101 - 125 of 1,959
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101 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshVisual analysis of uncertainties in ocean forecasts for planning and operation of off-shore structuresWe present a novel integrated visualization system that enables interactive visual analysis of ensemble simulations used in ocean forecasting, i.e, simulations of sea surface elevation. Our system enables the interactive planning of both the placement and operation of off-shore structures. We illust...2013-01-01
102 Cohen, ElaineVolume rendering with multidimensional peak findingPeak finding provides more accurate classification for direct volume rendering by sampling directly at local maxima in a transfer function, allowing for better reproduction of high-frequency features. However, the 1D peak finding technique does not extend to higherdimensional classification. In this...2012-01-01
103 Wan, YongInteractive extraction of neural structures with user-guided morphological diffusionExtracting neural structures with their fine details fromconfocal volumes is essential to quantitative analysis in neurobiology research. Despite the abundance of various segmentation methods and tools, for complex neural structures, both manual and semi-automatic methods are ineffective either in f...2012-01-01
104 Stevens, KennethInterfacing synchronous and asynchronous domains for open core protocolIntellectual property (IP) blocks are connected in a system on chip using a bus or network-on-chip (NoC). IP reuse is facilitated by the modularity that results when using common interfaces between the IP cores and the bus or NoC. This paper investigates and implements several versions of one of the...2014-01-01
105 Khan, Faisal HabibInterconnection and optimization issues of multijunction solar cells - A new mitigation approach using switching power convertersA multijunction solar cell can extract higher solar energy compared to a single junction solar cell using the spectrum splitting technique. Extensive research on efficiency enhancement of the solar cells to achieve near theoretical limit is in place. However, there are limited research activities to...2012-01-01
106 Hansen, Charles D.Interactive rendering and efficient querying for large multivariate seismic volumes on consumer level PCsWe present a volume visualization method that allows interactive rendering and efficient querying of large multivariate seismic volume data on consumer level PCs. The volume rendering pipeline utilizes a virtual memory structure that supports out-of-core mul- tivariate multi-resolution data and a GP...2013-01-01
107 Pascucci, ValerioMapping applications with collectives over sub-communicators on torus networksThe placement of tasks in a parallel application on specific nodes of a supercomputer can significantly impact performance. Traditionally, this task mapping has focused on reducing the distance between communicating tasks on the physical network. This minimizes the number of hops that point-to-point...2012-01-01
108 Furse, Cynthia M.Measurement and modeling of multiuser multiantenna system in aircraft in the presence of electromagnetic noise and interferenceThis paper evaluates the accuracy with which the performance of a multi-user multi-antenna system can be predicted with and without considering co-channel interference and noise (Gaussian, α- stable and Cauchy) using a site-specific 3D ray-tracing algorithm as well as with statistical models with G...2011-01-01
109 Khan, Faisal HabibMaximum power point tracking of stirling generator and ocean wave energy conversion systems using a two-stage power converterWave energy has become one of the most promising renewable energy resources nowadays. By using a linear generator/alternator, the periodic piston motion of the wave energy conversion system (WEC) can be converted to AC voltage with variable RMS amplitude and frequency; this process is comparable to ...2013-01-01
110 Kirby, Robert Michael IIElVis: A system for the accurate and interactive visualization of high-order finite element solutionsThis paper presents the Element Visualizer (ElVis), a new, open-source scientific visualization system for use with high order finite element solutions to PDEs in three dimensions. This system is designed to minimize visualization errors of these types of fields by querying the underlying finite ele...2012-01-01
111 Regehr, JohnEfficient memory safety for TinyOSReliable sensor network software is difficult to create: applications are concurrent and distributed, hardware-based memory protection is unavailable, and severe resource constraints necessitate the use of unsafe, low-level languages. Our work improves this situation by providing efficient memory an...2007-01-01
112 Regehr, JohnEliminating the call stack to save RAMMost programming languages support a call stack in the programming model and also in the runtime system.We show that for applications targeting low-power embedded microcontrollers (MCUs), RAM usage can be significantly decreased by partially or completely eliminating the runtime callstack. We presen...2009-01-01
113 Scarpulla, MichaelElectron backscatter diffraction and photoluminescence of sputtered CdTe thin filmsElectron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) has been used to characterize the grain size, grain boundary structure, and texture of sputtered CdTe at varying deposition pressures before and after CdCl2 treatment in order to correlate performance with film microstructure. It is known that twin boundaries ...2011-01-01
114 Liu, FengElectronic strengthening of graphene by charge dopingGraphene is known as the strongest 2D material in nature, yet we show that moderate charge doping of either electrons or holes can further enhance its ideal strength by up to 17%, based on first-principles calculations. This unusual electronic enhancement, versus conventional structural enhancement,...2012-01-01
115 Simpson, Jamesina J.ELF radar system proposed for localized D-region ionospheric anomaliesThis letter proposes a novel extremely low frequency (ELF) radar for localized D-region (altitude < 95 km) ionospheric anomalies that have been generated by natural geophysical processes. The proposed system would use the former U.S. Navy Wisconsin Transmitting Facility as a distant well-characteriz...2006-01-01
116 Tiwari, AshutoshGarnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12 electrolyte prepared by a solution-based technique for lithium ion batteryHigh quality garnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12 solid electrolyte was synthesized using a solution-based technique. The electrolyte pellets were sintered at 900 oC, resulting in tetragonal phase, which then transformed to cubic phase after annealing at 1230 oC. The ionic conductivity of both phases was studie...2012-01-01
117 Regehr, JohnHelp, help, Im being suppressed the significance of suppressors in software testingAbstract-Test features are basic compositional units used to describe what a test does (and does not) involve. For example, in API-based testing, the most obvious features are function calls; in grammar-based testing, the obvious features are the elements of the grammar. The relationship between fea...2013-01-01
118 Regehr, JohnHierarchical schedulers, performance guarantees, and resource managementAn attractive approach to scheduling applications with diverse CPU scheduling requirements is to use different schedulers for different applications. For example: real-time schedulers allow applications to perform computations before deadlines, time-sharing schedulers provide high throughput for com...1999-01-01
119 Berzins, MartinInvestigating applications portability with the Uintah DAG-based runtime system on PetaScale supercomputersPresent trends in high performance computing present formidable challenges for applications code using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or co-processors and reduced memory while still attaining scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a ...2013-01-01
120 Scarpulla, MichaelInvestigation of combinatorial coevaporated thin film Cu 2ZnSnS4 (II): Beneficial cation arrangement in Cu-rich growthCu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZTSSe) is an earth-abundant semiconductor with potential for economical photovoltaic power generation at terawatt scales. In this work, we use Raman scattering to investigate phase coexistence in combinatorial CZTS thin films grown at 325 or 470 C. The surface of the samples grown a...2014-01-01
121 Liu, FengInterplay between quantum size effect and strain effect on growth of nanoscale metal thin filmsWe develop a theoretical framework to investigate the interplay between the quantum size effect (QSE) and strain effect on the stability of metal nanofilms. The QSE and strain effect are shown to be coupled through the concept of quantum electronic stress. First-principles calculations reveal large ...2012-01-01
122 Simpson, Jamesina J.Introducing a new method for FDTD modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in magnetized plasmaComputational investigations of electromagnetic wave propagation in the upper atmosphere are important for studying space weather hazards, such as geomagnetically induced currents (GICs). GICs are currents generated in gas/oil pipelines, railroads, and electric power networks due to solar storms and...2014-01-01
123 Balasubramonian, RajeevLOT-ECC: LOcalized and tiered reliability mechanisms for commodity memory systemsMemory system reliability is a serious and growing concern in modern servers. Existing chipkill-level mem- ory protection mechanisms suffer from several draw- backs. They activate a large number of chips on ev- ery memory access - this increases energy consump- tion, and reduces performance due to t...2012-01-01
124 Tiwari, AshutoshManifestation of two-channel nonlocal spin transport in the shapes of Hanle curvesThe dynamics of charge-density fluctuations in a system of two tunnel-coupled wires contains two diffusion modes with dispersion iω = Dq2 and iω = Dq2 + 2τt, where D is the diffusion coefficient and τt is the tunneling time between the wires. The dispersion of corresponding spin-density modes de...2014-01-01
125 Khan, Faisal HabibMagnetic stimulation of mammalian peripheral nerves in vivo: An alternative to functional electrical stimulationFunctional electrical stimulation is the current gold standard for stimulating neuronal interfaces for functional neuromuscular and cortical applications, but it is not without its drawbacks. One such fault is the need to have direct electrical contact with the nerve tissue, and any side effect...2014-01-01
101 - 125 of 1,959