76 - 100 of 134
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76 Brown, Barbara B.Methods for preparing dry, partially articulated skeletons of osteichthyans, with notes on making ridewood dissections of the cranial skeletonWe describe methods for preparing dry skeletons of virtually any osteichthyan species with a well-ossified skeleton, including very large specimens (e.g., > 1 m Megalops atlanticus). Our approach differs from those conventionally used to prepare skeletons of tetrapods in that (1) fairly complete di...Skeleton preparation; Study specimens; Partially articulated skeletons; Osteichthyans; Ridewood dissections; Cranial skeleton2004
77 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Mixed blessings of no-fault divorceBetween the mid-1960s and 1979 the crude divorce rate in the United States more than doubled.1 Although divorce had increased at a steady rate for more than the previous 100 years, the mid-1960s marked the beginning of an unprecedented boom.2 Despite modest declines over the last twenty years,3 th...Divorce reform2005
78 Yu, ZhouRegional disparities in homeownership trajectories: impacts of affordability, new construction, and immigrationIn contrast to the 1980s, we find substantial increases in the homeownership rates of young adults in the 1990s. Focusing on the younger half of the baby boom generation, aged 35 to 44 in 2000, we explore the factors that caused steeper trajectories into homeownership in some ...Demographics; Homeownership; Immigration2005
79 Smith, Ken R.; Mineau, Geraldine Page; Kerber, Richard A.Effects of childhood and middle-adulthood family conditions on later-life mortality: evidence from the Utah population database, 1850-2002How do parents affect the health and longevity of their children? Parents can affect their children's life chances by transmitting a genetic endowment (or liability) for a long life while also providing resources and an environment that enhances (or limits) their children's longevity. Recently, m...Growth; Death; Adolescence; Geriatrics2005-01-05
80 Morris, Mark; Emmi, Philip C.; Bartholomew, Keith A.; Brown, Barbara B.Rail-volution: building livable communities with transitRail-volution 2005, September 8-10, 2005. Salt Lake City, Utah. Workshop Summary.Transportation; Community Development; Urban transportation; Public transportation2005-09
81 McDaniel, SusanSeniors and portrayals of intra-generational and inter-generational inequality in the Globe and MailIn this article, we examine how seniors are portrayed in the Globe and Mail. Thirty articles published in 2004 were selected and thematically analysed. Seniors were discussed in six different contexts, including family, work/retirement, community networks, scientific studies of population, social a...2006
82 Yu, ZhouDifferent path to homeownership: The case of Taiwanese immigrants in Los AngelesTaiwanese immigrants in Los Angeles stand in contrast to the welldocumented homeownership deficit among immigrants. Despite the tremendous growth in Taiwanese immigrants during the 1980s, Taiwanese homeownership rate not only was among the highest of all ethnic groups in 1990,...Taiwanese immigrants; Homeownership; Los Angeles; adaptation2006
83 McDaniel, SusanInnovation in human/social guiseIn this chapter, innovation is viewed from a step further back, as an astronaut might see the earth from space. It is not seen as something analysed as a linear, technical process, whether incremental or radical. Nor is it seen as a process in which social context adds to the mix of other factors to...Innovation; Social process2006
84 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Marriage and divorce in Utah and the United States: convergence or continued divergence?The social context for marriage and divorce in the United States has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Since the 1950s, Americans have been waiting longer to marry. Women's median age at first marriage rose from 20 in the 1960s to 25 in 2000; for men, the increase was from 22 to 27 (Clar...2006
85 Yu, Zhou; Myers, DowellConvergence or divergence in Los Angeles: three distinctive ethnic patterns of immigrant residential assimilationThis paper uses census microdata to examine five aspects of residential assimilation in the greater Los Angeles area. A double cohort method is used to separate the effect of duration in the U.S. from the effect of aging. We track a single arrival cohort that came in 1970-79, and analyze the process...Residential assimilation; Immigrants; Cohort; Los Angeles; Homeownership2006-01-11
86 Kowaleski-Jones, LoriCommunity contributions to scholastic successThe authors examine the influence of neighborhood characteristics on the academic outcomes of children in middle childhood. Prior research has examined structural features of the community and has evaluated their associations with youth outcomes (Brooks-Gunn, Duncan, Klebanov, & Sealand, 1993; Kowal...Academic development; Child development; Developmental psychology2006-05
87 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Dispelling the pipeline myth: gender, family formation, and alternative trajectories in the academic life courseAcademic careers have traditionally been conceptualized as pipelines, through which young scholars move continuously from graduate school to tenure-track positions. This understanding often fails to capture the experiences of female Ph.D. recipients, who take ladder-rank assistant professorships at ...Careers, academic; Tenure; Teaching, higher education; Employment2006-07-20
88 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Thanks for nothing: changes in income and labor force participation for never-married mothers since 1982This study examines whether the changing social and economic characteristics of women who give birth out of wedlock have led to higher family incomes. Using Current Population Survey data collected between 1982 and 2002, we find that never-married mothers remain poor. They have made modest econom...Motherhood; Single Mothers; Income; Population surveys2006-07-26
89 Stroup, Antoinette M.; Smith, Ken R.Familial effects of BRCA1 genetic mutation testing: changes in perceived family functionsThis study expands recent research that examines how the receipt of BRCA1 genetic test results affects family adaptability and cohesion one year after genetic risk notification. Study participants were members of a large Utah-based kindred with an identified mutation at the BRCA1 locus. The final sa...Family functioning; Family cohesion; Family adaptability; Genetic testing; BRCA12006-07-27
90 Fan, Jessie XiaojingNet income, gross income, and bias in child support awards in gross income-shares statesIn this study I discuss the pros and cons of using net income vs. gross income in gross income-shares states. It is argued that the "standardized net" approach is the best approach in determining child support awards based on the combined principles of equity and accuracy. However most states use g...Net income; Gross income; Tax credit; State income tax2006-07-27
91 Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Brown, Barbara B.; Kowaleski-Jones, Lori; Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.Patterns of household food expenditures: a cluster analysisIn this study we use the Diary Survey component of the 2001 and 2002 Consumer Expenditure Survey to investigate patterns of household food expenditures. We identify eight constellations of food expenditures that are more and less likely to be associated with healthy eating habits. These clusters in...Diet; Fast food; Nutrition; Eating habits2006-09-01
92 Kowaleski-Jones, LoriExploring the influence of the National School Lunch Program on children using the early childhood longitudinal studyUsing data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, 1998-1999 Kindergarten Cohort, the proposed study examines two research questions. First, what are the effects of participation in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) on changes in children's behavior, test scores, and body weight? Second,...Children; Nutrition; Elementary School, Meal program2006-09-01
93 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Family structure and voter turnoutWe use data from the Voting and Registration Supplement of the Current Population Survey to explore the effects of family structure on turnout in the 2000 presidential election. Our results indicate that family structure, defined as marital status and the presence of children, has substantial implic...United States; Politics; Democracy; Families; Demography2006-09-19
94 Zick, Cathleen D.; Srisukhumbowornchai, SivitheeDoes housework matter anymore? The shifting impact of housework on economic inequalityIn recent years, American women's housework time has declined while American men's housework time has risen. We examine how these changes have affected economic inequality in America. Using time-diary data from the Time Use in Economic and Social Accounts, 1975-76 (N=1,484) and the American Time Use...Demography; Socioeconomic status; Household duties; Female; Male; United States; Economics2006-09-25
95 landesman test.pdfRail-volution 2005, September 8-10, 2005. Salt Lake City, Utah. Workshop Summaries.Transportation; Community development; Public transportation2006-11-10
96 Zick, Cathleen D.; Smith, Ken R.; Brown, Barbara B.; Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Kowaleski-Jones, LoriPhysical activity during the transition from adolescence to adulthoodBackground: We examine how age, life course roles, and contextual variables relate to both the composition and the overall level of physical activity in late adolescence and early adulthood. Methods: Data on 15-29 year old respondents in the 2003 American Time Use Survey are used to estimate mul...Time use; Active leisure; Team sports; Active transportation2006-11-10
97 Salari, Sonia LynnePatterns of intimate partner homicide suicide in later life: strategies for preventionIntimate partner homicide suicide (IPHS) constitutes the most violent domestic abuse outcome, devastating individuals, families, neighborhoods and communities. This research used content analysis to analyze 225 murder suicide events (444 deaths) among dyads with at least one member 60 or older. Dat...Intimate partner homicide suicide; IPHS; Murder-suicide; Elder abuse; Prevention2007
98 Zick, Cathleen D.; Brown, Barbara B.; Kowaleski-Jones, Lori; Smith, Ken R.Household food expenditure patterns: a cluster analysisThe 2001 report titled "The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity" identified overweight and obesity as major public health problems, costing U.S. society as much as $117 billion a year and posing as great a threat of death as poverty, smoking, or problem ...Food expenditure; Buying habits; Buying patterns2007
99 Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.;Brown, Barbara B.; Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Kowaleski-Jones, LoriPhysical activity during the transition from adolescence to adulthoodWe examine how age, life course roles, and contextual variables relate to both the composition and the overall level of physical activity in late adolescence and early adulthood. Methods: Data on respondents age 15 to 29 y in the 2003 American Time Use Survey are used to estimate multivariate logis...Time use; Active leisure; Team sports; Active transportation; Life course2007
100 Smith, Ken R.Familial effects of BRCA1 genetic mutation testing: changes in perceived family functioningThis study expands recent research that examines how the receipt of BRCA1 genetic test results affects family adaptability and cohesion 1 year after genetic risknotification. Study participants were members of a large Utah-based kindred with an identified mutation at the BRCA1 locus. The final samp...Genetic testing; Families; Risk notification: BRCA12007
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