101 - 125 of 1,959
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101 Scarpulla, MichaelInvestigation of combinatorial coevaporated thin film Cu 2ZnSnS4. I. Temperature effect, crystalline phases, morphology, and photoluminescenceCu2ZnSnS4 is a promising low-cost, nontoxic, earth-abundant absorber material for thin-film solar cell applications. In this study, combinatorial coevaporation was used to synthesize individual thin-film samples spanning a wide range of compositions at low (325 C) and high (475 C) temperatures. Film...2014-01-01
102 Scarpulla, MichaelSurface stoichiometry of pulsed ultraviolet laser treated polycrystalline CdTeThe effects of nanosecond pulsed ultraviolet laser annealing on the surface stoichiometry of close-space sublimated polycrystalline thin films are investigated using angle-resolved x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The raw data suggest the formation of a Cd-rich surface layer, but this is coun...2014-01-01
103 Stevens, KennethModelling mixed 4phase pipelines: structures and patternsThis paper presents an exploration of the design space for homogeneous and mixed 4phase asynchronous linear pipelines. We extend previously published results by uncovering their complete ordered design space, demonstrate relationships between the latter's governing lattice structures, tabulating the...2014-01-01
104 Regehr, JohnCause reduction for quick testingAbstract-In random testing, it is often desirable to produce a "quick test" - an extremely inexpensive test suite that can serve as a frequently applied regression and allow the benefits of random testing to be obtained even in very slow or oversubscribed test environments. Delta debugging is an alg...2014-01-01
105 Berzins, MartinSystematic debugging methods for large-scale HPC computational frameworksParallel computational frameworks for high-performance computing are central to the advancement of simulation-based studies in science and engineering. Finding and fixing bugs in these frameworks can be time consuming. If left unchecked, these bugs diminish the amount of new science performed. A sys...2014-01-01
106 Eddings, Eric G.The potential of on-line optical flow measurement in the control and monitoring of pilot-scale oxy-coal flamesDigital image processing techniques oer a wide array of tools capable of extracting apparent displacement or velocity information from sequences of images of moving objects. Optical flow algorithms have been widely used in areas such as traffic monitoring and surveillance. The knowledge of instantan...2014-01-01
107 Smith, Philip J.Reduced-order PCA models for chemical reacting flowsOne of the most challenging aspects of turbulent combustion research is the development of reduced-order combustion models which can accurately reproduce the physics of the real system. The identification and utilization of the low dimensional manifolds in these system is paramount to understand and...2014-01-01
108 Tiwari, AshutoshOxides for spintronics: a review of engineered materials for spin injectionIn this article we have reviewed the role of oxides in spintronics research, and specifically how these materials stand to further improve the efficiencies and capabilities of spin injection for active spintronic device development. The use of oxides in spintronics is advantageous in that they are s...2014-01-01
109 Berzins, MartinInvestigating applications portability with the Uintah DAG-based runtime system on PetaScale supercomputersPresent trends in high performance computing present formidable challenges for applications code using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or co-processors and reduced memory while still attaining scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a ...2013-01-01
110 Kirby, Robert MichaelA scalable, efficient scheme for evaluation of stencil computations over unstructured meshesStencil computations are a common class of operations that appear in many computational scientific and engineering applications. Stencil computations often benefit from compile-time analysis, exploiting data-locality, and parallelism. Post-processing of discontinuous Galerkin (dG) simulation solutio...2013-01-01
111 Liu, FengOrbit- and atom-resolved spin textures of intrinsic, extrinsic, and hybridized Dirac cone statesCombining first-principles calculations and spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements, we identify the helical spin textures for three different Dirac cone states in the interfaced systems of a two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator (TI) of a Bi(111) bilayer and a three-di...2014-01-01
112 Scarpulla, MichaelEffects of sodium on electrical properties in Cu2ZnSnS4 single crystalWe have studied the effect of sodium on the electrical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) single crystal by using temperature dependence of Hall effect measurement. The sodium substitution on the cation site in CZTS is observed from the increasing of unit-cell size by powder X-ray diffraction. Sodium in...2014-01-01
113 Hansen, Charles D.Interactive rendering and efficient querying for large multivariate seismic volumes on consumer level PCsWe present a volume visualization method that allows interactive rendering and efficient querying of large multivariate seismic volume data on consumer level PCs. The volume rendering pipeline utilizes a virtual memory structure that supports out-of-core mul- tivariate multi-resolution data and a GP...2013-01-01
114 Stevens, KennethAutomatic addition of reset in asynchronous sequential control circuitsAsynchronous finite state machines (AFSMs) usually require initialization to place them in a desired starting state. This normally occurs by toggling a reset signal upon power-up. This paper presents an algorithm to automatically generate power-up reset circuitry thus adding reset to an AFSM after t...2014-01-01
115 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.From chips to dust: the MEMS shatter secure chipThis paper presents the implementation of a transience mechanism for silicon microchips via low-temperature post-processing steps that transform almost any electronic, optical or MEMS substrate chips into transient ones. Transience is achieved without any hazardous or explosive materials. Triggered ...2014-01-01
116 Scarpulla, MichaelPulsed laser induced ohmic back contact in CdTe solar cellsCreating an ohmic back contact has long been a problem for making efficient CdTe solar cells. Current devices utilize some combination of preferential chemical etching, buffer layer, and Cu doping with additional cost, time, and complexity added for each step. In this Letter, these processes are esc...2014-01-01
117 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshEfficient search for inputs causing high floating-point errorsTools for floating-point error estimation are fundamental to program understanding and optimization. In this paper, we focus on tools for determining the input settings to a floating point routine that maximizes its result error. Such tools can help support activities such as precision allocation, p...2014-01-01
118 Stevens, KennethEnhanced SDC support for relative timing designs2009-01-01
119 Tasdizen, TolgaThree-dimensional alignment and merging of confocal microscopy stacksWe describe an efficient, robust, automated method for image alignment and merging of translated, rotated and flipped confocal microscopy stacks. The samples are captured in both directions (top and bottom) to increase the SNR of the individual slices. We identify the overlapping region of the two s...2013-01-01
120 Venkatasubramanian, SureshTrack estimation using link line crossing information in wireless networksDevice-free or non-cooperative localization uses the changes in signal strength measured on links in a wireless network to estimate a person's position in the network area. Existing methods provide an instantaneous coordinate estimate via radio tomographic imaging or location fingerprinting. In this...2013-01-01
121 Yang, HaoriDetection of hidden materials using nuclear resonance fluorescence technique: simulation and measurementsAbstract-The measured value of the 2.176 MeV 238U Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) peak count rate were compared with simulation results. The simulation methods studied include GEANT4, MCNP5 and MCNPX. The simulation results were found out to be consistent but one order of magnitude higher than ...2010-01-01
122 Mathews, V. JohnPerceptually lossless image compressionThis paper presents an algorithm for perceptually lossless image compression. A compressed image is said to be perceptually lossless for a specified viewing distance if the reconstructed image and the original image appear identical to human observers when viewed from the specified distance. Our app...1998-01-01
123 Tasdizen, TolgaWatershed merge forest classification for electron microscopy image stack segmentationAutomated electron microscopy (EM) image analysis techniques can be tremendously helpful for connectomics research. In this paper, we extend our previous work [1] and propose a fully automatic method to utilize inter-section information for intra-section neuron segmentation of EM image stacks. A wat...2013-01-01
124 Henderson, Thomas C.Target localization and autonomous navigation using wireless sensor networks -a pseudogradient algorithm approachAutonomous mobile robots (AMRs) operating in unknown environments face twin challenges: 1) localization and 2) efficient directed navigation. This paper describes a two-tiered approach to solving these challenges: 1) by developing novel wireless-sensor-network (WSN)-based localization methods and 2)...2014-01-01
125 Mathews, V. JohnParallel-cascade realizations and approximations of truncated volterra systemsThis paper introduces parallel-cascade realizations of truncated Volterra systems with arbitrary, but finite order of nonlinearity. Parallel-cascade realizations implement higher-order Volterra systems using parallel and multiplicative combinations of lower-order Volterra systems. Such realizations ...1996-01-01
101 - 125 of 1,959