101 - 125 of 633
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101 Seger, JonConditional relatedness, recombination, and the chromosome numbers of insectsIf two polymorphic loci are out of phase equilibrium, a homozygote at one of these loci is more highly related to its kin, at the other locus, than is an equivalent heterozygote. As a result, selection can favor (1) phenotypic responses to relative heterozygosity, and (2) increased recombination bet...Coefficients of relatedness; Conditional relatedness1983
102 Goller, FranzLateralization as a symmetry breaking process in birdsongThe singing by songbirds is a most convincing example in the animal kingdom of functional lateralization of the brain, a feature usually associated with human language. Lateralization is expressed as one or both of the bird's sound sources being active during the vocalization. Normal songs require ...Lateralization; Syringeal muscles; Respiration; Gating2007-03
103 Capecchi, Mario R.Measurement of suppressor transfer RNA activity.Transfer RNA (tRNA) suppression of nonsense mutations in prokaryotic systems has been widely used to study the structure and function of different prokaryotic genes. Through genetic engineering techniques, it is now possible to introduce suppressor (Su+) tRNA molecules into mammalian cells. A quanti...Animals; Cells, Cultured; Eukaryotic Cells; Genes, Viral; Mice; Orthomyxoviridae; Peptide Chain Termination, Translational; Protein Biosynthesis1983-08-26
104 Beckerle, Mary C.Zyxin and cCRP: Two interactive LIM domain proteins associated with the cytoskeletonInteraction with extracellular matrix can trigger a variety of responses by cells including changes in specific gene expression and cell differentiation. The mechanism by which cell surface events are coupled to the transcriptional machinery is not understood, however, proteins localized at sites o...Zyxin; Cysteine-rich proteins; cCRP; LIM domain1992
105 Hughes, Kelly T.; Chevance, FabienneMechanism of outer membrane penetration by the eubacterial flagellum and implications for spirochete evolutionThe rod component of the bacterial flagellum polymerizes from the inner membrane across the periplasmic space and stops at a length of 25 nm at the outer membrane. Bushing structures, the P- and L-rings, polymerize around the distal rod and form a pore in the outer membrane. The flagellar hook stru...Flagellar assembly; Spirochete evolution; Membrane penetration2007
106 Davidson, Diane W.Tropical arboreal ants: why so abundant?ANTS ARE AMONG the most numerous and readily observed arthropods of tropical forests. Indeed, based on their standing biomass and many effects on other species, ants (Formicidae) are arguably the dominant arthropod family in the canopies of lowland rain forest trees (Tobin 1995). Others have tried t...Arboreal ants; Tropics1996
107 Beckerle, Mary C.Targeting of zyxin to sites of actin membrane interaction and to the nucleusThe localization of proteins to particular intracellular compartments often regulates their functions. Zyxin is a LIM protein found prominently at sites of cell adhesion, faintly in leading lamellipodia, and transiently in cell nuclei. Here we have performed a domain analysis to identify regions in ...Zyxin; Actin; LIM domains; Focal adhesions; Lamellipodia; Cytoskeletal architecture2001
108 Adler, Frederick R.Virulence management in biocontrol agentsAlthough biological control is founded upon the virulence of natural enemies to the targeted pests, there has been little effort to understand how this might change, let alone to manage it. Frank Fenner and colleagues can be credited with being the first (and last!) to monitor changes in virulence ...Pathogens; Management; Natural2002
109 Ehleringer, James R.Carbon isotope dynamics in Abies amabilis stands in the CascadesCarbon isotope ratios (d13C) of canopy air and carbon isotope discrimination at the ecosystem level were studied in three montane Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl. ex Loud.) Dougl. ex J. Forbes) stands, an old-growth and two younger stands. Spatial and temporal variations of canopy CO2 con...Carbon isotopes; Pacific silver fir; Carbon budget; Soil respiration; Cascade Mountains1998
110 Blair, David F.Metal centers of cytochrome c oxidase: structures and interactionsStudies directed toward the elucidation of the structures of the metal centers in cytochrome c oxidase are reviewed. Progress towards an understanding of the interactions between these centers and their spatial distributions within the protein will also be presented. Our studies are based primarily...1983
111 Hansen, Mark S.; Coffin, Cheryl M.; Capecchi, Mario R.Pax3:Fkhr interferes with embryonic Pax3 and Pax7 function: implications for alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cell of origin.To investigate the role of the translocation-associated gene Pax3:Fkhr in alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas, we generated a Cre-mediated conditional knock-in of Pax3:Fkhr into the mouse Pax3 locus. Exploring embryonic tumor cell origins, we replaced a Pax3 allele with Pax3:Fkhr throughout its expression do...Neuroprogenitor; Embryogenesis2004-11-01
112 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Bulaj, GrzegorzNovel conantokins from Conus parius venom are specific antagonists of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptorsWe report the discovery and characterization of three conantokin peptides from the venom of Conus parius. Each peptide (conantokin-Pr1, -Pr2, and -Pr3) contains 19 amino acids with three γ-carboxyglutamate (Gla) residues, a post-translationally modified amino acid characteristic of conantokins. The...Conotoxins; Conantokins; Conus parius; Antagonists; n-methyl-D-aspartate receptors2007
113 Capecchi, Mario R.Male fertility is dependent on dipeptidase activity of testis ACE.Testis angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is an isozyme exclusively expressed by developing sperm. This protein has only a single catalytic domain containing the HEXXH consensus-site motif typical of zinc metallopeptidases. The exact role of testis ACE is unknown, but male mice lacking the protein ...Amino Acid Motifs; Blotting, Western; Catalytic Domain; Comparative Study; Isoenzymes; Protein Structure, Tertiary2005-11-11
114 Coley, Phyllis D.Guía de los arboles comunes del Parque Nacional Soberanía, PanamáEsta es una guía con dibujos para las cincuenta especies de árboles más comunes del bosque tropical en los alrededores del Parque Soberanía, Panamá. También se incluyen siete especies de hierbas y cuatro herbáceas grandes que sobresalen en el sotobosque (bosque bajo). Aunque en el área del p...Arboles; Arbustos1984
115 Goller, FranzBilateral syringeal contributions to song in the zebra finchAlthough central control of song production has been investigated extensively in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), much less is known about peripheral vocal motor dynamics during song.Electromyographic activity; Sound souces; Unilateral2004
116 Capecchi, Mario R.Choose your target.The technology of modifying endogenous genes has recently been extended from mice to Drosophila and sheep. Concurrently, genomic sequencing is uncovering thousands of previously uncharacterized genes. Armed with today's technologies, what are our best options for delineating the functions of these n...Animals; Mice; Sheep2000-09-13
117 Beckerle, Mary C.Molecular dissection of zyxin function reveals its involvement in cell motilitySpatially controlled actin filament assembly is critical for numerous processes, including the vectorial cell migration required for wound healing, cell-mediated immunity, and embryogenesis. One protein implicated in the regulation of actin assembly is zyxin, a protein concentrated at sites where t...Zyxin; Actinin; Ena/VASP1999
118 Adler, Frederick R.; Jackson, Brian Richard; Carroll, Karen C.; Samore, Matthew H.Use of strain typing data to estimate bacterial transmission rates in healthcare settingsOBJECTIVE: To create an affordable and accurate method for continuously monitoring bacterial transmission rates in healthcare settings. DESIGN: We present a discrete simulation model that relies on the relationship between in-hospital transmission rates and strain diversity. We also present a proof...Strain typing; Infection control; Transmission model2005
119 Davidson, Diane W.Pruning of host plant neighbors by ants: an experimental approachSome ants of myrmecophytic plants either obligately or facultatively prune vegetation surrounding their host trees. Pruning behavior occurs at higher frequency in ants with sting defenses than in those with chemical defenses, which may generally convey an advantage in aggressive encounters between a...Allelopathy; Allomerus demararae; Ant-plant interactions; Ants; Cordia nodosa; Crematogaster; Mutualism; Peru; Plant-animal interaction; Pseudomyrmex; Triplaris americana1988
120 Jorgensen, ErikNeural plasticityNeural plasticity refers to functional changes in the nervous system and therefore encompasses a range of phenomena from changes at synapses observed on a microscopic scale to changes in behavior observed in the whole animal. These diverse phenomena are related since changes in synapses are believ...Synapses; Nervous System; Development1997
121 Jorgensen, ErikUNC-11, a Caenorhabditis elegans AP180 homologue, regulates the size and protein composition of synaptic vesiclesThe unc-11 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans encodes multiple isoforms of a protein homologous to the mammalian brain-specific clathrin-adaptor protein AP180. The UNC-11 protein is expressed at high levels in the nervous system and at lower levels in other tissues. In neurons, UNC-11 is enriched at pr...Caenorhabditis elegans; Synaptic vesicles; unc-11; Synaptobrevin; Endocytosis1999
122 Capecchi, Mario R.Gene targeting: an historical perspectiveOur entry into what was going to become the field of gene targeting began in 1977. I was experimenting with the use of extremely small glass needles to inject DNA directly into the nuclei of living cells. The needles were controlled by hydraulically driven micro-manipulators and were directed into n...Gene targeting -- History; Homologous recombination1998
123 Bohs, Lynn A.Phylogenetic relationships in Solanum (Solanaceae) based on ndhF sequencesA phylogenetic analysis was conducted using sequence data from the chloroplast gene ndhF. Sequences were obtained from 25 species of Solanaceae, including 18 species of Solanum representing five of the seven conventionally recognized subgenera.Solanum; ndhF1997
124 Olivera, Baldomero M.?O-Conotoxins inhibit NaV channels by interfering with their voltage sensors in domain-2The ?O-conotoxins MrVIA and MrVIB are 31-residue peptides from Conus marmoreus, belonging to the O-superfamily of conotoxins with three disulfide bridges. They have attracted attention because they are inhibitors of tetrodotoxin-insensitive voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV1.8) and could therefore ...2007
125 Thomas, Kirk R.; Capecchi, Mario R.Maintenance of functional equivalence during paralogous Hox gene evolution.Biological diversity is driven mainly by gene duplication followed by mutation and selection. This divergence in either regulatory or protein-coding sequences can result in quite different biological functions for even closely related genes. This concept is exemplified by the mammalian Hox gene comp...Alleles; Animals; Cervical Vertebrae; Embryo; Genetic Complementation Test; Homeodomain Proteins; Homozygote; Mice2000-02-10
101 - 125 of 633