51 - 75 of 7,233
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51 Goodwin, Charles CarrollThat briefReply to A. M. Gibson's pamphlet entitled, "Brief in re Senate bill number 10."Latter Day Saints; Polygamy1886-04-12
52 Holvoet, Katherine G.Satisfaction guaranteed -- a system of asynchronous desireI have a confession to make. Whenever I walk into a library, I can't remember the title or author of any book I've been meaning to read, or CD I've wanted to listen to. Unless I have a written list, I end up racking my brain, vainly trying to recall the name of any author I like, and then browsing t...Libraries; Reader recommendations; Reading1905-06-30
53 Jacob, C.C.Report on seepage losses from state reservoir on Logan River, UtahThe data secured from the gaging stations above and below the State Reservoir on Logan River from 1913 to 1916 indicated a variable loss of water which has been held by certain parties to result directly from the storage of water in the reservoir. To determine more definitely the extent and probabl...Logan River (Utah); Seepage - Reservoir1916-11-30
54 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A descriptive catalog of the Mollusca of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin an effort has been made to bring together what was previously known of recent Utah mollusks and to incorporate with this the results of the authors' special studies. The form of presentation has been determined by the fact that, in the first place, the paper is in...1929-06
55 Ketchum, Richard B.Report to Joint Smoke Abatement Committee on the feasibility of a pilot plant for treating coal by the Karrick processWe take great pleasure in submitting to you herewith, a report of the feasibility of a Pilot Plant for treating Utah coals by the Karrick Process. We wish to emphasize the fact that this report is a result of detailed study which included, a large amount of calculations and data which would be...Smoke abatement; Karrick process; Retorting; Coal refining1932
56 Chamberlin, Ralph V.North American spiders of the genera cybaeus and cybaeinaThe frequency with which members of the Agelenid genus Cybaeus appeared in collections made by the authors in the mountainous and timbered sections of the Pacific coast region and the representations therein of various apparently undescribed species led to the preparation of this review of the known...1932-12
57 Battin, Margaret P.Case comment: the case of Nicole: suicide and terminal illnessWhat shall one say about Nicole? My immediate answer is an easy one-liner: if there ever were a case in which a choice of suicide appears both rational and rationally made, this seems to be it.1933
58 Battin, Margaret P.Euthanasia in alzheimer's disease?Ought euthanasia be practiced for persons with advanced dementia? Although the issue of euthanasia is a topic of increasingly heated social debate, already tending to polarize those who support it as voluntary "aid-in-dying" and those who reject it as medical "killing," what is said about active eut...1933
59 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Spiders of the Raft River Mountains of UtahAn expedition to the Raft River Mountains, located in northwestern Utah near the Idaho and Nevada borders, was sponsored by the departments of Zoology and Botany of the University in September, 1932. The authors of this paper devoted themselves primarily to the collecting of spiders of which a total...1933-04
60 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A new genus in the family agelenidaeMr. J. H. Emerton in 1911 described a new species of spiders under the name Liocranum calcaratum, mistakenly placing it in the family Clubionidae (Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. X V I , p. 402, pi. V, ff. 4 -4 f ) . This disposition o f the species was natural in view of its resemblance to c...1933-07
61 Lowrance, EdwardOn the early development of Stagnicola Kingi (Meek) the Utah Ribbed SnailGeneral interest in the subject of molluscan embryology has continued in part because of the relation of its problems and processes to those of adult anatomy and ph_ysiology and in part because of its promise of light on the dynamic, developmental process itself. Attention was called to the present ...1934-03
62 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A new genus of theridiid spiders in which the male develops only one palpusThe discovery of the male of Theridion fordum Keyserling, reveals characteristics for that species which set it off as genericallv different, from Theridion proper. The erection of a new genus is thus found necessary for this species; and several other species which are closely related to it natural...1934-04
63 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryMiscellaneous new American spiders[This paper was originally published in 1935]. A number of new species of spiders have been accumulating in the collection of the University of Utah for several years. The naming and characterizing of a part of these species is the purpose of this paper. Those considered here are all from the Unite...Spiders; University of Utah; United States; Canada; Biology; Classification1935
64 Reens, Don M.Observations on a Mosquito Flight in Salt Lake CityIn a survey of the mosquitoes of Salt Lake City carried on since 1929, a number of mosquito flights have been observed and recorded. These flights have occured principally in three species of mosquitoes common to region,- Aedes campestris Dyar and Knab Aedes vexans (Meigen) and Aedes dorsalis (Meige...1935-02
65 Telford, Ira RockwoodHistological aspects of metamorphosis of Ambystoma tigrinum (green)The present paper is based upon research done in 1933 at the University of Utah. The specimens used in the study were of the common species of salamander frequenting this region, Ambystoma tigrinum. This report is confined to the histological changes observed in the lungs and skin of this form durin...1935-05
66 Chamberlin, Ralph V.The black widow spider and its varieties in the United StatesThe spiders of the genus Latrodectus, a member of the family Theridiidae, popularly known as the line-weavers or comb-footed spiders, are of world-wide distribution in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes. The genus " comprises those very interesting spiders which, under various local names, have bee...1935-06
67 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Miscellaneous new American spidersA number of new species of spiders have been accumulating in the collection of the University o f Utah for several years. The naming and characterizing of a part of these species is the purpose of this paper. Those considered here arc all from the United States, except one from Canada. The types are...1935-10
68 Ivie, WiltonSome new spiders from FloridaHerein are described a number of new species of spiders which have been collected in Florida during the last several years. One new species from Oklahoma is also included. The types are deposited in the University of Utah collection; paratypes, where present, are in the collection of W. M. Barrows.1935-12
69 Moffett, James W.A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some Utah Streams Variously Affected by ErosionFloods and cloudbursts in the Intermountain region of western United States cause considerable damage to watersheds and streams. Because of steep gradients these torrential waters remove vast quantities of debris, stones, gravel and soil from the stream beds. It follows that, with the removal of mat...1936-06
70 Durrant, Stephen D.A new gopher from Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake, UtahThe present paper presents the results of a study of a series of specimens taken around the Great Salt Lake and on Antelope Island in this lake, the series forming part of the collection of the University of Utah. The form from Antelope Island differs sufficiently from the described subspecies of Th...1936-10
71 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New spiders from Mexico and PanamaIn the present paper are described eighty new species of spiders, among which are representatives of five new genera, found in two collections from Mexico and Panama respectively. The collection from Mexico was made in the state of Guerrero by Prof. Dr. Schultze Fena, of the University of Marburg, a...1936-11
72 Jones, David T.A comparative study of certain goblet cellsThe origin of the primordial droplets has been rightly given the primary place in the study of secretion. Bowen has limited the term secretion to the actual synthesis of these droplets from cytoplasmic materials, which limitation we shall accept. The secondary problems in this field concern chieflly...1937-06
73 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Two genera of trap-door spders from CaliforniaWhile trap-door spiders have long excited general interest, as a group they are very imperfectly known. This is due largely to the fact that their subterranean habits enable them to escape ordinary observation and to have, as a consequence, relatively poor representation in collections, both as to s...1937-08-18
74 Durrant, Stephen D.Two new gophers from UtahA study of mammals in the collection of the University of Utah, taken in western Utah during the summer of 1936 has brought out some interesting differences in the genus Thomomys. Series of gophers from Wah Wah Springs, Beaver County, and from Oak Creek Canyon, Millard County, differ sufficiently fr...1937-08-18
75 Garrett, A. O.The uredinales or rusts of UtahThe catalogue of the rusts of Utah presented herewith is the result o f thirty-four years work in collecting and observation by the author. During this time the writer has collected in every county in the state, excepting Daggett.1937-11-18
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