76 - 100 of 151
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76 Miller, Jan D.Removal of volatile organic compounds from contaminated water using air-sparged hydrocyclone stripping technologyThe air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) technology offers the unique opportunity to achieve efficient removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from contaminated water at a high specific capacity, more than 100 times that of conventional air stripping technologies. VOC stripping is the first applicati...Air-sparged hydrocyclone; Air stripping; Contaminated water1997
77 Miller, Jan D.Structure and composition of commercial copper chelate extractantsThe structure, properties, and composition of commercial chelating-type copper extractants are examined. Characterization of these extractants was accomplished using organic separation techniques and analytical tools such as NMR and infrared spectroscopy. Results indicate that only the trans isomer ...LIX® reagents; stoichiometry; reaction mechanism1973
78 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-Luh3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomographyIn general, x-ray computed tomographic (CT) techniques are able to provide 3D images of the internal structure of opaque materials in a nondestructive manner. The unique cone beam geometry allows acquisition of all 2D projections with only one rotation of the sample thus providing for fast data acqu...X-ray microtomography; Liberation; Heap leaching; Exposure analysis; Coal washability2003
79 Miller, Jan D.Methodology for detailed liberation analysis in mineral processing technologyA transformation equation can be used to describe the relationship between the one, two and three dimensional information regarding the composition of mineral particles of specified size. Linear or areal grade distributions f(gi) can be transformed to an estimate of the volumetric grade distribution...Volumetric grade; Grade; Distribution1986
80 Miller, Jan D.Dispersed oil impact on froth stability in flotationFoam stability in flotation has been studied for more than half of the last century, however, the mechanisms responsible for the defoaming action of many presently used reagents are not completely understood. This research presents oil flotation data, which may be used in the evaluation of aqueous ...Particles; Defoaming; Surfactants2001
81 Miller, Jan D.Effect of ink types and printing processes on flotation deinkingExamination of ink types reveals that newsprint oil-based offset-cold and offset-heat inks contain substantial oil (45 to 60%) and resin (5 to 35%), water-based ink contains water (40%) and resin (polystyrene, 30%). These inks are liquids with densities around 1 g/cm3, having various viscosities...Toners; Inks; Photocopying; Laser printing; Flotation; Deinking; Recycling; Office waste; Hyrdophobicity1997
82 Miller, Jan D.Metal ion activation in xanthate flotation of quartzQuartz cannot be floated with potassium amyl xanthate as collector at any pH. Complete flotation is achieved with certain minimal additions of amyl xanthate and Pbtt from pH 5.8 to 8.5 and with amyl xanthate and Znt+ from pH 7.5 to 8.1. The active species of these metal ions responsible for activ...pH (Chemistry); Xanthate flotation; Metal ions1965
83 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhParticle size distribution for copper heap leaching operations as established from 3D mineral exposure analysis by X-ray microCTThe particle size distribution (PSD) for copper heap leaching is an important consideration in the design and operation of any copper heap leaching facility. High-resolution 3D X-ray microtomography (XMT) can be used for the direct determination of the percentage of exposed valuable mineral grains i...Particle size distribution; Leaching; X-ray microtomography2003
84 Miller, Jan D.Hydrophobicity and elemental composition of laser-printed toner filmsLaser-printed toner films on a polymer support were treated with alkaline (NaOH) aqueous solutions at elevated temperature (80-85° C). These toner films were examined with a sessile-drop contact-angle measurement technique in order to establish the hydrophobicity of the toner surface. Also, X-ray p...Ink; Fibers; Deinking1996
85 Miller, Jan D.Bench scale flotation of sedimentary phosphate rock with hydroxamic acid collectorsIt has been discovered that water insoluble alcoholic solutions of alkyl hydroxamic acids serve as selective collectors for the flotation of phosphate mineral resources. The effectiveness of the new collector chemistry has been demonstrated by the results from single stage bench scale flotation exp...Flotation; Insoluble collectors; Hydroxamic acid; Alcohol; Phosphate rock; High solids conditioning; Particle size2002
86 Miller, Jan D.Pilot-plant evaluation of a water insoluble hydroxamic acid collector for single stage flotation of Florida phosphate rockRecent laboratory results have demonstrated that selective flotation of phosphate rock can be achieved in a single stage with improved separation efficiency when compared to the standard double float process. The new reagent chemistry is based on the use of a water insoluble alcoholic solution of ...Phosphate rock; Flotation; Double float; Separation2006
87 Rajamani, RajOnline SAG mill pulse measurement and optimization semi-annual technical progress reportThe grinding efficiency of semi autogenous milling or ball milling depends on the tumbling motion of the total charge within the mill. Utilization of this tumbling motion for efficient breakage of particles depends on the conditions inside the mill. However, any kind of monitoring device to measure...2006
88 Miller, Jan D.Evaluation of a CT-based coal washability analysis system under simulated on-line conditionsThe appropriate software and hardware necessary to adapt an X-ray CTanalyzerfor the determination of coal washability was developed and successfully tested for well-characterized samples under laboratory conditions. Evaluation of the CT-based analyzer under simulated on-line conditions is also prese...Coal washability; Computer simulation; X-ray CT analysis2002
89 Miller, Jan D.Toner ink particle morphology in air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation deinkingA series of pulping and flotation deinking tests were performed using a pilot-scale air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation cell and a toner ink printed furnish. Microscopy studies indicate ink particles in both the flotation accepts and rejects are relatively flat. Many of the ink particles ap...Elongation; Cyclone; Particles1996
90 Miller, Jan D.Bubble generation in swirl flow during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotationAir-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation is a new, promising technology, and, since its conception, numerous applications have been successfully tested. Nevertheless, research and development efforts have continued to improve the technology with respect to operating conditions and design considerati...Air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation; Bubble size; Process variables1996
91 Miller, Jan D.Arsenic removal from contaminated watersArsenic is a contaminant at 781 of 1,430 sites identified on the National Priorities List and in mining and mineral processing wastewaters, smelter wastes, and sites for manufacture of semiconductors, petroleum products, wood preservatives, animal feed additives, and herbicides. Arsenic affects abo...Arsenic; Arsenate; Arsenite; Microbial; Activated carbon; Magnetic activated carbon; Biomac2005
92 Miller, Jan D.Direct three-dimensional liberation analysis by cone beam x-ray microtomographyLiberation of valuable minerals during size reduction is an important aspect of mineral processing technology. In practice, most quantitative information on liberation is based on the application of stereological theorems for the analysis of image data from two-dimensional polished sections. On th...Mineral processing; Cone beam x-ray; Microtomography1997
93 Miller, Jan D.;Yu, QiangSolvent refining of coal resin concentratesCertain bituminous coals of the western United States are known to contain appreciable quantities of macroscopic resinite (fossil resin). Such resinous coals are found in the states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, etc. Among these, the Wasatch Plateau coal field in ce...1994
94 Miller, Jan D.Microscopic observations of bitumen spreading at gas bubble surfacesBitumen spreading at gas bubble surfaces was observed through a stereoscopic microscope for Whiterocks oil sand samples submerged in alkaline solutions. This phenomenon was also observed for model systems where air bubbles were placed al the surface of bitumen-coated quartz slide. Finally, the film ...Hydrophobic minerals; Oil sand; Gas bubbles1995
95 Chandran, RaviMicrostructure and thermal conductivity of thermal barrier coatings processed by plasma spray and physical vapor deposition techniquesThe temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of multilayer coatings made by a plasma spray technique as well as some coatings made by physical vapor deposition (PVD) was investigated. The multilayer coatings consisted of a varying number of layers of AI2O3 and Zr02 stabilized by 8%Y203. Pl...Thermal barrier coatings; Multilayer coatings; Plasma spray technique1996
96 Miller, Jan D.; Wan, Rong YuSignificance of carbon properties in the enhanced ferric sulfate leaching of CuFeS2/C aggregatesAcid ferric sulfate solution has been used for heap and dump leaching of low-grade chalcopyrite ores and is being considered as a possible lixiviant for the hydrometallurgical processing of copper sulfide concentrates. For many years, researchers have attempted to explain the leaching behavior of ch...Ferric sulfate; CuFeS2; Particulate carbon1984
97 Chandran, RaviEvolution of microstructure and phases in in-situ processed Ti-TiB composites containing high volume fractions of TiB whiskersA series of titanium composites, with varying volume fractions of titanium monoboride (TiB) whiskers, were made by mixing various proportions of titanium (Ti) and titanium diboride (TiB2) powders followed by hot pressing. The phases present were identified by x-ray diffraction.Morphology; diffraction; relative intensity1999
98 Miller, Jan D.Study of particle-bubble interaction using atomic force microscopy: current possibilities and challengesStudy of interaction forces between mineral particles and air bubbles is a key to understanding flotation processes. Measurement of such interaction forces has only recently been made possible with the introduction of the atomic force microscope (AFM) and the colloidal probe technique. Using AFM, in...Particle-bubble interaction; Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM); Hydrophobic force; Contact angle; Hydrodynamic force2002
99 Miller, Jan D.Minerals beneficiation in '69 steps up tonnage, engineering, environmental control and automation: size analysis and flotation chemistry highlighted by basic science researchersThe application of computers to the control and study of mineral processing operations such as grinding, classification and notation has created an interest in simulation studies of these operations with mathematical models. Evidence of this interest is confirmed by papers presented at the 1969 Int...Mineral processing; Computer simulations; Mathematical models1970
100 Miller, Jan D.; Nalaskowski, JakubInteraction forces between silica surfaces in aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)sAn understanding of forces responsible for the stability of dispersions of colloidal particles when interacting with each other in aqueous solutions is of great interest academically and industrially. When water-soluble polymers are adsorbed onto colloidal particles, various effects on the stabil...Water-soluble polymers; Colloidal particles; Interaction forces2003
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