51 - 75 of 856
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51 H62 Superior Segmental Optic Hypoplasia (SSOH) Topless Disc SyndromeRight eye. Disc looks almost normal but superior nerve fiber layer is thinned and represents a mild form of SSOH. Same patient as H_61 and H_63. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Superior segmental optic hypoplasia (SSOH). Disease/ Diagnosis: Congenital anomaly.Image
52 H80 Chiasmal Hemioptic HypoplasiaDiscs show striking nasal hypoplasia and band atrophy. DeMorsier synrome. Congenital bitemporal hemianopia with see-saw nystagmus. Note vertically oral shape of these hypoplastic nerves. The CT scan showed the median bar of the chiasm in this patient is totally hypoplastic. Anatomy: Optic disc. Path...Image
53 H85 Chiasmal Hemioptic HypoplasiaCongenital bitemporal hemianopia with marked bi-nasal hypoplasia. Right eye. 17 year old male. Same patient as H_84. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chiasmal hemioptic hypoplasia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Congenital anomaly involving chiasm.Image
54 H86 Chiasmal Hemioptic HypoplasiaCongenital bitemporal hemianopia with nasal hypoplasia. 24 year old man. Same patient as H_87. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chiasmal hemioptic hypoplasia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Congenital anomaly involving chiasm.Image
55 H87 Chiasmal Hemioptic HypoplasiaCongenital bitemporal hemianopia with nasal hypoplasia. 24 year old man. Same patient as H_86. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Chiasmal hemioptic hypoplasia. Disease/ Diagnosis: Congenital anomaly involving chiasm.Image
56 Unilateral PapilledemaUnilateral papilledema due to elevated intracranial pressure. Right eye. This eye has papilledema. Patient described transient monocular blindness with turning right eye. Asymmetric papilledema. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Unilateral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Iidiopathic intracranial hyper...Image
57 Unilateral PapilledemaRight eye. Patient had tumor on right side. Right sided large meningioma. Disc edema due to tumor. 29 year old black woman. The right disc has mild temporal pallor. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Uninaleral papilledema. Disease/Diagnosis: Meningioma of the brain. Clinical: Headache.Image
58 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations (Racemous angioma). Found in a 13 year old girl who had extension of this arteriovenous malformation up her right optic nerve into her thalamus and into her midbrain. Patient had large intra-cerebral AVM (Wyburn-Mason Syndrome). Patient died 10 years later of mass...Image
59 Vascular Disc Anomalies - Retinal Arteriovenous MalformationsRetinal arteriovenous malformations. Two years later after interventional embolic obliteration of orbital AVM. Same patient as V_26. Ref: #73. Anatomy: Optic disc; Brain. Pathology: Arteriovenous malformation of retina and brain. Disease/Diagnosis: Wyburn-Mason syndrome. Clinical: Blindness in the i...Image
60 Venous Anomalies - Congenital Venous TortuosityCongenital venous tortuosity in a young girl with a cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Same eye as V_55. This does not represent a Wyburn-Mason Syndrome. It was a congenital retinal venous anomaly, not a retinal AVM. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital venous tortuosity. Disease/Diag...Image
61 Venous Anomalies - Exit AnomaliesDisc edge veins of Kraupa in 14 year old boy. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Congenital anomaly, exit anomaly. Disease/Diagnosis: Exit anomaly, edge veins. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
62 Venous Anomalies - Prepapillary Venous Convolutions (Congenital)Sub-retinal and prepapillary venous convolutions - congenital. Edge vein. Large vein draining subretinally into the choroid. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Prepapillary venous convolutions - congenital. Disease/Diagnosis: Prepapillary venous convolutions - congenital. Clinical: Asymptomatic.Image
63 Visible Drusen with Visual Field LossLeft eye.16 year old girl: PP26b: buried drusen at the lower pole of the disc; PP26a: Visible drusen with visual field loss. Notice the thinning of the nerve fibers in both the superior and inferior arcuate bundles. PP26c: Goldmann visual field. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic ...Image
64 Visible Drusen with Visual Field LossRight eye.16 year old girl: PP26a: Visible drusen with visual field loss. Notice the thinning of the nerve fibers in both the superior and inferior arcuate bundles. PP26b: buried drusen; PP26c: Goldmann visual field. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Druse...Image
65 A101 Disc Swelling due to Intraocular HypotensionOcular hypotension following lens replacement surgery. Retinal/macular folds. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Disc edema. Disease/ Diagnosis: Intraocular hypotension. Clinical: Low intraocular pressure or intraocular hypotension.Image
66 H06 PanhypoplasiaBilateral hypoplasia. Top is Right eye - moderate. Bottom is Left eye - severe. Note venous tortuosity. Good example of double ring sign. De Morsier's syndrome.Septo-optic dysplasia. Same patient as H_7. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Hypoplasia of the optic nerve. Disease/ Diagnosis: Hypoplasia. ...Image
67 C06 Pits of the Optic DiscRight eye. Temporal pit. 6 year old with see-saw nystagmus. Anatomy: Optic disc. Clinical: Six-year old with see-saw nystagmus.Image
68 A201 Disc Swelling with Big Blind Spot SyndromeBlind spot larger than could be explained by visible edema. Subretinal white dots probably indicate margin of blind spot. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Unknown. Disease/ Diagnosis: Big blind spot syndrome. Clinical: symptoms: photosias, blurred vision signs: Disc swelling; white spots in t...Image
69 A202 Disc Swelling with Big Blind Spot SyndromeBlind spot larger than could be explained by visible disc edema. Reference: Fletcher WA, Imes RK, Goodman D, Hoyt WF. Acute idiopathic blind spot enlargement. A big blind spot disc edema. Arch Ophthalmol. 1988 Jan;106(1):44-9. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Unknown. Disease/ Diagnosis: Big ...Image
70 A203 Disc Swelling with Big Blind Spot SyndromeSlight inferior swelling in patient with grossly enlarged blind spot. 66 year old woman. Anatomy: Optic disc; Retina. Pathology: Unknown. Disease/ Diagnosis: Big blind spot syndrome. Clinical: symptoms: photopsias; blurred vision signs: disc swelling; white dots in the retina; enlarged blind spot on...Image
71 Crowded Disc (Family)Anomalous vasculature with congenital disc margin blurring. Note optic cup is absent. Pair with brother in PP1a & b. Mother has drusen of the optic disc in PP11aa & b. Sister has drusen in PP11c. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Normal variant. Cause of appearance is too many fibers entering into a s...Image
72 PP8a Crowded Disc with Significant Nasal Disc BlurringCongenital nasal disc blurring. Myopic eyes. Thai girl patient. One wonders about vitreal adherence to the disc. PP 8a right eye. Pair with left eye in PP8b. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Normal variation of the optic disc. Disease/ Diagnosis: Normal variation of the optic disc. Congenital blurre...Image
73 Congenitally Crowded Disc - Little Red DiscRight eye: "little red disc". Congenitally blurred disc. 26 year old man. Anatomy: Optic disc Pathology: Normal variation of the optic disc Disease/Diagnosis: Normal variation of the optic disc. Congenital blurred disc. Little red disc.Image
74 Buried Drusen5 year old boy. Bilateral buried drusen. Notice the lumpy nasal disc elevation. This patient had a twin brother whose optic disc drusen were exposed. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Drusen of the optic disc. Clinical notes: Normally functioning eye with ...Image
75 Buried Drusen5 year old boy. Bilateral buried drusen. Notice the lumpy nasal disc elevation. This patient had a twin brother whose optic disc drusen were exposed. Anatomy: Optic disc. Pathology: Drusen of the optic disc. Disease/Diagnosis: Drusen of the optic disc. Clinical notes: Normally functioning eye with ...Image
51 - 75 of 856