cancer's response to therapy. We aim to develop the mathematical mo...2023
110 Youatt, Catherine C.Mathematics in Visual Art and BalletCultures all over the globe utilize both mathematics and ballet to understand the world and to express their distinct realities. In this way, mathematics and art interact, both with math creating new visual art fields, like fractal artworks, and with art influencing mathematics, as with Renaissance ...2019
111 Guernsey, MichaelMclr is not solely responsible for pigmentation variation among domestic pigeonsFeather pigmentation in the domesticated rock pigeon, Columba livia, is stunningly diverse. Plumage pigmentation in this, and other, columbid (pigeon and dove) species plays an important role in mate choice and thus is a driving factor in the process of sexual selection. To study the genetic basis o...2012
112 Franchina, Jordan AveryMeasurement of bond dissociation energies of transition metal moleculesMeasuring thermochemical and kinetic properties of chemical systems has always; been a central theme of chemistry. Knowing these properties assists us in assessing; whether or not a chemical reaction is energetically feasible, efficient, and worthwhile.; Theoretical chemistry has now developed suffi...Chemical systems; thermochemical; kinetic; modeling2018-04
113 Green, AustinMeasuring occupancy and occurrence of medium and large mammals in Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area using motion-activated camera trapsWith expanding urbanization and development, human encroachment on wilderness areas continues to increase. In Utah, much of the once pristine and untouched mountain ecosystems of the Wasatch Front have been developed for recreation and other human use, and this increasing human-wildlife interaction...Red Butte Canyon (Salt Lake County, Utah); Wilderness area monitoring - United States; Wildlife conservation - Utah
114 Wang, AlisonMechanistic studies of the electroanalytic reduction of CO2 TO CO: A BPY-MN(CO)3Coome modelTransition-metal electrocatalysts have previously been shown to convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide, which is promising for future energy schemes. Recent efforts have focused on (N^N)Mn(CO)3X complexes due to their performance and exclusion of expensive metals (X = anionic ligand, N^N = bident...2023
115 Johnson, DylanModular forms, Elliptic Curves, and Their Connection to Fermat's Last TheoremFermat's Last Theorem (FLT) states that if n is an integer greater than three, the equation xn + yn = zn has no integer solutions with xyz 6= 0. This incredible statement eluded proof for over three-hundred years: in that time, mathematicians developed numerous tools which finally proved FLT in 1995...2020
116 Astin, Holly M.Modulating Intestinal Liver X Receptor Activity to Alter the Development of Atherosclerosis in Zebrafish2016
117 Astin, M. HollyModulating Intestinal Liver X Receptor Activity to Alter the Development of Atherosclerosis in ZebrafishThe liver X receptors (LXRs) are important regulators of lipid and cholesterol metabolism and control diverse pathways in development, reproduction, metabolism, immunity and inflammation. Thus, LXRs have potential as therapeutic targets for diseases as diverse as lipid disorders, atherosclerosis...Liver X receptors - Research; Zebrafish - genetics2016-08
118 Rou, JanvidaMonte-Carlo simulation of stellar intensity interferometryStellar intensity interferometers will allow for achieving stellar imaging with a tenth of a milli-arcsecond resolution in the optical band by taking advantage of the large light collecting area and broad range of inter-telescope distances offered by future gamma-ray Air Cherenkov Telescope (ACT) ar...Monte Carlo simulation2012-05
119 Scholl, WallisNanomite-Decorated Nanoparticles as Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopy SubstratedSurface-enhanced spectroscopy substrates utilize the localized surface plasmon resonance of nanoparticles for optical, photocatalysis, and biological and chemical sensing applications. Plasmonic anisotropic nanoparticles with sharp tips focus the electromagnetic field of the localized surface plasmo...2020
120 Kroll, TylerNumerical floating-point code: precision-independence, base-independence, and other programming considerationsThe knowledge and skills of the floating-point-literate mathematician are seldom lauded, though central to the art of translating the world of mathematics into the language of computers. This thesis highlights the importance of floatingpoint literacy through various high-utility techniques relevant ...2020
121 Halberg, CharlesOn causality in machine learningAlthough the studies of causal inference and machine learning arose independently, there are emerging intersections which are proving fruitful for both fields. One of the major modern challenges in AI is to develop robust, generalizable models which can perform across a number of different tasks wit...2022
122 Copinga, AidanOptimal transport and applications in partial differential equationsIn the 18th century, Gaspard Monge created a mathematical framework to find the best way to describe the optimal way to rearrange the dirt dug out from the land into castle walls or other desired shapes. More recently, in the 20th century, Leonid Kantorovich explored infinite dimensional optimizatio...2022
123 Fullmer, Alexander T.Optimization of gamma/hadron separation under variable source intensities and energy spectraThe High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) gamma-ray observatory consists of an array of water Cherenkov tanks that can detect extensive air showers (EAS) generated by astrophysical cosmic rays and gamma rays. One of the greatest challenges in using the HAWC observatory to search for astrophysical gam...Gamma ra sources - Observations; Cosmic rays - Observations; Gamma ray astronomy - Research2014-05
124 Cowley, JacobOptimization of total synthesis of indolizidine alkaloids VIA nickel catalyzed (4 + 2) cyclization utilizing silyl and stannyl alkynesIn order to expand the versatility of the synthetic route to naturally occurring indolizidine alkaloids previously developed in the Louie Group, a path was developed using a bicyclic azetidinone to produce indolizidine alkaloids such as (+)-seco-antofine. However, due to the asymmetric nature of the...2021
125 Radhakrishnan, ParvathiPI3K inhibitors as potential new therapy against breast cancer progressionReceptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and their pleiotropic effectors play key roles in metastasis. Met and Ron are RTKs that have been shown to contribute to tumor growth and metastasis in both animal models and in patients. Recently, an alternative Ron isoform known as "short-form" Ron (sfRon) was asso...Breast - Cancer - Treatment - Research; Protein - tyrosine kinase - inhibitors - Therapeutic use; Enzyme inhibitors - Therapeutic use. - Research; Biology - Research2014-05
101 - 125 of 193