101 - 125 of 957
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101 Regehr, JohnOperating system support for multimedia: the programming model mattersMultimedia is an increasingly important part of the mix of applications that users run on personal computers and workstations. The requirements placed on a multimedia operating system are demanding and often conflicting: untrusted, independently written soft real-time applications must be able to co...2000-01-01
102 Regehr, JohnProofs as a substrate for tool integration supporting high-confidence embedded softwareAs the size and complexity of software in safety-critical embedded systems increases, the ability of programmers to deliver these systems in a timely fashion decreases. Specific difficulties are that embedded software must interact with the physical world in real time and that it must make efficient...2005-01-01
103 Regehr, JohnFrom the editor: real-time and embedded systems--teaching reliabilityCan we teach students to build reliable embedded software? Although it would be rash to say that a general agreement exists on how to teach embedded systems, there's certainly a growing understanding of the issues. For example, the excellent August 2005 issue of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computin...2006-01-01
104 Regehr, JohnInferring scheduling behavior with hourglassAlthough computer programs explicitly represent data values, time values are usually implicit. This makes it difficult to analyze and debug real-time programs whose correctness depends partially on the time at which results are computed. This paper shows how to use Hourglass, an instrumented, synthe...2002-01-01
105 Regehr, JohnMemory safety and untrusted extensions for TinyOSSensor network applications should be reliable. However, TinyOS, the dominant sensor net OS, lacks basic building blocks for reliable software systems: memory protection, isolation, and safe termination. These features are typically found in general-purpose operating systems but are believed to be t...2006-01-01
106 Regehr, JohnLock inference for systems softwareWe have developed task scheduler logic (TSL) to automate reasoning about scheduling and concurrency in systems software. TSL can detect race conditions and other errors as well as supporting lock inference: the derivation of an appropriate lock implementation for each critical section in a system. L...2003-01-01
107 Regehr, JohnOffline compression for on-chip RAMWe present offline RAM compression, an automated source-to-source transformation that reduces a program's data size. Statically allocated scalars, pointers, structures, and arrays are encoded and packed based on the results of a whole-program analysis in the value set and pointer set domains. We tar...2007-01-01
108 Regehr, JohnPh.D. Proposal: hierarchical loadable schedulersThe processors in workstations, personal computers, and servers are becoming increasingly powerful, enabling them to run new kinds of applications, and to simultaneously run combinations of applications that were previously infeasible. However, fast hardware is not enough-the operating system must e...1999-01-01
109 Regehr, JohnUsing hierarchical scheduling to support soft real-time applications in general-purpose operating systemsThe CPU schedulers in general-purpose operating systems are designed to provide fast response time for interactive applications and high throughput for batch applications. The heuristics used to achieve these goals do not lend themselves to scheduling real-time applications, nor do they meet other s...2001-01-01
110 Regehr, JohnVertically integrated analysis and transformation for embedded softwareProgram analyses and transformations that are more aggressive and more domain-specific than those traditionally performed by compilers are one possible route to achieving the rapid creation of reliable and efficient embedded software. We are creating a new framework for Vertically Integrated Program...2003-01-01
111 Regehr, JohnRandom testing of interrupt-driven softwareInterrupt-driven embedded software is hard to thoroughly test since it usually contains a very large number of executable paths. Developers can test more of these paths using random interrupt testing-firing random interrupt handlers at random times. Unfortunately, na¨ıve application of random test...2005-01-01
112 Regehr, JohnThread verification vs. interrupt verificationInterrupts are superficially similar to threads, but there are subtle semantic differences between the two abstractions. This paper compares and contrasts threads and interrupts from the point of view of verifying the absence of race conditions. We identify a small set of extensions that permit thre...2006-01-01
113 Pascucci, ValerioTopology verification for isosurface extractionThe broad goals of verifiable visualization rely on correct algorithmic implementations. We extend a framework for verification of isosurfacing implementations to check topological properties. Specifically, we use stratified Morse theory and digital topology to design algorithms which verify topolog...2012-01-01
114 Pascucci, ValerioTopological analysis and visualization of cyclical behavior in memory reference tracesWe demonstrate the application of topological analysis techniques to the rather unexpected domain of software visualization. We collect a memory reference trace from a running program, recasting the linear flow of trace records as a high-dimensional point cloud in a metric space. We use topological ...2012-01-01
115 Regehr, JohnTwo case studies in predictable application scheduling using Rialto/NTThis paper analyzes the results of two case studies in applying the Rialto/NT scheduler to real Windows 2000 applications. The first study is of a soft modem-a modem whose signal processing work is performed on the host CPU, rather than on a dedicated signal processing chip. The second is of an audi...2001-01-01
116 Regehr, JohnVolatiles are miscompiled, and what to do about itC's volatile qualifier is intended to provide a reliable link between operations at the source-code level and operations at the memory-system level. We tested thirteen production-quality C compilers and, for each, found situations in which the compiler generated incorrect code for accessing volatile...2008-01-01
117 Cohen, ElaineVolume rendering with multidimensional peak findingPeak finding provides more accurate classification for direct volume rendering by sampling directly at local maxima in a transfer function, allowing for better reproduction of high-frequency features. However, the 1D peak finding technique does not extend to higherdimensional classification. In this...2012-01-01
118 Regehr, JohnHow to rapidly prototype a real-time schedulerImplementing a new scheduling algorithm in an OS kernel is often an important step in scheduling research because it permits evaluation of the algorithm's performance on real workloads. However, developing a new scheduler is not a trivial task because it requires sophisticated programming skills and...2002-01-01
119 Regehr, JohnFinding and understanding bugs in C compilersCompilers should be correct. To improve the quality of C compilers, we created Csmith, a randomized test-case generation tool, and spent three years using it to find compiler bugs. During this period we reported more than 325 previously unknown bugs to compiler developers. Every compiler we tested w...2011-01-01
120 Hansen, Charles D.FluoRender: An application of 2D image space methods for 3D and 4D confocal microscopy data visualization in neurobiology research2D image space methods are processing methods applied after the volumetric data are projected and rendered into the 2D image space, such as 2D filtering, tone mapping and compositing. In the application domain of volume visualization, most 2D image space methods can be carried out more efficiently t...2012-01-01
121 Silva, Claudio T.ISP: An optimal out-of-core image-set processing streaming architecture for parallel heterogeneous systemsImage population analysis is the class of statistical methods that plays a central role in understanding the development, evolution, and disease of a population. However, these techniques often require excessive computational power and memory that are compounded with a large number of volumetric inp...2012-01-01
122 Regehr, JohnA practical logic framework for verifying safety properties of executablesWe present a novel program logic, Lf , which is designed on top of a Hoare logic, but is simpler, more flexible and more scalable. Based on Lf , we develop a framework for automatically verifying safety properties of executables. It utilizes a whole-program interprocedural abstract interpretation to...2011-01-01
123 Regehr, JohnDeriving abstract transfer functions for analyzing embedded softwareThis paper addresses the problem of creating abstract transfer functions supporting dataflow analyses. Writing these functions by hand is problematic: transfer functions are difficult to understand, difficult to make precise, and difficult to debug. Bugs in transfer functions are particularly seriou...2006-01-01
124 Regehr, JohnDynamic CPU management for real-time, middleware-based systemsMany real-world distributed, real-time, embedded (DRE) systems, such as multi-agent military applications, are built using commercially available operating systems, middleware, and collections of pre-existing software. The complexity of these systems makes it difficult to ensure that they maintain h...2004-01-01
125 Regehr, JohnInterface contracts for TinyOSTinyOS applications are built with software components that communicate through narrow interfaces. Since components enable fine-grained code reuse, this approach has been successful in creating applications that make very efficient use of the limited code and data memory on sensor network nodes. How...2007-01-01
101 - 125 of 957