76 - 100 of 258
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76 Battin, Margaret P.Sex & consequences: world population growth vs. reproductive rightsConflict between concern over global population growth (still rising precipitously, even though growth rates have slowed) and concern for reproductive rights is intense. NeoMalthusians, on the one hand, point to the dire consequences of overpopulation; feminist defenders of reproductive rights and ...Reproduction; Population growth; Birth control; Feminism1997
77 Battin, Margaret P.Telling confessions: confidentiality in the practice of religionWHEN, if ever, may or should a professional practitioner reveal a confidential disclosure? This is a question of moral concern that arises in many areas of professional ethics. Those who have access to private information include many individuals, among them physicians, psychiatrists, attorneys, tea...1983
78 Morrow, CarolynLa "otredad" en el cine español contempóraneo: "Hable con ella y Flores de otro mundoEn 1990 el filósofo de la posmodernidad Gianni Vattimo propone que en la sociedad de los medios de comunicación se abre camino un ideal de emancipación que tiene en su base la pluralidad y la erosión del antiguo "principio de la realidad" (15). Desaparecida la idea de una racionalidad central de...Films, Spain; Postmodernity, Spain; Cinema, Spain2006-07-19
79 Battin, Margaret P.Voluntary euthanasia and the risks of abuse: can we learn anything from the Netherlands?In the United Stares' quite volatile public debates over the legalization of voluntary active euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, much has been made of the risk of abuse. Indeed, it was probably tears of abuse that contributed more than any other single factor to the 1991 defeat of the Unite...Slippery slope; Deliberations; Scruples1992
80 Holzner, Claudio A.; Jameson, Kenneth P.; Maloney, Thomas N.; Abebe, Berhanie; Lund, Matthew; Schaub, KristenEconomic impact of the Mexico-Utah relationshipThis study began during the Summer of 2005 and set out to examine the complexity of the globalized relation between Utah and Mexico, concentrating on broadly defined "economic linkages." It was designed to build upon earlier similar studies done in Arizona and in Texas on those states' relations wit...Economics, Utah; Migration; Immigration; Mexico; Undocumented immigrants2006-03-10
81 Morrow, CarolynBreaking the rules: transgression and carnival in Ultimas tardes con TeresaRituals and celebrations emerge as a central structuring device in the love story that forms the center of Ultimas tardes con Teresa, Juan Marse's prize-winning novel of 1965. The narrative begins with a couple, Manolo and Teresa, strolling through the center of Barcelona during Fiesta Mayor, one o...Rituals; Society; Culture1991
82 Hanna, Patricia LeeSummaries and comments on Lappin, S. Sorts, ontology and metaphor: the semantics of sortal structureIn this interesting study, Shalom Lappin argues that any adequate theory of sortal incorrectness must meet four requirements. First, it must account for the truth valuelessness of sortally incorrect sentences. Second, it must provide a means of distinguishing truth valuelessness arising from sortal...Valuelessness; Incorrectness1983
83 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice (Book Review)Reviews the book `Violence, Terrorism and Justice,' edited by R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris.Books; Philosophy;; Terrorism; Justice; Violence1993-07
84 Battin, Margaret P.False dichotomy versus genuine choice the argument over physician-assisted dyingDespite a growing consensus that palliative care should be a core part of the treatment offered to all severely ill patients who potentially face death,1 challenging questions remain. How broad a choice should patients have in guiding the course of their own dying? What limitations should be placed ...2004
85 Francis, LeslieVirtue and the American family: abortion and divorce in Western law by Mary Ann GlendonAbortion and Divorce in Western Law is seductive and dangerous. It is seductive because it is half right; it is dangerous because it is half wrong on many levels: the data assembled about abortion law, the comparative law methodology employed, and the conclusions drawn for American public policy abo...Abortion and divorce in American law; Book review; Glendon, Mary Ann1988
86 Battin, Margaret P.On the relationship between suicide-prevention and suicide-advocacy groupsLargely in response to contemporary medicine's advancing technological capacities to extend the process of dying to extraordinary lengths, recent years have seen the emergence of numerous advocacy groups concerned with what is often called "death with dignity." For instance, the New York-based group...Suicide prevention; Suicide advocacy; Death with dignity; Suicidology1982
87 White, Nicholas P.Forms and sensibles: Phaedo 74B-CIn Phaedo 74b6-c6 Plato offers an important argument for the proposition that such things as "the equal itself," i.e. such things as are often called "Forms," are distinct from sensible objects. The argument is especially important because it is one of a very small number of explicit arguments-perha...Plato; Forms; Sensibles1987
88 White, Nicholas P.Review of R. W. Sharples, 'Alexander of Aphrodisias on fate'This is a book review of an English translation of Alexander of Aphrodisias' On Fate, written about 200 A.D.Fate; Book review1985
89 Battin, Margaret P.Nicole: suicide and terminal illnessThe terminally ill person who plans suicide poses a clinical dilemma in suicidology. Issues of rational suicide are complicated. Although experts (Battin, 1991; Hoff, 1989; Motto, 1972; Pretzel, 1984; Saunders & Valente, 1988) recognize rational suicide, the prevailing paradigm of suicide preventio...Terminal illness; Suicidology1993
90 Andreou, ChrisoulaGetting on in a varied worldAre greed and ruthlessness contrary to reason? Is immorality a form of irrationality? Much of contemporary ethical theory is a debate between Kantians, who argue that the dictates of morality are dictates of reason, and Humeans, who argue that reason is neutral between morality and immorality. T...Kantians; Humeans; Immorality2006
91 Goldberg, Robert A.Jewish perspectiveOUR TOPIC POSES two key questions. First, what are the pitfalls of writing from within our own religious tradition? Second, what are the advantages? In thinking about the Jewish tradition, my mind conjures up and fixes upon a quotation from Sheriff Wyatt Earp, upholder of law and order in Dodge City...2002
92 Francis, LeslieEnd of life decision-making for patients with dementiaIn decision-making for patients with dementia, law and bioethics recognize two central goals: protecting the patient's autonomy and protecting the patient's best interests. These two objectives are not always consistent, however, nor easily applied over the long, downhill course experienced by mos...2001
93 Battin, Margaret P.What are the potential cost savings from legalizing physician-assisted suicide?IN the Washington v. Glucksberg and Vacco v. Quill decisions rejecting a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court allowed each state to decide whether to legalize the intervention.1 In state legislatures rather than courtrooms, factual claims about the probable extent ...1998
94 Crowe, Benjamin D.Religion and the 'sensitive branch' of human natureAbstract: While the theses that (1) human beings are primarily passional creatures and that (2) religion is fundamentally a product of our sensible nature are both closely linked to David Hume, Hume's contemporary Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696-1782), also defended them and explored their implication...2010-06
95 Francis, LeslieNo disability standpoint here!: law school faculties and the invisibility problemEndeavors to increase diversity in higher education invite many questions, including concerns about consistent and categorical application of the motivating values. For example, do law schools, and especially elite law schools, do enough to promote inclusiveness in the legal profession if their eff...Diversity; Higher education; Law school faculties; Invisibility problem2008
96 Battin, Margaret P.On the relationship between suicide-prevention and suicide-advocacy groupsLargely in response to contemporary medicine's advancing technological capacities to extend the process of dying to extraordinary lengths, recent years have seen the emergence of numerous advocacy groups concerned with what is often called "death with dignity.1982
97 Battin, Margaret P.Letter to the editor why the slippery slope isn't slippery: a reply to Walter M. Weber on the right to dieWalter M. Weber's remarks present a brief but revealing exposition of the right-to-life argument against legal recognition of the "right to die." I say "revealing" because while these remarks p[resent the conservative view perhaps as clearly as it has been set forth so far, they exhibit particularly...1988
98 Thalos, Mariam G.From human nature to moral PhilosophyIn this essay I've illustrated the effects of exposing the question of the self to empirical scrutiny, showing that it leads to a partial dissolution of the manifest image. And that this, in turn, leads to seeking articulation of the relationship between moral and political Philosophy;, as to whethe...Self; Empiricism; Moral Philosophy;; Political Philosophy2002
99 Thalos, Mariam G.SystemsDynamical-systems analysis is nowadays ubiquitous. From engineering (its point of origin and natural home) to physiology, and from psychology to ecology, it enjoys surprisingly wide application. Sometimes the analysis rings decisively false-as, for example, when adopted in certain treatments of hist...2009
100 Battin, Margaret P.Review essay, on the structure of the euthanasia debate: observations provoked by a near-perfect for-and-against bookSomething is amiss with the euthanasia debate, and I want to use a smart new book to try to show what it is. The book is Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: For and Against, an eagerly awaited volume by three well-known philosophers, Gerald Dworkin, R. G. Frey, and Sissela Bok. Dworkin and F...2000
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