101 - 125 of 152
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101 Miller, Jan D.; Nalaskowski, JakubInteraction forces between silica surfaces in aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)sAn understanding of forces responsible for the stability of dispersions of colloidal particles when interacting with each other in aqueous solutions is of great interest academically and industrially. When water-soluble polymers are adsorbed onto colloidal particles, various effects on the stabil...Water-soluble polymers; Colloidal particles; Interaction forces2003
102 Miller, Jan D.Determination of Madelung constants for infinite and semi-infinite lattices by direct summationLattice sums for the electrostatic interactions in ionic crystals, first evaluated by Madelung, are now known to high degrees of accuracy. The problem of conditional convergence has been solved either by manipulations of a mathematical model of the lattice, or by directly summing over neutral group...Lattices; Madelung constants1976
103 Miller, Jan D.Reaction kinetics of bismuth dissolution from lead cake by sulfuric acid leachingLead cake, a zinc smelter flue dust residue, consists primarily of lead sulfate. Characteristic properties of lead cake were determined in order to aid the understanding of reaction mechanisms involved in bismuth removal from lead cake by sulfuric acid digestion. Sp gr (specific gravity) measuremen...Lead cake; Smelter flue; Lead sulphate; Bismuth; Sulfuric acid1978
104 Miller, Jan D.Zinc-dust cementation of silver from alkaline cyanide solutions - analysis of plant dataThe direct recovery of precious metals from alkaline cyanide solution is frequently accomplished by the well-established Merrill-Crowe process involving zinc-dust cementation. This is particularly true for silver. Plant data from two operations are presented and analyzed in terms of intrinsic reacti...Zinc-dust; Silver; Alkaline cyanide; Merrill-Crowe1988
105 Miller, Jan D.Separation of bitumen from Utah tar sands by a hot water digestion-flotation techniqueTar sand deposits in the state of Utah contain more than 25 billion bbl of in-place bitumen. Although 30 times smaller than the well-known Athabasca tar sands, Utah tar sands do represent a significant domestic energy resource comparable to the national crude oil reserves (31.3 billion bbl). Based ...Tar sand; Utah; Bitumen; Hot water separation; Froth flotation1978
106 Miller, Jan D.Axial flow reversal and its significance in air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotationIn recent years the potential of air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation for fine coal cleaning has been demonstrated both in pilot plant testing and in a plant-site demonstration program. Further improvements in the ASH technology will depend, to some extent, on improved understanding of the co...Flotation; zero axial velocity; computational fluid dynamics1995
107 Miller, Jan D.Infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of surface reactionsInfrared spectroscopy has been one of the most useful experimental techniques for the analysis of surface reactions in flotation systems, including surface alteration and surfactant adsorption reactions. With the advent of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers, many low-energy throughpu...Reflection; Flotation; Measurements1989
108 Miller, Jan D.Nonsulfide flotation technology and plant practiceThere are hundreds of nonsulfide mineral flotation plants throughout the United States, and most have a plant design that depends upon the specific ore characteristics and the market specifications for their product. There is no common thread of technology between the design and processing of diffe...Flotation; Minerals; Processing plants2002
109 Miller, Jan D.; Herbst, John A.; Lin, Chen-LuhDevelopment of a multicomponent-multisize liberation modelThis paper is concerned with the development of a kinetic model for mineral liberation by grinding. Existing population balance size reduction models are extended to include two minerals with an arbitrary number of locked particle fractions. The validity of this approach to liberation modelling is d...Population balance; size reduction; liberation; grinding model1985
110 Miller, Jan D.Importance of bitumen viscosity in the hot-water processing of domestic tar sandsThe separation efficiency of the hot water digestion-flotation technique used for bitumen recovery from various domestic tar sands was evaluated. Bitumen viscosity was found to be the most important tar sand property in determining the success of the bitumen separation. Bitumen viscosity of the tar ...Tar sand; Bitumen viscosity; Flotation; Hot-water processing1983
111 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-Luh; Yu, QiangPC image-based analysis system for particle characterization of deinked pulpsA low cost PC image-based particle analysis system is being developed for particle characterization of deinked pulps at the University of Utah. Initial R&D efforts of such an image analysis system were made for on-line particle characterization in the mineral processing field but now it has been fo...Deinking; Paper pulp; Wastepaper; Image-based particle analysis1993
112 Miller, Jan D.; Wan, Rong YuResearch and development activities for the recovery of gold from noncyanide solutionsAlthough most gold production from primary resources is achieved by cyanidation, many research activities have focused on alternative processes using noncyanide lixiviants. Such research has been prompted by environmental concerns and problems associated with the processing of refractory gold ores. ...Activated carbon adsorption; Cementation; Solvent extraction; Ion exchange; Reduction-precipitation; Halide solutions; Thiourea solutions; Lixiviants1993
113 Miller, Jan D.Electrochemistry in silver catalysed ferric sulfate leaching of chalcopyritePrevious investigations have demonstrated the catalytic effect of silver additions in the ferric sulfate leaching of chalcopyrite. CuFeS2 + 4Fe+3 > Cu++ + 5Fe++ + 2S° The enhanced rate of leaching was found to be due to the formation of an intermediate Ag2S film which forms on the CuFeS2 surf...Reaction; Sulfur; Elemental1981
114 Miller, Jan D.Fluoride activation in oleate flotation of collophaniteFluoride activation has been evaluated by Hallimond tube flotation of collophanite in terms of fluoride concentration, conditioning time, pH, and temperature. The results reveal that efficient oleate flotation of collophanite can be achieved by fluoride activation. Experimental results of fluoride...Fluoride; Oleate; Collophanite; Flotation; Calcium; Chemisorption1987
115 Miller, Jan D.Significance of electrokinetic characterization for interpreting interfacial phenomena at planar, macroscopic interfacesStreaming potential measurements provide valuable information for the validation and interpretation of interfacial phenomena that occur at flat macroscopic surfaces. Planar substrates have been extensively used for the interpretation of events, which occur at particulate surfaces; however, these fla...Interfacial phenomena; Surface charge2005
116 Miller, Jan D.Applications of X-ray computed tomography in particulate systemsX-ray computed tomography (CT) is an ideal technique for investigating the internal structure of multiphase materials in a noninvasive and nondestructive manner. CT technology used in conjunction with specialized algorithms and advanced computer facilities can be used to provide quantitative informa...Algorithms; Beam; Intensity1992
117 Miller, Jan D.; Wan, Rong YuEnhanced ferric sulphate leaching of copper from CuFeS2 and C particulate aggregatesSignificantly faster leaching kinetics for ferric sulphate are achieved for particulate aggregates of CuFeS2 and C than for CuFeS2 itself. The effect of carbon particles upon the rate of dissolution of chalcopyrite has been increased by a factor of 4 (after 10 hours' leaching), depending upon the ...Reaction; Chalcopyrite; Electrochemical1984
118 Miller, Jan D.;Yu, QiangFossil resin, a value-added product from western coalCertain bituminous coals of the western United States are known to contain appreciable quantities of macroscopic fossil resin (resinite). Such resinous coals are found in the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, etc. The Wasatch Plateau coal field in Utah (Figure 1)...Resinite; Solvent refining; Wasatch Plateau; Hydrogenation1992
119 Miller, Jan D.Surface characterization and new tools for researchIn the selective separation of mineral phases by flotation, surface chemistry is the principal determinant of the average contact angle for a specific mineral phase in flotation pulp. The average contact angle is, in turn, the principal determinant of the bubble-particle attachment efficiency in th...Flotation; Minerals; Surface chemistry; Contact angle2007
120 Miller, Jan D.Surface chemistry of pulping and flotation for mixed office wastepaperThe effect of pulping reagents on the de-inking flotation of laser printed wastepaper was investigated with regard to the removal efficiency of toner and mineral filler particles at different pH values. These results show that caustic pulping causes the toner to be released from the fibers as larg...Pulping reagents; Deinking; Toner; Mineral fillers1997
121 Miller, Jan D.Effect of feed source in the hot water processing of Utah tar sandThe processing strategy for the effective separation of bitumen from low grade (K.10 weight percent bitumen) Utah tar sands by a hot water process differs significantly from that used for the processing of high grade (> 10 weight percent bitumen) Utah tar sands. Excellent separations (coefficient o...Tar sand; Utah; Bitumen; Hot water separation; Froth flotation1980
122 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhCapillary network model for filter cake based on pore structure analysisDewatering of fine coal by continuous filtration involves filter cake formation and removal of surface moisture by drawing air through the capillaries of the cake. In order to gain a better (understanding of the complex transport phenomena that occur in the filter cake, analysis of the effect of t...Pore geometry; Transport properties; Microtomography1996
123 Miller, Jan D.; Yost, Garold S.; Veranth, John M.Novel method to detect unlabeled inorganic nanoparticles and submicron particles in tissue by sedimentation field-flow fractionationA novel methodology to detect unlabeled inorganic nanoparticles was experimentally demonstrated using a mixture of nano-sized (70 nm) and submicron (250 nm) silicon dioxide particles added to mammalian tissue. The size and concentration of environmentally relevant inorganic particles in a tissue sa...Sedimentation field-flow fractionation; Transmission electron microscopy; Tissue digestion2008
124 Miller, Jan D.Interaction forces between toner surfacesThe interaction of toner particles in aqueous solution is of interest with regard to both fundamental and practical aspects of de-inking processes. It has been established for the toner studied that the toner polymeric resin, that is, the block copolymer styrene-methyl methacrylate, more specifical...Interaction forces; toner surfaces; PMMA2000
125 Miller, Jan D.Noncyanide leaching of an auriferous pyrite ore from EcuadorGold leaching of an auriferous pyrite ore from the Portovelo deposit in Ecuador indicates that noncyanide leaching systems, such as thiocyanate and thiourea, are not as effective as the traditional cyanide system. For example, whereas approximately 95% of the gold can be leached from the ore with cy...Gold leaching; Refractory ores; Thiocyanate; Thiourea2000
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