76 - 100 of 125
Number of results to display per page
76 Climatological characteristics and orographic enhancement of lake-effect precipitation over eastern Lake ONtario and the Tug Hill Plateau2014-12Textir_etd
77 Evaluation of double-moment representation of war-rain and ice hydrometeors in bulk microphysical parameterization2014-12Textir_etd
78 Analysis and prediction of dryland land-surface processes and their influence on the meteorology of the intermountain west2015Textir_etd
79 Assessing the ability of coupled model intercomparison project phase 5 (cmip5) models to capture connections between great basin precipitation and pacific ocean modes of variability and applying the assessment into the future2015-05Textir_etd
80 Tropical cyclone intensity change: evaluating the effects of inner core precipitation properties and environmental influences2015-08Textir_etd
81 Simulation of a cold-air pool in Utah's Salt Lake Valley2015-12Textir_etd
82 Temporal and spatial analyses of pressure perturbations from the usarray transportable array2016Textir_etd
83 Multiscale flow interactions in the complex terrain of northwestern utah2016Textir_etd
84 Global ensemble forecast system precipitation forecasts and the implications of statistical downscaling over the western united states2016Textir_etd
85 Evaluation of tropical cyclone forecasts from a global model and comparison with regional mesoscale numerical simulations of hurricane joaquin2016Textir_etd
86 Evaluation of simulated tropical convective updraft hydrometeor properties using aircraft observations2016Textir_etd
87 High-resolution dynamical downscaling of past and future climate of the western united states: validation of performance and analysis of changing snowpack2016Textir_etd
88 Top-down constraints on CO emissions from wildfire inventories using a receptor-oriented Lagrangian particle dispersion model2016Textir_etd
89 Air pollution and gastrointestinal diseases in Utah2016Textir_etd
90 Impact of a lake breeze on summer ozone concentration in the Salt Lake Valley2016Textir_etd
91 Normal modes in North Atlantic atmosphere-ocean system and predicting North Atlantic sea surface temperature2016Textir_etd
92 Cold season inversion fog in salt lake city: connections to valley variables and numerical simulations2016Textir_etd
93 Validation of mountain precipitation forecasts from the NCAR convection-permitting ensemble and operational forecast systems over the Western United States2017Textir_etd
94 Modeling seasonal stratospheric sudden warming climatology based on polar vortex statistics2017Textir_etd
95 Numerical simulations and sensitivity studies of a florida sea breeze and its associated convection in the gray-zone grid spacing2017Textir_etd
96 Analysis of summer ozone concentration in the salt lake valley2017Textir_etd
97 Improving hurricane vortex initialization and prediction through inner-core data assimilation with ensemble-variational hybrid Methods2017Textir_etd
98 Modeling urban carbon dioxide using light-rail measurements and the modified stochastic time-inverted lagrangian transport model (Stilt-R Version 2)2017Textir_etd
99 An evaluation of the experimental high-resolution rapid refresh - Alaska modeling system during winter 20172017Textir_etd
100 Relationships between extreme rain rates and convective intensities from the perspectives of tropical rainfall measuring mission and WSR-88D radars2017Textir_etd
76 - 100 of 125