51 - 75 of 68
Number of results to display per page
TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
51 Ueber die Elektrische Erregbarkeit des Grosshirns (Annotations)Autonomic and motor responses upon cerebral stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
52 Ueber eine Affection der Varolschen Bruecke mit Bilateraler Laehmung der Willkuerlichen Augenbewegungen, Zwangslachen und Zwangsweinen, Sowie Fruehzeitiger Atrophie der Rechtsseitigen Unterschenkelmuskeln (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
53 Ueber Pupillenverengernde und Accommodationscentra der Gehirnrinde (Annotations)Eye movements upon stimulation of cortical areas (pupils up or down).Card Catalog Index Cards
54 Zur Physiologie des Grosshirns (Annotations)Memory and intellectual loss after frontal lobe lesions; Visual loss regression.Card Catalog Index Cards
55 Influence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon brain stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
56 Recherches Experimentales sur L'excitation du Cerveau par L'electricite and Influence de L'excitation sur la Secretion Salivaire (Annotations)Vascular effects (including vasodilation) upon brain stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
57 The Innervation of the Pupil (Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon cortical stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
58 The Effects of Stereotaxic Subthalamotomy on Sympathetic Tonus (Annotations)Post-operative Miosis, Ptosis, Hypohidrosis; Horner's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
59 Untersuchen Ueber die Innervation der Erweiterung der Pupille (Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon brain stimulation; quoted by Dogiel.Card Catalog Index Cards
60 Action Sur le Coeur de L'excitation Faradique d'un Lobe Anterieur du Cerveau, L'un des Pneumogastriques Etant Coupe (Annotations)Cardiac effects of frontal lobe stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
61 A Record of Experiments on the Effects of Lesion of Different Regions of the Cerebral Hemispheres (Annotations)Monkeys with occipital lobectomy had fixed pupils, but also had severe optic atrophy, said to be secondary.Card Catalog Index Cards
62 Card Tag LegendLegend to the color coding of Dr. Loewenfeld's annotation cards.Verification and Organization
63 Card Tag LegendLegend to the color coding of Dr. Loewenfeld's annotation cards.Verification and Organization
64 Lists Used to Verify PapersOutlines lists used in verifying papers which were unavailable to Dr. Loewenfeld as originals.Verification and Organization
65 Lists Used to Verify PapersOutlines lists used in verifying papers which were unavailable to Dr. Loewenfeld as originals.Verification and Organization
66 Lists Used to Form Journal AbbreviationsOutlines lists used in formation of Dr. Loewenfeld's system of journal abbreviations.Verification and Organization
67 Organization of Card FileDetails organization of Dr. Loewenfeld's annotation card file.Verification and Organization
68 Index Card FormatLegend to the formatting of Dr. Loewenfeld's annotations.Verification and Organization
51 - 75 of 68