76 - 100 of 259
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76 Millgram, ElijahPleasure in practical reasoningPractical reasoning often strikes philosophers as ungrounded. It seems to them that desires are to be justified by reasoning that proceeds from, inter alia, further desires, and these further desires are to be justified by reference to still further desires. Avoiding circularity and infinite regres...1993
77 Battin, Margaret P.Nicole: suicide and terminal illnessThe terminally ill person who plans suicide poses a clinical dilemma in suicidology. Issues of rational suicide are complicated. Although experts (Battin, 1991; Hoff, 1989; Motto, 1972; Pretzel, 1984; Saunders & Valente, 1988) recognize rational suicide, the prevailing paradigm of suicide preventio...Terminal illness; Suicidology1993
78 Battin, Margaret P.Seven (more) caveats concerning the discussion of euthanasia in the NetherlandsDiscussion in the U.S. about euthanasia in the Netherlands is characterized by profound disagreement, both about what the practice actually is and what risks it involves. Some time ago, I put together a little list1 of seven warnings for bioethicists embroiled in this discussion-things one ought to...1993
79 Francis, LeslieLaw and Philosophy;: from skepticism to value theoryTo write about Philosophy; and law is both odd and daunting. It is odd because the topic seems to presuppose that the two fields are separate and that Philosophy; may be unfamiliar to legal practice and legal practitioners. Yet, recognized or not, Philosophy; is part of the ordinary life of law sch...1993
80 Battin, Margaret P.Suicidology and the right to dieAs suicidology reflects on the issue of the right to die, it can make no bigger mistake than by seeing suicide and suicidal behavior in short-sighted isolation, without reference to the cultural context within which it occurs. Two kinds of myopia currently afflict us in particularly constricting way...1993
81 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice eds. Frey, R. G., & Morris, C., Christopher W. (Review)Consider two views about terrorism. The first, the conventional view, is that terrorism is an outrage. It involves, typically, the kidnapping, killing, and intimidation of innocent people who simply happen to be in the wrong place. Terrorists are fanatics, thugs, criminals, deranged individuals, wh...Kill; Assault; terrorist1993
82 Battin, Margaret P.Aging and ethics: philosophical problems in gerontologyAging and Ethics addresses a crucial issue: In order to address the dilemmas aging poses concerning distributive justice in health care, don't we need to rethink both the personal and social significance of old age?1993
83 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice (Book Review)Reviews the book `Violence, Terrorism and Justice,' edited by R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris.Books; Philosophy;; Terrorism; Justice; Violence1993-07
84 Battin, Margaret P.; Francis, Leslie; Jacobson, Jay A.Patients' understanding and use of advance directivesThe Patient Self-Determination Act was implemented in December 1991. Before and after its implementation, we used a structured interview of 302 randomly selected patients to determine their awareness, understanding, and use of advance directives. Implementation of the Act did not have a major eff...Living will; Medical care; Durable power of attorney1994
85 Newman, LexDescartes on unknown faculties and our knowledge of the external worldDescartes introduces his skeptical arguments, in the First Meditation, in an order of increasing strength. First, the narrator-meditator notices that judgments concerning the nature of small and distant objects are unreliable; later, that even sensory judgments about large and close objects are in d...Corporeal existence; Skeptical argument1994
86 Battin, Margaret P.; Jacobson, Jay A.; Francis, Leslie P.Patients' understanding and use of advance directivesThe Patient Self-Determination Act was implemented in December 1991. Before and after its implementation, we used a structured interview of 302 randomly selected patients to determine their awareness, understanding, and use of advance directives. Implementation of the Act did not have a major effec...1994
87 Downes, Stephen M.Review of Michael Gorman, Simulating ScienceMichael Gorman has several projects in Simulating Science. First, he presents a reaearch program of psychological experiments on scientific reasoning. Second, he defends an interdisciplinary approach to science studies. Third, he critically examines recent computer models of scientific theorizing an...Psychological experiments; Reasoning in psychology; Psychological literature1994
88 Battin, Margaret P.Death ethics: religious and cultural values in prolonging and ending lifeIn this sequel to his earlier Birth Ethics, Kenneth Vaux again uses what he calls a 'multiphasic ethical scheme," incorporating naturalistic, humanistic, and theistic values to explore the issues of suicide, euthanasia, letting die, genocide, withdrawing life supports, and other end-of-life issues.1994
89 Battin, Margaret P.Cases for kids: using puzzles to teach aesthetics to childrenNothing stupefies kids (I have in mind young people, though the same is true of many adults) as quickly as long-winded, jargon-filled, highly abstract theoretical discourse, especially when it seems to have no immediate utility. Kids like fun. They like play; they like games; they like challenges an...Aesthetics; Education; Children; Puzzles1994
90 Thalos, Mariam G.Common need for classical epistemological foundations: against a feminist alternativeThe difficulties of justifying a recipe for scientific inquiry that calls for sensory experience and logic as sole ingredients can hardly be overestimated. Resolving the riddles of induction, steadily mounting against empiricism since Hume, has come to seem like an exercise in making bricks without...Epistomology; Feminism; Sensory experience; Logic; Inductive inference1994
91 Landesman, Bruce M.Multiculturalism and the politics of recognition (Book Review)Reviews the book, Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition,'' by Charles Taylor. Taylor's view that identity is shaped by the recognition of others; Human self-understanding as dialogical and not monological; Equal rights and nondiscrimination as axioms of rights-liberalism; Goal of cultura...Books; Philosophy;; Multiculturalism1994-01
92 Battin, Margaret P.Death ethics: religious and cultural values in prolonging and ending life (book review)A review of the book "Death Ethics: Religious and Cultural Values in Prolonging and Ending Life" by Kenneth L. Vaux.Books; Life; End of life1994-07
93 Millgram, ElijahThick ethical concepts and the fact-value distinctionOver the last few years, the ‘fact-value distinction' (FVD) has become increasingly unfashionable, due in part to a number of arguments adduced against it. I myself do not believe the FVD can be maintained, and I think there are good arguments against it. But I have my doubts about the cogency of...Philosophy;; Ethics1995
94 Millgram, ElijahWas Hume a Humean?When it comes to talking about practical reasoning, "Humean" is a synonym for "instrumentalist." That is, a "Humean" view of practical reasoning is one on which only means-end reasoning directed toward satisfying antecedently given desires counts as practical reasoning at all. Witness, for instance...Humean; Humeanism1995
95 Goldberg, Robert A.Esther Rosenblatt Landa: her price is far above rubiesDr. Robert Goldberg has been a professor of history at the University of Utah since 1980. His teaching and research field is twentieth-century America with a focus on the American West, social, and political history. He has won five teaching awards and is the author of four books: Hooded Empire: Th...Landa, Esther Rosenblatt1996
96 Battin, Margaret P.Report of the committee on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasiaIn 1994 the Board of the American Association of Suicidology selected a Committee on Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. It was asked to review the issues emerging in the growing controversy concerning euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, palliative care, and the medical treatment of dyin...Suicidology; Palliative care1996
97 Landesman, Bruce M.Rights, welfare and Mill's moral theory (Book Review)Reviews the book `Rights, Welfare and Mill's Moral Theory,' by David Lyons.Books; Philosophy1996-04
98 White, Nicholas P.Review of Terence Irwin, 'Plato'This impressive and valuable book is in many ways a new edition of Irwin's well-known Plato's Moral Theory and like that book must be carefully studied by anyone seriously interested in Plato- not only in his ethics but in his Philosophy; in general.Epistemological demands; Hedonism; Philosophizing1996-10
99 Battin, Margaret P.A midwife through the dying process: stories of healing and hard choices at the end of lifeIn Timothy Quill's recounting of the deaths of nine patients, the final description is of the planned death of Jules: at home, surrounded by family members, and aided by a physician. It is a moving, true story, recounted in meticulous detail, from the first diagnosis to the final dose of barbiturat...1997
100 Battin, Margaret P.Sex & consequences: world population growth vs. reproductive rightsConflict between concern over global population growth (still rising precipitously, even though growth rates have slowed) and concern for reproductive rights is intense. NeoMalthusians, on the one hand, point to the dire consequences of overpopulation; feminist defenders of reproductive rights and ...Reproduction; Population growth; Birth control; Feminism1997
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