101 - 125 of 109
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101 Horch, Kenneth W.Separation of action potentials in multiunit intrafascicular recordingsClassification of action potentials in multiunit recordings was based on the use of various types of features to uniquely characterize action potentials from different cells. We compared classification results obtained using three types of descriptive features: digitized data points, amplitude and ...Long-term implantable intrafascicular electrodes; Nerve recordings; Simulated neural data1992
102 Christensen, Douglas A.; Horch, Kenneth W.Accelerated dual-degree BS/MS program - experience with the first three yearsWe have initiated a pilot program that accelerates the studies of a small group of highly qualified students early in their college careers and allows them to earn both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in about four years after starting college. It does this by introducing them early to res...Accelerated dual-degree program2004
103 Normann, Richard A.; Campbell, Patrick K.; Jones, Kelly E.100 electrode intracortical array: structural variabilityA technique has been developed for fabricating three dimensional "hair brush" electrode arrays from monocrystalline silicon blocks. Arrays consist of a square pattern of 100 penetrating electrodes, with 400 microns interelectrode spacing. Each electrode is 1.5mm in length and tapers from about 100 m...Microelectrode arrays; Stimulation; Micromachining1990
104 Gesteland, Raymond F.Pattern of protein synthesis in monkey cells infected by simian virus 40After infection of several permanent monkey cell lines by simian virus 40 (SV40), four additional protein bands can be detected by simple sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole-cell extracts. These bands appear only after the onset of viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) syn...Monkeys; Simian virus 40; Peptides; DNA, Viral/biosynthesis1972
105 Horch, Kenneth W.Action potential classification with dual channel intrafascicular electrodesUsing recordings of peripheral nerve activity made with carbon fiber intrafascicular electrodes, we compared the performance of three different recording techniques (single channel, differential, and dual channel) and four different unit classification methods (linear discriminant analysis, temp...Carbon fiber intrafascicular electrodes; Dual channel recording1994
106 Christensen, Douglas A.; Horch, Kenneth W.Experience with the first three years of an accelerated dual-degree program in biomedical engineeringOur Department of Bioengineering has instituted a pilot program aimed at helping a select group of highly qualified students obtain both bachelor's and master's degrees in an accelerated timeframe-approximately four years from the beginning of their university studies. A key element of this progra...Accelerated; Dual-degrees; Education2004
107 Horch, Kenneth W.; Tuckett, Robert P.; Burgess, Paul RichardNeural signal for skin indentation depth. II. Steady indentationsThe glabrous skin of the monkey's hand was stimulated with a waveform that indented the skin at a rate of 0.4 mm/set, held the skin steadily or nearly steadily indented for 12 set or longer, and then retracted back to the starting position. Recordings were made of activity in single afferent fibe...Skin; Indentation; Nerve impulses1983
108 Christensen, Douglas A.Multiple sensor optical thermometry system for application in clinical hyperthermiaThe thermometry system described is based upon the temperature dependence of the band edge absorption of infrared light in GaAs crystal. The design of the thermometry was completed, and the system was subjected to an extensive evaluation, including testing with tissue phantoms and microwave applic...Thermometry; Hyperthermia applicator; Phantom tests1984-01
109 Normann, Richard A.; Horch, Kenneth W.; Cha, KichulMobility performance with a pixelized vision systemA visual prosthesis, based on electrical stimulation of the visual cortex, has been suggested as a means for partially restoring functional vision in the blind. The prosthesis would create a pixelized visual sense consisting of punctate spots of light (phosphenes). The present study investigated the...Visual Prosthesis; Mobility; Phosphene Simulator1992
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