76 - 100 of 109
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76 Baehr, Wolfgang; Prestwich, Glenn D.Photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase delta subunit (PDEdelta) functions as a prenyl-binding proteinBovine PDEdelta was originally copurified with rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) and shown to interact with prenylated, carboxymethylated C-terminal Cys residues. Other studies showed that PDEdelta can interact with several small GTPases including Rab13, Ras, Rap, and Rho6, all of which are prenylate...Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer; GTP Phosphohydrolases; Immunohistochemistry2004
77 Horch, Kenneth W.; Christensen, Douglas A.Accelerated 4-year bachelors/masters degree program in biomedical engineeringIn response to the need for providing advanced engineering education in a shorter time period than is currently possible by traditional curricula, we have created an Accelerated Dual Degree program in biomedical engineering. The purpose of this pilot program is to attract the brightest students, g...Accelerated; Dual-degrees; Education2002
78 Christensen, Douglas A.Bringing an integrative modeling experience to a freshman biomedical engineering courseAs an integrating lab experience in our Fundamentals of Bioengineering freshman course, we have included a Major Project that ties together many of the principles of biomechanics and bioelectricity covered in the lecture. It uses the human systemic cardiovascular system as a model. During the first...Matlab2004
79 Christensen, Douglas A.Finite-difference time-domain modeling and experimental characterization of planar waveguide fluorescence sensorsThe finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) is a powerful numerical technique for solving Maxwell's equations in a discretized space and time grid. Its applications have up to now been in the analysis of electrically large structures in the microwave domain, and the scope of investigations has b...Finite-difference time-domain method; Planar waveguide1992
80 Varner, Michael W.; Clark, Edward B.; Fernando, Kumari L.; Mathews, V. JohnRobust estimation of fetal heart rate variability using Doppler ultrasound.This paper presents a new measure of heart rate variability (HRV) that can be estimated using Doppler ultrasound techniques and is robust to variations in the angle of incidence of the ultrasound beam and the measurement noise. This measure employs the multiple signal characterization (MUSIC) algori...Prenatal Ultrasonography; Fetal Heart Rate; Blood Flow Velocity; Algorithms2003-08
81 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Krapcho, Karen J.; Talbot, Phil; Thulin, CraigCrystallization of the MS2 translational repressor alone and complexed to bromouridineThe coat protein from the MS2 bacteriophage plays a dual role by encapsidating viral RNA and also by binding RNA as a translational repressor. In order to study the isolated dimer in a conformation not influenced by capsid interactions, a mutant molecule was crystallized that is defective in capsid ...Crystallization; RNA Bacteriophage; RNA Hairpin; Translational Repressor1995
82 Horch, Kenneth W.; Tuckett, Robert P.; Burgess, Paul RichardNeural signal for the intensity of a tactile stimulusThe effect of indenting the skin at different rates on the perceived intensity of the stimulus was studied by indenting the skin of the fingertip with two triangular waveforms, given as a pair. The subjects were asked to judge which member of the pair was more intense. Perceived intensity was foun...Skin; Indentation; Nerve impulses1984
83 Gesteland, Raymond F.Characterization of lysozyme messenger and lysozyme synthesized in vitroIn vitro systems for protein systhesis have been in wide use for about 10 years. In most of the early work protein synthesis was measured by following the incorporation of radioactive amino acids into acid precipitable material. This test cannot distinguish between the synthesis of complete, activ...Lysozyme Messenger; Lysozyme Synthesized; Protein Synthesis1969
84 Horch, Kenneth W.Perspectives on new electrode technology for stimulating peripheral nerves with implantable motor prosthesesAbstract-The limits of present electrode technology are being reached in current motor prostheses for restoring functional movement in paralyzed people. Improved devices require electrodes and stimulation methods that will activate muscles selectively and independently with less implanted hardwa...Paralysis; Prostheses; Electrodes1995
85 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Wills, Norma M.rRNA-mRNA base pairing stimulates a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshiftBase pairing between the 3' end of 16S rRNA and mRNA is shown to be important for the programmed -1 frameshifting utilized in decoding the Escherichia coli dnaX gene. This pairing is the same as the Shine-Dalgarno pairing used by prokaryotic ribosomes in selection of translation initiators, but for ...Frameshifting; Escherichia coli; Binding Sites; Base Composition1994
86 Horch, Kenneth W.Selective stimulation of peripheral nerve fibers using dual intrafascicular electrodesWe have studied activation of newe fibers by pairs of Pt-Ir wire electrodes implanted within single fascicles of the nerve innervating the gastrocnemius muscle in cats. The purpose of this study was to determine if these intrafascicular electrodes can activate nerve fibers in different fascicles...Functional electrical stimulation; Intrafascicular stimulation; Silicon electrode array1993
87 Gesteland, Raymond F.Simian virus 40-specific polypeptides in Ad2+ND4- infected cellsA comparison of the proteins synthesized in human cells at late times after infection with adenovirus (Ad2) and with the adeno-simian virus 40 (SV40) hybrid viruses revealed polypeptides of 30,000 and 92,000 molecular weight specific for the hybrid viruses Ad2+ND1 and Ad2+ND4, respectively. Cell-fre...Molecular Weight; Peptide Biosynthesis; RNA, Messenger; Viral Proteins1976
88 Christensen, Douglas A.; Herron, James N.Optical immunoassay systems based upon evanescent wave interactionsImmunoassays based upon evanescent wave interactions are finding increased biosensing application. In these devices, the evanescent tail associated with total internal reflection of an incident beam at the substrate/solution interface provides sensitivity for surface-bound proteins over bulk molec...Diagnostics; Evanescence; Planar waveguides; Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)1996
89 Christensen, Douglas A.Interface of forest and agriculture in nonpoint pollution controlManagement practices of agriculture, including conservation and tillage options, recently have received a great deal of attention with respect to their impact upon the environment. Research efforts have focused both on the direct impacts of reduced on-site productivity resulting from the erosion of ...Suspended sediment; Channel erosion; Silviculture1983
90 Horch, Kenneth W.Tracking changes in action potential shapes in chronic multi-unit intrafascicular recordings using neural network pattern recognition techniquesA novel scheme is proposed to train an Artificial Neural Network (A") classifier, on a repeated basis, in order to track temporal changes in the shapes of the action potentials recorded through chronically implanted intrafascicular electrodes. This scheme uses classification results of the ANN Clas...Intrafascicular electrodes; Artificial neural network1994
91 Christensen, Douglas A.Effects of increased energy prices on U.S. agriculture: an econometric approachAlthough the contents of this manuscript remain the responsibility of the authors, we wish to thanks a group of reviewers for the time and conscientious effort they put forth to solidify this final draft. Andrew Morton, Brian Holding, Wesley Buchele, and Arnold Paulsen deserve much credit for their ...Energy prices1981
92 Horch, Kenneth W.Control of ankle position using neural feedbackThis paper describes a closed loop control system that uses afferent neural activity from muscle spindle fibers as feedback for controlling ankle position. The gastrocnemius muscle was stimulated through a dual channel intrafascicular electrode implanted in a fascicle of the tibial nerve. Dual cha...Neuromuscular stimulation; Peripheral nerve; Joint angle1994
93 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.Evolutionary specialization of recoding: frameshifting in the expression of S. cerevisiae antizyme mRNA is via an atypical antizyme shift site but is still +1An autoregulatory translational shift to the +1 frame is required for the expression of ornithine decarboxylase antizyme from fungi to mammals. In most eukaryotes, including all vertebrates and a majority of the studied fungi/yeast, the site on antizyme mRNA where the shift occurs is UCC-UGA. The me...Antizyme; ODC; Polyamines; Frameshifting2006
94 Normann, Richard A.Effects of GABA and related drugs on horizontal cells in the isolated turtle retinaThe role of GABA in the outer plexiform layer of the turtle retina has been examined by intracellular recordings from L- and C-type horizontal cells in the isolated retina preparation. GABA (1-5 mM) slightly depolarized the L-type horizontal cells, reduced the amplitude of their photoresponses, and ...Retina; Horizontal Cells; Synapse; Negative Feedback; GABA; Turtle1990
95 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Weiss, Robert B.Slippery runs, shifty stops, backward steps and forward hops: -2, -1, +1, +2, +5 and +6 Ribosomal frameshiftingFrameshift mutations frequently express residual levels of gene activity; that is, they are often leaky. This leakiness can be used as a tool to define the functional components that affect the reading frame during gene expression. Recent technological advances in the capability to efficiently bu...Molecular Sequence Data; Mutation; RNA, Transfer; Frameshifting1987
96 Horch, Kenneth W.Intrafascicular electrodes for nerve stimulationWe have designed a new type of intrafascicular, implanted electrode for stimulating peripheral nerves to elicit muscle contraction. The electrode requires low current to stimulate the nerve fibers, provides a fine control of muscular force, and causes little or no tissue reaction. it is of potential...Intrafascicular electrodes; Peripheral nerve; Neural recordings1988
97 Christensen, Douglas A.Introduction to biomedical engineering: biomechanics and bioelectricity - part IIntended as an introduction to the field of biomedical engineering, this book covers the topics of biomechanics (Part I) and bioelectricity (Part II). Each chapter emphasizes a fundamental principle or law, such as Darcy's Law, Poiseuille's Law, Hooke's Law, Starling's law, levers and work in the a...Biological membranes; Poiseuille's law; Hooke's law; Starling's law of the heart; Matlab2009
98 Christensen, Douglas A.; Andrade, Joseph D.Improved sensitivity in ellipsometry of thin biochemical films by employing sublayersEllipsometry is widely used for investigating the optical properties of thin films on planar substrates, including films of adsorbed proteins or polymers. The average thickness and effective refractive index of the adsorbed layer are calculated by measuring the A and ¥ ellipsometry parameters. Unfo...Biochemical films; SiO2 sublayer1990
99 Christensen, Douglas A.Modeling sources in the FDTD formulation and their use in quantifying source and boundary condition errorsThe modeling of voltage and current sources as either added or replaced sources in FDTD simulations is described and their differences discussed in terms of a transmission line analogy. An infinitesimal current element (ICE) is used to illustrate the validation of added source modeling and to study...Finite-difference time-domain method; Infinitesimal current element1995-04
100 Christensen, Douglas A.Pulsed Schlieren system for visualizing beams from phased-array HIFU applicatorsWe have assembled a Schlieren system for imaging the beam patterns from HIFU transducers in water to verify the desired beam focusing and direction. It consists of a high power (65 mW) short-pulse (as short as 2 ns) laser emitting at 658 nm, a beam expander/spatial filter, water tank, 400 Jim round ...Ultrasound beam patterns; Pulsed laser; Wavefronts2007
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