101 - 125 of 152
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101 Miller, Jan D.A new cone beam X-ray microtomography facility for 3D analysis of multiphase materialsThree-dimensional x-ray microtomography offers a unique imaging capability. Spatial resolution on the order of ten microns can be achieved with the use of microfocus x-ray generators. Recently, a state-of-the-art, flexible cone beam x-ray microtomography system has been installed at the University o...2001-01-01
102 Miller, Jan D.Flotation chemistry of nonsulfide mineralsThe dimensions of nonsulfide flotation technology extend in many different directions, as might be expected from the diversity of t he mineral classes, which include soluble salt minerals (potash, borax, and trona), semi-soluble salt minerals (phosphate minerals, fluorite, calcite, and barite), ins...Nonsulfide minerals; Hydrophobic surface state; Oleate adsorption2002
103 Miller, Jan D.Cone beam X-ray microtomography - a new facility for three-dimensional analysis of multiphase materialsAs the techniques and resolution for three-dimensional spatial analysis have advanced in the last decade, it is now possible to map in detail the micro structure of multiphase materials in three-dimensional digital space. In this regard, three-dimensional X-ray microtomography offers a unique imagin...Cone beam X-ray microtomography; Three-dimensional analysis; Material characterization2002
104 Miller, Jan D.Bench scale flotation of sedimentary phosphate rock with hydroxamic acid collectorsIt has been discovered that water insoluble alcoholic solutions of alkyl hydroxamic acids serve as selective collectors for the flotation of phosphate mineral resources. The effectiveness of the new collector chemistry has been demonstrated by the results from single stage bench scale flotation exp...Flotation; Insoluble collectors; Hydroxamic acid; Alcohol; Phosphate rock; High solids conditioning; Particle size2002
105 Miller, Jan D.Evaluation of a CT-based coal washability analysis system under simulated on-line conditionsThe appropriate software and hardware necessary to adapt an X-ray CTanalyzerfor the determination of coal washability was developed and successfully tested for well-characterized samples under laboratory conditions. Evaluation of the CT-based analyzer under simulated on-line conditions is also prese...Coal washability; Computer simulation; X-ray CT analysis2002
106 Miller, Jan D.Study of particle-bubble interaction using atomic force microscopy: current possibilities and challengesStudy of interaction forces between mineral particles and air bubbles is a key to understanding flotation processes. Measurement of such interaction forces has only recently been made possible with the introduction of the atomic force microscope (AFM) and the colloidal probe technique. Using AFM, in...Particle-bubble interaction; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM); Hydrophobic force; Contact angle; Hydrodynamic force2002
107 Miller, Jan D.Nonsulfide flotation technology and plant practiceThere are hundreds of nonsulfide mineral flotation plants throughout the United States, and most have a plant design that depends upon the specific ore characteristics and the market specifications for their product. There is no common thread of technology between the design and processing of diffe...Flotation; Minerals; Processing plants2002
108 Miller, Jan D.Characterization of spherical alumina particles obtained by melting in a hydrogen-oxygen flameSpherical oxide particles can be used as mineral fillers, paint pigments, polishing materials and catalysts. They can be prepared using various techniques involving precipitation and spray drying. Melting of particles in a high-temperature flame is a simple technique which produces particles with ...Alumina; Oxides; Hydrogen-oxygen flame2003
109 Miller, Jan D.Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solventThe polyolefins, mainly polyethylene and polypropylene particles, are used as an active filler material in polymer-polymer blends and are being used for the modification of asphalts to provide for high-load, low-maintenance road construction. The stability of prepared blends depends on the interact...Surfactants; Asphalt; Polymer; Polyolefins2003
110 Miller, Jan D.Surfactant adsorption density calculation from Fourier transform infrared external reflection spectroscopy (FTIR/ERS)An equation to calculate surfactant adsorption density from Fourier transform infrared external reflection spectra was established. The derivation and limitation of this equation are discussed in detail. The validation of the FTIR/ERS adsorption density equation was experimentally verified from t...Surfactant; Adsorption density; Solid film2003
111 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-Luh3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomographyIn general, x-ray computed tomographic (CT) techniques are able to provide 3D images of the internal structure of opaque materials in a nondestructive manner. The unique cone beam geometry allows acquisition of all 2D projections with only one rotation of the sample thus providing for fast data acqu...X-ray microtomography; Liberation; Heap leaching; Exposure analysis; Coal washability2003
112 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhParticle size distribution for copper heap leaching operations as established from 3D mineral exposure analysis by X-ray microCTThe particle size distribution (PSD) for copper heap leaching is an important consideration in the design and operation of any copper heap leaching facility. High-resolution 3D X-ray microtomography (XMT) can be used for the direct determination of the percentage of exposed valuable mineral grains i...Particle size distribution; Leaching; X-ray microtomography2003
113 Miller, Jan D.; Nalaskowski, JakubInteraction forces between silica surfaces in aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)sAn understanding of forces responsible for the stability of dispersions of colloidal particles when interacting with each other in aqueous solutions is of great interest academically and industrially. When water-soluble polymers are adsorbed onto colloidal particles, various effects on the stabil...Water-soluble polymers; Colloidal particles; Interaction forces2003
114 Miller, Jan D.Thiocarbonate collectors in pyrite flotation ? fundamentals and applicationsRecent results from electrochemical measurements demonstrate that trithiocarbonate (TTC) collectors are more readily oxidized to their corresponding dithiolates than the dithiocarbonate/xanthate (DTC) collectors. Based on the traditional analysis of collector adsorption, trithiocarbonates might then...Trithiocarbonate; xanthate; nitrogen2003
115 Miller, Jan D.; Fang, Zhigang Zak; Lin, Chen-LuhCharacterization of powder injection molded components using X-ray CTA good understanding of the microstructure of powder injection molded (PIM) components during debinding and sintering is essential in designing and optimizing PIM processes and properties. So far we have been limited in our ability to "see" what is going on. Microstructural characterization has cla...Powder injection molding2003
116 Miller, Jan D.Three dimensional analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomographyIn general, X-ray-computed tomographic (CT) techniques are capable of providing three-dimensional images of the internal structure of opaque materials in a nondestructive manner. The unique cone beam geometry allows acquisition of all two-dimensional projections with only one rotation of the sample,...Cone beam CT; X-ray microtomography; Liberation analysis; Particle shape; Heap leaching; Exposure analysis; Coal washability2004
117 Miller, Jan D.New developments in mixing, flocculation and flotation for industrial wastewater pretreatment and municipal wastewater treatmentSolid/liquid separations are commonly the first step in any wastewater treatment. Such technologies are mature and new developments are rare. However, in the last decade some significant improvements in separation techniques for industrial waste water pretreatment have been implemented. Advances in ...Wastewater treatment; Flocculation; Flotation; Industrial wastewater pretreatment; Sludge thickening; Mixing2005
118 Miller, Jan D.Arsenic removal from contaminated watersArsenic is a contaminant at 781 of 1,430 sites identified on the National Priorities List and in mining and mineral processing wastewaters, smelter wastes, and sites for manufacture of semiconductors, petroleum products, wood preservatives, animal feed additives, and herbicides. Arsenic affects abo...Arsenic; Arsenate; Arsenite; Microbial; Activated carbon; Magnetic activated carbon; Biomac2005
119 Miller, Jan D.Significance of electrokinetic characterization for interpreting interfacial phenomena at planar, macroscopic interfacesStreaming potential measurements provide valuable information for the validation and interpretation of interfacial phenomena that occur at flat macroscopic surfaces. Planar substrates have been extensively used for the interpretation of events, which occur at particulate surfaces; however, these fla...Interfacial phenomena; Surface charge2005
120 Miller, Jan D.Dimethyl ether - a new synthetic fuel commodity and chemical building blockDimethyl ether (DME) is recognized as a potential next-generation, environmentally benign commodity for energy storage and distribution, as well as a momentous chemical building block. DME can be produced at a competitive price from synthesis gas conveniently generated from a variety of carbon-cont...Dimethyl ether; DME; Energy carrier; Energy commodity; Diesel fuel2005
121 Miller, Jan D.Air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) technology for cyanide recoveryAn air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) mobile system was evaluated for continuous stripping and recovery of cyanide (the AVR process) from process water at a gold plant site. The ASH unit performed exceptionally well as an absorber. HCN was absorbed from the gas phase in a single pass with an efficiency...Cyanide recovery; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; Gold processing; Process water2005
122 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulationsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric-point measured at the two different crystallographic planes by the streaming potential method was found to be similar and exists at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edg...Streaming potential; Scanning electron microscope; Atomic force microscope2006
123 Miller, Jan D.Experimental evaluation of a mineral exposure model for crushed copper oresCopper mineral inclusions dispersed in crushed ore particles have a certain size distribution (grain-size distribution). For efficient heap leaching processes, the crushing plant should be designed and operated to crush the ore to an appropriate particle-size distribution so that copper mineral grai...Grains; Particles; Distribution2006
124 Miller, Jan D.Atomic force microscopy investigation of interaction forces between polyethylene and asphaltene surfacesMany petroleum-derived asphalts used for road construction exhibit poor rheological properties. These properties of asphalt can be improved by addition of various polymer fillers to the asphalt blend. Recycled polyolefines, especially polyethylene and polypropylene have been used as the asphalt mo...Asphalt; Rheology; Polyolefins2006
125 Miller, Jan D.Pilot-plant evaluation of a water insoluble hydroxamic acid collector for single stage flotation of Florida phosphate rockRecent laboratory results have demonstrated that selective flotation of phosphate rock can be achieved in a single stage with improved separation efficiency when compared to the standard double float process. The new reagent chemistry is based on the use of a water insoluble alcoholic solution of ...Phosphate rock; Flotation; Double float; Separation2006
101 - 125 of 152