76 - 100 of 215
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76 History of political theory and other essays (Book Review)ir_uspaceText
77 Hume on practical reasoning (Treatise 463-469)ir_uspaceText
78 Hwa Yol Jung, Question of rationality and the basic grammar of intercultural textsir_uspaceText
79 Importance of models in theorizing: a deflationary semantic viewir_uspaceText
80 In defense of the organism: Thomas Pradeu (Elizabeth Vitanza, trans.): The limits of the self: immunology and biological identity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, ix+302 pp, ISBN: 978-0-19-977528-6, $65 HB.ir_uspaceText
81 Innateness as closed process invarianceir_uspaceText
82 Instrumentally rational myopic planningir_uspaceText
83 Iris Murdoch. Existentialists and Mystics (Book Review)ir_uspaceText
84 Irony of supporting physician-assisted suicide: a personal accountir_uspaceText
85 Is pornography an action?: the causal vs. the conceptual view of pornography's harmir_uspaceText
86 John Stuart Mill's Deliberative landscape (Book Review)ir_uspaceText
87 Jonathan Lear, Love and it's place in nature and Open minded: working out the logic of the soulir_uspaceText
88 July 4, 1826: explaining the same-day deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jeffersonir_uspaceText
89 Justice through trust: disability and the Outlier problem in Social Contract Theoryir_uspaceText
90 Justice: cosmic or communal?ir_uspaceText
91 Knittingir_uspaceText
92 Law and Philosophy;: from skepticism to value theoryir_uspaceText
93 Least worst death: selective refusal of treatmentir_uspaceText
94 Legal physician-assisted dying in Oregon and the Netherlands: evidence concerning the impact on patients in "vulnerable" groupsir_uspaceText
95 Legitimate expectations, unreasonable beliefs, and legally mandated coverage of experimental therapyir_uspaceText
96 The lens of chemistryir_uspaceText
97 Letter to the editor why the slippery slope isn't slippery: a reply to Walter M. Weber on the right to dieir_uspaceText
98 Liberty, the higher pleasures, and Mill's missing science of ethnic jokesir_uspaceText
99 Looking backward: a critical appraisal of communitarian thought (Book Review)ir_uspaceText
100 Making a necessity of Virtue (Book Review)ir_uspaceText
76 - 100 of 215