76 - 100 of 244
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
76 Zur Naheren Kenntnis des Verlaufes der Postganglionaren Sympathicusbahnen fur Pupillenerweiterung, Lidspaltenoffnung und Nickhautretraktion bei der Katze (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of the course of the postganglionic sympathetic pathways for pupil dilation, eyelid opening and nictiteal retraction.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
77 Zur Vegetativen Innervation von Pupille und Netzhautgefassen (Illustrations and Annotations)Study of "vegetative innervation" of the pupil and retinal vessels.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
78 Cluster Headache Associated with Primary Hyperlipidemia (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches as associated with primary hyperlipidemia, study of two brothers suffering from cluster headache of the chronic variant as well as hyperlipidemia. 11 consecutive cases of cluster headache were studied for lipid abnormality.Card Catalog Index Cards
79 Migrainoid Headaches and their Ocular Manifestations (Annotations)Study of migrainoid headaches and the ocular manifestations, and histaminic headache (Horton's syndrome).Card Catalog Index Cards
80 A Case of Raeder's Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Raeder's syndrome, Horner's syndrome in adolescent; trigeminal nerve, paralysis.Card Catalog Index Cards
81 A Clinical Comparison of Cluster Headache and Migraine (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches and migraines.Card Catalog Index Cards
82 Adrenergic Mydriasis in Horner's Syndrome. Hydroxy-Amphetamine Test for Diagnosis of Post-ganglionic Defects (Annotations)Study of adrenergic mydriasis in Horner's syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
83 Acetylcholine in the Mechanism of Headaches of the Migraine Type (Annotations)Study of acetylcholine in migraine headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
84 A Particular Variety of Headache (Annotations)Study of cluster headache, treated with ergotamine tartrate; conjunctival and facial vasodilation, stuffy, running nose.Card Catalog Index Cards
85 Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology (Annotations)From Loewenfeld's "Pupil" index: "Updated, expanded, re-arranged third edition of Walsh's great text, in 3 Volumes. A Colossal work that invariably makes writers in this field feel like beggars by comparison."Card Catalog Index Cards
86 Cluster Headache. Nomenclature Regarding Horton's or Histamine Headache (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches, Horton's or Histamine headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
87 Ciliary (Migrainous) Neuralgia and its Treatment (Annotations)Study of ciliary neuralgia and treatments.Card Catalog Index Cards
88 Clinical Sub-types of Cluster Headache and Response to Lithium Therapy (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches and response to lithium therapy.Card Catalog Index Cards
89 Clinical Aspects of Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
90 Coexistence of Pupillary and Heart Sympathetic Asymmetries in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of pupillary and heart sympathetic asymmetries in cluster headache.Card Catalog Index Cards
91 Cluster Headache Syndrome and Migraine. Opthalmological Support for a Two-Entity Theory (Annotations)Study of cluster headache syndromes and migraines.Card Catalog Index Cards
92 Dual Mechanism of Eye Signs of Headache in Cluster Pattern (Annotations)Discussion of a paper by E.C. Kunkle on the dual mechanism of eye signs of headache in cluster pattern.Card Catalog Index Cards
93 Dual Mechanism of Eye Signs of Headache in Cluster Pattern (Annotations)Study of eye signs in cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
94 Drug Testing in Horner's Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Horner's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
95 Effect of Alcohol on Headaches in Chronic Form of Horton's Cephalgia (Annotations)Study of the effect of alcohol on headaches in Horton's Cephalgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
96 Drug testing in Horner's Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Horner's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
97 Die Migraine (Annotations)Study of migraines.Card Catalog Index Cards
98 Evaluation of the Causes and Accuracy of Pharmacologic Localization in Horner's Syndrome (Annotations)Study of Horner's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
99 Ergotamine Tartrate Orally in Horton's Histamine Cephalgia (Annotations)Study of Horton's histaminic cephalgia.Card Catalog Index Cards
100 Harris's Migraine or Cluster Headache (Editorial) (Annotations)Editorial about Harris's Migraine or cluster headache.Card Catalog Index Cards
76 - 100 of 244