76 - 100 of 1,405
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76 Organic and pyritic sulfur determination in oil shale1983-03-01H2S; Pyritic sulfur; Oil shale; Kentucky; Ohio; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil shale deposits; SulfurSulfur forms in oil shale are defined according to their reduction rates to H2S in the presence of hydrogen-donor solvents. A linear increase in temperature with time is applied to a reaction system of oil shale and hydrogen-donor solvents. The different temperatures at which H2S is detected corresp...
77 Oil-impregnated rock deposits of Utah1974-07
78 Oil-impregnated sandstone mapping project Nine Mile Canyon area Carbon and Duchesne Counties, Utah: A field examination for the Utah Geological Survey1971-10-04Tributaries; Nine Mile canyon; Argyle canyon; Uinta Basin; Deltaic facies; Green River Formation; Parachute CreekA reconnaissance survey of tributaries to Nine Mile and Argyle canyons in the southern Uinta Basin showed widespread but erratic distribution of oil-impregnated sandstones. The occurrences are mainly in the Deltaic facies of the Green River formation. The bituminous material is believed to have been...
79 Oil shale project run summary, small retort: Run S-241981-10-07Oil shale; MIS; Modified in-situ oil shale retorting; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryA. Objective. Previous Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory pilot retort experiments, simulating modified in-situ (MIS) oil shale retorting, have employed relatively high (1-3 m/day) retorting rates. Such rates not only would have an obvious commercial economic advantage but, in pilot retort trial...
80 Oil-impregnated sandstones in Utah and Wayne Counties, Utah1972Thistle; Utah County; Jurassic sandstone; Thousand Lake Mountain; Wayne County; Oil-impregnated sediments; Asphalt-bearing Tertiary bedsTwo little known occurrences of oil-impregnated sediments are discussed briefly. One is a fairly extensive area of asphalt-bearing Tertiary beds in the vicinity of Thistle, Utah County. The other is a very limited exposure of Jurassic sandstone permeated with dead oil on Thousand Lake Mountain in Wa...
81 Oil shale quarterly report1990-09-05Aboveground oil shale retorting; Hot-Recycled-Solid; HRS; Pyrolysis; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryWe are studying aboveground oil shale retorting and have developed the LLNL Hot-Recycled-Solid (HRS) process as a generic, second-generation, rapid pyrolysis retorting system in which recycled shale is the solid heat carrier. In 1984-87, we operated a 1-tonne-per-day FIRS pilot plant to study retort...
82 Oil-impregnated sandstones of Raven Ridge, Vernal, Utah1972Oil-impregnated sandstone; Raven Ridge; Vernal, Utah; Uinta Basin; Utah; Colorado; Wasatch Formation; Green River Formation; Uinta FormationThe area of this report is in the northeastern part of the Uinta Basin of northeastern Utah and northwestern Colorado. The area covers approximately 52 square miles of what is regionally called Raven Ridge. Raven Ridge, a series of hogback ridges, trends northwest-southeast, and includes three Eocen...
83 Oil shale project small retort run summary: Run S-15 addendum computer tables1981-03Run summary; Oil shale project small retort; Lawrence Livermore LaboratoryThe Run Summary for S-15 was published quite some time ago (UCID 18282-Sept. 1979). At that time we had not completely analyzed the data using the computer as we had done in other run summaries. We have now gone back and processed that data. This report presents the computer generated run summary da...
84 Oil shale project run summary, large retort: Run L-11981-11-23Oil yield loss; Combustion retorting; Oil shale; Rubble bed; Run L-1; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryThe overall goals were to study oil yield loss and operating characteristics in combustion retorting of a rubble bed with physical characteristics comparable to some of those anticipated in field retorts. Shale particle size range and bed porosity were the two parameters selected for simulation (alo...
85 Oil shale project large retort run summary: Run L-31981-11-23Oil shale project large retort run; Run L-3; Tract C-a; Anvil Points; Cracking; Oxidation; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryThe major objectives of Run L-3 were: for a broad size distribution, investigate the effects of a step grade change on retort operations and demonstrate control of retort temperatures; evaluate effects of different shale on retort operations (i.e. Tract C-a versus Anvil Points) and retort oil yield;...
86 Oil shale retort run summary: Run C-41981-10-02Oil shale retort; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryA. Run Characteristics. Retort Run C-4 comprised four combustion run segments in a continuous aboveground retort conducted June 23 through June 27, 1980. The shale was -2.5 +1.3 cm (-1 +1/2 in) from Anvil Points. The retorting rates were approximately 40 and 65 m/d (130 and 220 ft/d), and the feed g...
87 Oil shale project run summary, small retort: Run S-71981-12-11Oil shale; Combustion run; Retorting; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryRun S-7 went smoothly except for loss of nitrogen flow for a short period early in the run. The thermal front developed rapidly and appeared to travel through the bed in a stable and uniform fashion. The exit gas composition stayed relatively constant for most of the last 3/4 of the run. The traveli...
88 Oil shale project run summary, large retort: Run L-21981-08-10Oil shale; Retorting behavior; Modified in-situ combustion retorting; MIS; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryA. Run Objective. To determine the retorting behavior of individual oil shale blocks in a shale rubble matrix during simulated modified in-situ (MIS) combustion retorting. B. Conclusions. The interiors of large particles are delayed in retorting (compared to a surrounding matrix of small particles) ...
89 Oil shale report run summary, small retort: Run S-191981-04Retort performance; Oil shale; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratorySmall retort run S-19 was designed to demonstrate the effects of increased steam rate on retort performance. Reduction in peak temperatures and possibly greater separation of the retort and combustion zones were expected. Greater oil yield (reduced oil losses) and more effective use of process heat ...
90 Oil Shale Process Model (OSP) code development manual1994-12-06Oil Shale Process model; OSP; 4TU-Pilot; HRS; Hot-Recycled-Solid; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryThe Oil Shale Process (OSP) model has proven to be a useful tool for the analysis of the steady-state operation of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Hot-Recycled- Solids 4 tonne-per-day Pilot Retort (4TU-Pilot). This manual has been developed to guide a user through the development of source ...
91 Oil Shale Process Model (OSP) user's manual1995-01-05Oil Shale Process model; OSP; 4TU-Pilot; Hot-Recycled-Solids; HRS; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryThe Oil Shale Process (OSP) model has proven to be a useful tool for the analysis of the steady-state operation of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Hot-Recycled- Solids 4 tonne-per-day Pilot Retort (4TU-Pilot). This manual is being developed to serve as a guide to users of the OSP model. The...
92 Oil Shale Process Model (OSP) theory manual1994-12-06Oil Shale Process model; OSP; 4TU-Pilot; Hot-Recycled-Solids; HRS; Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryThe Oil Shale Process (OSP) model has proven to be a useful tool for the analysis of the steady-state operation of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Hot Recycled Solids 4 tonne-per-day Pilot Retort (4TU-Pilot). This manual has been developed to guide a user through the theoretical basis for e...
93 Subtask 3.2: Flameless oxy-gas process heaters for efficient CO2 capture2011-03-11Oxy-gas process heaters; efficient CO2 capture; oxy-gas combustionThis is a presentation given at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting in March 10-11, 2011.
94 Subtask 6.1: Engineering process models for economic impact analysis2011-03-10engineering process models; economic impact analysis; domestic heavy oil; developing domestic heavy oil/sands/shale resourcesA presentation given at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting on March 10-11, 2011. In the project objectives, the purpose of assessment is to "Examine limiting factors to the development of domestic heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources. Identify poli...
95 Subtask 4.3: Multiscale thermal processing of oil shale2011-03-10thermal processing; oil shale; oil shale treatment; thermal treatment
96 Subtask 4.4: Effect of oil shale processing on water composition2011-03-10oil shale processing; water composition; unconventional fuels; oil shale; oil sands; oil shale developmentA presentation at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting on March 10-11, 2011. The overall goal is to asses aquifers in the Uinta Basin to determine where saline water (produced along with conventional petroleum development) can be disposed without harming fresh...
97 Opportunities for oxy-firing to reduce life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels2011-03-10GHG; oxy-firing; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; transportation fuel emissions; CO2 analysis; oil sandsThe outline covers in this presentation covers: GHGs and the transportation fuel cycle. Motivation for reducing GHG emissions. Use of oxy-firing for CO2 capture in refining of conventional fuel. Use of oxy-firing for extraction and upgrading of oil sands. GHG emissions from other scenarios Would oxy...
98 Development of HPC-based simulations tool for in situ thermal processing of oil shale/sandsHPC-based simulations tool; in situ thermal processing; oil shale; oil sands; commercial production of oil shale; ecoshale in-capsule processA presentation given at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting on March 10-11, 2011.
99 DOE project review: Subtask 4.2 (B): Examination of in situ production models2011-03-11DOE project review; in situ production models; oil shale; unconventional fuels; oil sands; geomechanics; general reservoir simulation toolA presentation given at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting on March 10-11, 2011. The objectives of the presentation is the examination of in-situ production methods, different in-situ production method options, rigorous energy and carbon balances, exploratio...
100 A market assessment of heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources2011-03-10unconventional fuels; market assessment; developing domestic heavy oil, oil sands, and oil shale resources; preliminary infrastructure needsA presentation given at the Unconventional Fuels from Oil Shale and Oil Sands Project Review Meeting on March 10-11, 2011.
76 - 100 of 1,405