76 - 100 of 649
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76 Sperry, John S.Xylem hydraulics and the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum: opportunities and unresolved issuesReceived for publication July 23, 2002. Soil and xylem are similar hydraulically. An unsaturated conductivity curve for soil is called a vulnerability curve for xylem?but the underlying physical basis is the same. Thus, any transport model that treats unsaturated soil conductivity would benefit by a...Soil?plant?atmosphere continuum; Water potential2003
77 Capecchi, Mario R.Hoxa1 lineage-tracing indicates a direct role for Hoxa1 in development of the inner ear, the heart and the third rhombomereLoss of Hoxa1 function results in severe defects of the brainstem, inner ear and cranial ganglia in humans and mice as well as cardiovascular abnormalities in humans. Since Hoxa1 is expressed very transiently during an early embryonic stage, it has been difficult to determine whether Hoxa1 plays a d...Hoxa1; Inner ear; Third rhombomere; Hindbrain; Hoxa1-IRES-Cre mouse; Embryonic development; Lineage-tracing2010
78 Coley, Phyllis D.Herbivory and defensive characteristics of tree species in a lowland tropical forestRate of herbivory and defensive characteristics of young and mature leaves were measured for saplings of 46 canopy tree species in a lowland tropical rain forest (Barro Colorado Island, Panama). Grazing rates were determined in the field for sample periods in the early wet, late wet, and dry seasons...Fiber; Herbivory; Life history; Panama; Phenolics; Plant growth; Spatial distribution; Tannins; Temporal distribution; Treefall gaps; Tropical forest1983
79 Sperry, John S.Winter xylem embolism and spring recovery in Betula cordifolia, Fagus grandifolia, Abies balsamea, and Picea rubensXylem embolism was monitored from mid-winter to mid-summer in four co-occurring species: Betula cordifolia (Reg.) Fern., Fagus grandifolia Ehrh., Abies balsamea (L.) Mill., Picea rubens Sarg. The study site was a west-facing slope in the northern Green Mountains of Vermont, U.S.A.; Betula and conife...Conductivity; Hydraulic; Trees1993
80 Olivera, Baldomero M.Targeted mutagenesis by homologous recombination in D. melanogasterWe used a recently developed method to produce mutant alleles of five endogenous Drosophila genes, including the homolog of the p53 tumor suppressor. Transgenic expression of the FLP site-specific recombinase and the I-SceI endonuclease generates extrachromosomal linear DNA molecules in vivo. Thes...2002
81 Capecchi, Mario R.Altered enzymes in drug-resistant variants of mammalian tissue culture cells.Two selective procedures are compared in an effort to isolate variants of mouse L cells containing structural gene mutations. Among the resulting variant cloned cell lines are found two types of alterations in theenzyme hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (EC (1): enzyme with altered ...Drug Resistance; Azaguanine; Clone Cells; Hypoxanthines1973-11
82 Potts, Wayne K.Relationship of virulence factor expression to evolved virulence in mouse-passaged Cryptococcus neoformans linesSerial passage of Cryptococcus neoformans in mice increases virulence relative to the nonpassaged line. Postpassaged lines showed no difference in the expression of most known virulence factors, with the exception that the more virulent lines had smaller capsules in vitro. These data imply that othe...Capsule; Death; Passage2005
83 Gussin, Gary N.; Capecchi, Mario R.Protein synthesis directed by DNA phage messengers.Even through the amino acids corresponding to most of the 64 nucleotide triplets are now known, several important aspects of the genetic code are not yet fully understood. In particular we need more knowledge about the "punctuation marks" of the code-for example, the signals necessary for the initia...Carbon Isotopes; Escherichia coli; Genetic Code; Methionine1967-09-01
84 Olivera, Baldomero M.Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligand of unique specificity, α-conotoxin ImIWe report the isolation, characterization, and total synthesis of a small peptide ligand for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). It is highly active against the neuromuscular receptor in frog but noitn mice. In contrast, it induces seizures when injected centrally in mice and rats, suggesti...Conotoxins; a-conotoxin ImI1994
85 Dale, Colin; Babst, MarkusQuorum sensing primes the oxidative stress response in the insect endosymbiont, Sodalis glossinidiusSodalis glossinidius, a maternally transmitted bacterial endosymbiont of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.), uses an acylated homoserine lactone (AHL)-based quorum sensing system to modulate gene expression in accordance with bacterial cell density. The S. glossinidius quorum sensing system relies on the...Endosymbionts; Sodalis glossinidius; Quorum sensing; Oxidative stress response2008
86 Olivera, Baldomero M.Poly(ADP-ribosylation) of a DNA topoisomeraseA DNA topoisomerase activity, copurifying with poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase from calf thymus, >95% inhibited if extensive poly(ADP-ribosylation) is allowed to occur. The inhibited DNA topoisomerase, which has drastically different elution properties on hydroxylapatite, can be reactivated by mild alka...Nicotinic acid; ADP-ribosylation; Turnover cycle; Synthetases1983
87 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Bandyopadhyay, Pradip K.Molecular phylogeny of some Indo-Pacific genera in the subfamily Turrinae H. Adams and A. Adams, 1853 (1838) (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda)We have carried out a phylogenetic analysis of a group of Indo-Pacific species in the subfamily Turrinae (Swainson, 1840) using 128 mitoehondrial ribosomal RNA gene sequcnces Most of the species analyzed are convenlionally assigned to one of there Lophiotoma Casey, 1904. The inolecular anaysis revea...Turrinae; Indo-Pacific; Mitochondrial RNA; Molecular phylogeny2007
88 Bohs, Lynn A.Cyphomandra (Solanaceae)Cyphomandra betacea (Cavanilles) Sendtner Syn. Cyphomandra crassifotia (Ortega) Kuntze, Solanum betacea Cavanilles, Solanwn crassifolium Ortega. Ref. FB 13(5B/1) 1962: 12; Bohs, 1986: 170. Cultivated tree. Andean II. 1000-3000 m. Voucher: Nunez et al. 8257 (MO!) Depts.: AM, CU, HU, SMCyphomandra; Solanum1993
89 Baehr, Wolfgang; Frederick, Jeanne M.; Church-Kopish, Jill; Howes, KimberlyMutant rhodopsin transgene expression on a null backgroundPURPOSE. To study mechanisms leading to photoreceptor degeneration in mouse models for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) based on the rhodopsin P23H mutation. METHODS. Mice of a transgenic line expressing a rhodopsin triple mutant, V20G, P23H, and P27L (GHL), were mated with rhodopsin (...Mutant Rhodopsin; Photoreceptor Degeneration; Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa; Rhodopsin2001-03
90 Coley, Phyllis D.What's up? Perspectives from the first international forest canopy conference at Sarasota, Florida, 1994Jumars, caribineers, pole pruners, tree bicycles, Bosun's chairs, booms, peconhas . . . these terms are not listed in most biological dictionaries. Nor are construction cranes or large treehouses or hot-air dirigibles listed as priority equipment for any scientific laboratories. But these are th...1995
91 Shapiro, Michael D.Genetic architecture of parallel armor plate reduction in threespine sticklebacksHow many genetic changes control the evolution of new traits in natural populations? Are the same genetic changes seen in cases of parallel evolution? Despite long-standing interest in these questions, they have been difficult to address, particularly in vertebrates. We have analyzed the genetic bas...Genetic changes; Plate number; Genetic mapping2004
92 Hultine, Kevin; Sperry, John S.Transpiration and hydraulic strategies in a piñon-juniper woodlandAnthropogenic climate change is likely to alter the patterns of moisture availability globally. The consequences of these changes on species distributions and ecosystem function are largely unknown, but possibly predictable based on key ecophysiological differences among currently coexisting species...Drought; Hydraulic transport model; Juniperus osteosperma; Plant water use; Sap flux; Species distributions2008
93 Clayton, Dale H.Neotropical tineidae, II: biological notes and descriptions of two new moths phoretic on spiny pocket mice in Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)Two new species of tineid moths discovered riding on the backs of two species of spiny pocket mice (Heteromyidae) in Costa Rica are described. Amydria selvae, new species, was found on Heteromys desmarestianus Gray in the rainforest at Finca La Selva and Ptilopsaltis santarosae, new species, occurr...Neotropical Tineidae; Phoretic moths; Amydria selvae; Heteromys desmarestianus; Ptilopsaltis santarosae; Liomys salvini; Mouse moths1986
94 Clayton, Dale H.Two new species of Dennyus (Collodennyus) chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera: Menoponidae) from swiftlets (Apodiformes: Apodidae)The new species Dennyus (Collodennyus) mimirogerorum from the Papuan swiftlet, Aerodramus papuensis (Rand), from Papua New Guinea and D. (C.) bartoni from the Philippine swiftlet, A. mearnsi (Oberholser), from the Philippines are described and illustrated. The genetic distinctiveness of these two sp...Collodennyus; Chewing louse; Chewing lice; Swiftlets; Phthiraptera; Papuan swiftlet; Aerodramus papuensis2006
95 Olivera, Baldomero M.; Ireland, Chris M.NMR structures of conotoxinsThis review discusses the methodology, structural details, and biological implications regarding NMR structures of conotoxins. NMR and molecular modeling techniques have improved to the point that three-dimensional structures of conotoxins can now be determined with a significant degree of confiden...Conotoxins1996
96 Sperry, John S.Shoot dieback during prolonged drought in Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) chaparral of California: a possible case of hydraulic failureProgressive diebacks of outer canopy branchlets of Ceanothus crassifolius were repeatedly observed after rainless periods up to 9 mo in duration in the Santa Monica Mountains of southern California. Mean xylem pressures of branchlets near the end of drought were as low as -11.2 MPa (N = 22) with a m...Water relations; xylem cavitation; water-stress-induced loss2002
97 Bohs, Lynn A.Three-gene phylogeny of the genus Solanum (Solanaceae)Solanum, with approximately 1,500 species, is the largest genus in the Solanaceae and includes economically important species such as the tomato, potato, and eggplant. In part due to its large size and tropical center of diversity, resolving evolutionary relationships across Solanum as a whole has ...ndhF; trnT-F; Waxy; Solanum; Cyphomandra2007
98 Capecchi, Mario R.Developmental defects of the ear, cranial nerves and hindbrain resulting from targeted disruption of the mouse homeobox gene Hox-1.6.Gene targeting in mouse embryo-derived stem cells has been used to generate mice with a disruption in the homeobox gene Hox-1.6. Mice heterozygous at the Hox-1.6 locus appear normal, whereas Hox-1.6-/Hox-1.6- mice die at or shortly after birth. These homozygotes exhibit profound defects in the forma...Chromosome Mapping; Genetic Vectors; Mice, Inbred C57BL2002-06-27
99 Clayton, Dale H.Revision of the chewing louse genus Formicaphagus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Neotropical Antbirds and Gnateaters (Aves: Passeriformes)Examination of specimens of the 15 recognized species of Formicaphagus resulted in 6 new synonymies: F. laemostictus, F. latifrons, and F. peruvianus are junior synonyms of F. picturatus; F. huilae of F. angustifrons; and F. bolivianus and F. thoracicus of F. minutus. Two new species are described f...Formicaphagus; Formicaphagus arnoldi; Formicaphagus donpetersi; Antbirds; Gnateaters1996
100 Davidson, Diane W.Granivory in the Chihuahuan Desert: interactions within and between trophic levelsWe investigated the effects of Chihuahuan Desert granivores on three seasonal classes of plant resource species, the effects of these resource classes on one another, and the ways in which interactions through plant resources affect the abundances of seed consumers. At our study site, three seasona...Annual plant; Ant; Competition; Community; Desert; Ecosystem structure; Experiment; Granivore; Indirect interaction; Rodent; Population cycles; Seed predation1985
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