101 - 125 of 218
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101 Consequences of iron regulatory protein regulation during hypoxia2004-05Textir_etd
102 Virtual histology of transgenic mouse embryos for high-throughput phenotyping.2006Textir_uspace
103 Xanthine oxidoreductase is central to the evolution and function of the innate immune system.2003-09-01Textir_uspace
104 Isolation and characterization of Caenorhabditis elegans DNA sequences homologous to the v-abl oncogene.1986-04Textir_uspace
105 Genomewide dynamics of SAPHIRE: a novel histone demethylase comples2006-12Textir_etd
106 HIF-1? mediates tumor hypoxia to confer a perpetual mesenchymal phenotype for malignant progressionTextir_uspace
107 Genetics in Utah : NPR talk of the nation, science Friday for May 15, 19981998Soundir_uspace
108 Creating mice with targeted disruptions in protooncogenes and homeobox genes, NIH Director's Lecture given May 21, 19921992Soundir_uspace
109 Removing the vertebrate-specific TBP N terminus disrupts placental beta2m-dependent interactions with the maternal immune system2002-07-12Textir_uspace
110 How close are we to implementing gene targeting in animals other than the mouse?2000-02-01Textir_uspace
111 The ACT3 gene and epigenetics1997-08Textir_etd
112 In VIVO functions of the ets family of transcription factors: genomic targets of ETS12012Textir_etd
113 Engraftment of hematopoietic stem cell and progenitor cell populations1999-08Textir_etd
114 Mice with targeted disruptions in the paralogous genes hoxa-3 and hoxd-3 reveal synergistic interactions.1994-07-28Textir_uspace
115 Roles of DNA Methyl Transferase 4 During Zebrafish Development2011-12Textir_etd
116 Hoxb13 mutations cause overgrowth of caudal spinal cord and tail vertebrae2003-04-15Textir_uspace
117 Location and function of retroviral and SV40 sequences that enhance biochemical transformation after microinjection of DNA.1983-07-01Textir_uspace
118 Auto-inhibition of DNA binding in the transcription factor Ets-: a mechanistic and structural study1999-12Textir_etd
119 Regulation of Ets-1 DNA binding2004-12Textir_etd
120 Casein kinase 1 epsilon regulates transcription and Period2 stability within the mammalian circadian clock2003-12Textir_etd
121 Characterization of the yeast Sin3 repressor complex1996-12Textir_etd
122 Function and biosynthetic regulation of retinoic acid in intestinal development and homeostasis2010-05-14Textir_etd
123 Regulatory mechanisms of iron metabolism and their biological impact2016-12Textir_etd
124 Regulation of the human RNA Polymerase III transcriptome in stem and cancer cells2013-08Textir_etd
125 Expanding preventive breast cancer genetics: From high to moderate risk and from breast to pancreatic cancer2016-12Textir_etd
101 - 125 of 218