101 - 125 of 124
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101 Silva, Claudio T.ISP: An optimal out-of-core image-set processing streaming architecture for parallel heterogeneous systemsImage population analysis is the class of statistical methods that plays a central role in understanding the development, evolution, and disease of a population. However, these techniques often require excessive computational power and memory that are compounded with a large number of volumetric inp...2012-01-01
102 Susarla, Sai R.; Carter, JohnKhazana: a flexible wide area data storeKhazana is a peer-to-peer data service that supports efficient sharing and aggressive caching of mutable data across the wide area while giving clients significant control over replica divergence. Previous work on wide-area replicated services focussed on at most two of the following three proper...Khazana; Peer-to-peer data service2003-10-13
103 Susarla, Sai R.; Carter, JohnMiddleware support for locality-aware wide area replicationCoherent wide-area data caching can improve the scalability and responsiveness of distributed services such as wide-area file access, database and directory services, and content distribution. However, distributed services differ widely in the frequency of read/write sharing, the amount of conten...Wide-area data caching; Distributed services2004-11-18
104 Kasera, Sneha K.; Patwari, NealHigh-rate uncorrelated bit extraction for shared secret key generation from channel measurementsSecret keys can be generated and shared between two wireless nodes by measuring and encoding radio channel characteristics without ever revealing the secret key to an eavesdropper at a third location. This paper addresses bit extraction, i.e., the extraction of secret key bits from noisy radio chan...Wireless networks; Multipath fading; Physical layer; Key generation; Secret keys; Bit extraction2010-01
105 Berzins, MartinInvestigating applications portability with the Uintah DAG-based runtime system on PetaScale supercomputersPresent trends in high performance computing present formidable challenges for applications code using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or co-processors and reduced memory while still attaining scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a ...2013-01-01
106 Venkatasubramanian, SureshMultiple target tracking with RF sensor networksRF sensor networks are wireless networks that can localize and track people (or targets) without needing them to carry or wear any electronic device. They use the change in the received signal strength (RSS) of the links due to the movements of people to infer their locations. In this paper, we cons...2014-01-01
107 Organick, Elliott I.Semiannual technical report transformation of ADA programs into silicon (1 Sept. 1981- 28 Feb. 1982)This report summarizes the first six months work of the research project, "Transformation of Ada Programs into Silicon." Our project has five main objectives: 1. Develop and document elements of a transformation methodology for converting Ada programs, or program constructs, into VLSI systems which ...ADA programs; VLSI1982
108 Kirby, Robert MichaelVerifying volume rendering using discretization error analysisWe propose an approach for verification of volume rendering correctness based on an analysis of the volume rendering integral, the basis of most DVR algorithms. With respect to the most common discretization of this continuous model (Riemann summation), we make assumptions about the impact of parame...2014-01-01
109 Fujimoto, Richard M.A shared memory algorithm and proof for the alternative construct in CSPCommunicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a paradigm for communication and synchronization among distributed processes. The alternative construct is a key feature of CSP that allows nondeterministic selection of one among several possible communicants. Previous algorithms for this construct assume...Shared memory algorithm; Communicating Sequential Processes; CSP1987
110 Jacobson, Hans; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshApplication specific asynchronous microengines for efficient high-level controlDespite the growing interest in asynchronous circuits programmable asynchronous controllers based on the idea of microprogramming have not been actively pursued Since programmable control is widely used in many commercial ASICs to allow late correction of design errors to easily upgrade product f...Asynchronous microengines1997
111 Balasubramonian, RajeevDynamically tunable memory hierarchyThe widespread use of repeaters in long wires creates the possibility of dynamically sizing regular on-chip structures. We present a tunable cache and translation lookaside buffer (TLB) hierarchy that leverages repeater insertion to dynamically trade off size for speed and power consumption on a per...Microarchitecture; High performance microprocessors; Reconfigurable architectures; Energy and performance of on-chip caches; Translation lookaside buffer (TLB); Tunable cache2003-10
112 Zhang, LixinISIM: The simulator for the impulse adaptable memory systemThis document describes ISIM, the simulator for the Impulse Adaptable Memory System. Impulse adds two new features to a conventional memory system. First, it supports a configurable, extra level of address remapping at the memory controller. Second, it supports prefetching at the memory controller. ...ISIM; Impulse Adaptable Memory System; Memory systems1999
113 Kasera, Sneha K.On fast and accurate detection of unauthorized wireless access points using clock skewsWe explore the use of clock skew of a wireless local area network access point (AP) as its fingerprint to detect unauthorized APs quickly and accurately. The main goal behind using clock skews is to overcome one of the major limitations of existing solutions-the inability to effectively detect Mediu...Clock skews; Unauthorized access; Medium access control; MAC; Address spoofing; Wireless networks; Time Synchronization Function; TSF2010-03
114 Jacobson, HansApplication specific asynchronous microgengines for efficient high-level controlDespite the growing interest in asynchronous circuits, programmable asynchronous controllers based on the idea of microprogramming have not been actively pursued. Since programmable control is widely used in many commercial ASICs to allow late correction of design errors, to easily upgrade product ...Asynchronous microgengines; Programmable asynchronous controllers1997
115 Freire, JulianaBeyond depth-first strategies: improving tabled logic programs through alternative schedulingTabled evaluation ensures termination for programs with finite models by keeping track of which subgoals have been called. Given several variant subgoals in an evaluation, only the fi rst one encountered will use program-clause resolution; the rest will resolve with the answers generated by the f...Alternate scheduling; SLG-WAM; Tabled logic programs1998
116 Riesenfeld, Richard F.; Smith, Kent F.An experimental system for computer aided geometric designThe main goal of this proposed level-of-effort project is to extend present capabilities in the area of Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and to develop custom VLSI support for some special geometric functions.Computer aided geometric design; CAGD; VLSI; Very large scale integration1984
117 Sobh, Tarek M.Autonomous observationWe address the problem of observing an agent?? We advocate a modeling approach for the visual system and its observer where a discrete event dynamic system DEDS framework is developed and events are de ned as ranges on parameter subsets?? The dynamic recursive context for nite state machine...Autonomous observation1992
118 Evans, DavidDisplay of complex three dimensional finite element modelsComplex three dimensional models can be displayed after an automatic generation of a finite element (panel) mapping. although this automatic generation algorithm fails at certain levels of model complexity, the elimination of these failures can be accomplished through user interaction. This report p...Three dimensional models; Finite element models1978
119 Elens, Robert N.Sequencing computational events in heterogeneous distributed systemsDistributed systems are growing in number, size, and complexity. Some technological advances have been made to program these systems, most notably the remote procedure call. However, the nature of heterogeneous distributed systems allows for much more complex interactions and new programming techno...Sequencing; Computational events; Heterogeneous distributed systems1990
120 Wehrli, RobertARCAID: The ARChitects computer graphics AIDARCAID?The ARChitect's Computer Graphics AID?is one part of a two-part research program at the University of Utah under the direction of David C. Evans. ARCAID is a specification for the organization of computer processes including data and procedures for the use of architects, engineers, and other...ARCAID1970
121 Sobh, Tarek M.Autonomous ObservationWe address the problem of observing an agent. We advocate a modeling approach for the visual system and its observer, where a discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) framework is developed and "events" are defined as ranges on parameter subsets. The dynamic recursive context for finite state machines (...Observation; Manipulation process1992
122 Freier, Rodney; Thompson, William B.Design-space exploration of most-recent-only communication using myrinet on SGI ccNUMA architecturesSGI's current ccNUMA multiprocessor architectures offer high scalability and performance without sacrificing the ease of use of simpler SMP systems. Although these systems also provide a standard PCI expansion bus, the bridging between PCI and SGI's ccNUMA architecture invalidates the assumptions ty...Most-recent-only communication; Myrinet; SGI; Communications latencies1999
123 Slind, Konrad LeeEmerging trends proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: TPHOLs 2004This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Emerging Trends track of the 17th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLs 2004) held September 14-17, 2004 in Park City, Utah, USA. The TPHOLs conference covers all aspects of theorem proving in higher order logics ...Theorem proving; Higher order logics2004-08
124 Brown, Bruce EricModeling of solids for three-dimensional finite element analysisThe geometric modeling of solid objects is a major problem within the design analysis loop of the engineering design process. Models are analyzed by various computer programs to predict their performance. The format of each model is usually different for each analysis routine. The existence of sev...Geometric modeling; Solid objects; Finite element analysis1977
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