51 - 75 of 146
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51 Davies, Lincoln L.Understanding Barriers to Commercial-Scale Carbon Capture and Sequestration in the United States: An Empirical AssessmentAlthough a potentially useful climate change mitigation tool, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) efforts in the United States remain mired in demonstration and development. Prior studies suggest numerous reasons for this stagnation. This article empirically assesses those claims. Using an anonym...2013-08
52 Chodosh, Hiram; Mallat, ChibliPakistan and Lebanon: The Same StruggleIn the absence of democracy (meaning regular change at the top by means of free and fair elections), political violence is a certainty.2008-01-04
53 Keiter, Robert; Ruple, John; Tanana, HeatherPolicty Analysis of Produced Water Issues Associated with In-Situ Thermal TechnologiesABSTRACT Commercial scale oil shale and oil sands development will require water, the amount of which will depend on the technologies adopted and the scale of development that occurs. Water in oil shale and oil sands country is already in scarce supply, and because of the arid nature of the regi...2011-01
54 Mallat, ChibliA legal manifesto for the Lebanese Cabinet: Justice for Rafik Hariri and Moussa SadrLast week I pleaded for a legal manifesto for Irans Green Revolution. I am arguing this week for a judicial manifesto for the Lebanese Cabinet. I have no illusions. The turgid governmental manifesto, like the Arab Leagues declarations, will read as a litany of bullet points where each of the plet...2009-07-09
55 Mallat, Chibli'A conversation to be had' on war and law: Obama's Nobel speechEven more than in the Cairo address, the Nobel speech will mark the Obama legacy. The subject is pithy, combining defense, foreign affairs and international law on the most difficult subject that human kind has ever addressed: war. Thanks to the entreaty of the Nobel committee, which forced the US p...2009-12-24
56 Mallat, ChibliA Federal Israel-Palestine: Ending 100 Years of Civil War in the Holy Land?What if we substitute a federal Israel-Palestine for the two-state solution deadlock?2010-09-17
57 Mallat, ChibliA Federal Israel-Palestine: Nonviolence and Law to End the 100-year Civil WarIn the first part of this study, the deadlock in Israel-Palestine was presented as a 100-year civil war. New realities on the ground, as well as visionary calls for a united state, instead of partitioning the land at a heavy human cost, have come from leading US thinkers, notably Tony Judt and Seyla...2010-09-23
58 Mallat, ChibliThree Recent Decisions of the Yemeni Supreme CourtDespite a rich history, beginning with the Ottoman constitutional movement in the latter part of the nineteenth century and that of Qajar Iran at the beginning of the twentieth, Middle Eastern constitutions have a propensity to turn into dead letters. Unless and until constitu- tional watchdogs begi...1995
59 Mallat, ChibliSpecial Dossier on the Sabra and Shatila Case in BelgiumThis dossier collects key legal documents in the Sharon affair. Being a legal dossier, the collection contains two sets of documents. The first set traces the evolution of Belgium's 1993/1999 universal jurisdiction law by making available in English, in several cases for the first time, translati...2005
60 Mallat, ChibliThe Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the staring abyss and what must be done about itThe STL, the UN and Lebanon must all contribute to avert an explosive situation in the country2010-10-07
61 Guiora, AmosTeaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Operationalizing the Law of Armed Conflict in New WarfareGone are the days of soldiers facing each other across large battlefields, tanks shelling tanks, and fighter jets engaging in dogfights. War, or armed conflict, to use a more precise legal term, now takes place everywhere in cities, refugee camps and other historically non-military areas and invol...2010-05-13
62 Mallat, ChibliThe Syrian-Israeli Boundaries in International Law: The Significance of the Armistice Demarcation Line of 1949Zero-sum equations have been the name of the game in the Middle East since the early Zionist settlements in the late 19th century. The classic Zionist motto, One dunum here, one dunum there has come to exemplify this logic for all the parties concerned, and the zero-sum logic continues to regulat...2000-07-13
63 Mallat, ChibliSaving Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court from itself - Opinion - Ahram Online2012-06-14
64 Mallat, ChibliReconciliation in Iraq: Taking the Constitution SeriouslyReconciliation, which draws the necessary constitutional principles over which Iraqi parliamentarians are called on to vote, and the Iraqi citizens to endorse (or reject) in a national referendum, offers a far better way than any other type of reconciliation. An improved Iraqi constitution provid...2009-07-16
65 Adler, Robert W.Changing the Law-Science Paradigm for Colorado River RestorationLegal mandates and scientific realities conflict when existing legal principles do not match the realities and limits of current science. Those conflicts can be addressed if scientists communicate the limits of existing scientific capabilities and if the legal system responds accordingly2008
66 Mallat, ChibliAppels d'Europe à l'est de la MéditerranéeNombreux sont les obstacles dressés devant tous les démocrates du Moyen-Orient ! Les difficultés internes sont évidentes : il suffit de regarder la panoplie de dictateurs, rois ou autres potentats arabes dont la préoccupation principale est de se maintenir au pouvoir sans que les citoyens ne...2007
67 Mallat, ChibliAventures à BeyrouthThis little book, published in limited edition in 1997, was written in 1995 by Chibli Mallat and illustrated by Tamer Mallat, then age 5.1995
68 Mallat, ChibliDes Relations Privilégiées Entre L'Union Européenne Et Les Pays Voisins: Les Promesses De L'Article 8 Tue, À La Suite Du Traité De LisbonneTitre Réalisations et défis de l'Union européenne Sous-titre Droit-Politique-Économie. Mélanges en hommage au Professeur Panayotis Soldatos Mnémo MELSOLDATOS Auteur(s) Préface de Christian Philip Edition 1re Edition Langue Fr Format Livre ISBN-10 2802735756 ISBN-13...2012
69 Mallat, ChibliIntroduction a la pensee de Robert FossaertCette introduction est surtout un appel, pour paraphraser Althusser sur Marx (<< II faut lire Le Capital, et se mettre au travail) a un bon usage de Fossaert : II faut lire La Societe, et se mettre au travail . Le lecteur trouvera une lucarne de l'universalisme de Fossaert dans la section du b...2009
70 Mallat, ChibliRenforcer la Société Civile contre l'Etat: Horizons du travail international au Proche et Moyen OrientVoici donc la conclusion extrêmement critique qui semble s'imposer sur la recherche d'une meilleure gouvernance dans une perspective SC. Il faut passer au-dessus de l'Etat pour renforcer la SC, et si nécessaire, la renforcer contre l'Etat. Vaste programme, qui commence par un apprentissage dém...2003-11
71 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and means in conflictA great danger of our time is our intense preoccupation with the ends we seek, so much so that we have overlooked the effect, usually and perhaps always the determinative effect, that our choice of means will have made upon the nature of those ends. This problem is made more difficult in that our vi...Weapons proliferation; Arms race; Atomic weapons1988
72 Firmage, Edwin B.Church in politics?I BELIEVE that the Church has a right and in fact an obligation to speak out on issues which affect either the spiritual or the moral well-being of our Heavenly Father's children. As a constitutional lawyer, I do not believe that the religion clauses of the First Amendment were intended to elimin...First Amendment1981
73 Firmage, Edwin B.Shanties, symbolic speech, and the public forum: ramshackle protection for free expressionShanties, symbolizing student opposition to South African apartheid and the demand that United States universities divest from corporations doing business in South Africa, were the sit-ins of the 1980s. Silent but graphic, shanties challenged the established order and attracted media attention. Som...Civil demonstration; Civil protest; First Amendment; Civil liberties1990
74 Francis, Leslie; Battin, Margaret P.; Botkin, Jeffrey R.; Jacobson, Jay A.Quick easy questions for analyzing medical ethical casesSometimes, traditional philosophical ways of analyzing medical-ethics cases seem just too cumbersome, particularly to people without training in ethical theory. The issues are important, interesting, often compellingly engaging. But it isn't the time for heavy jargon, or terms like "deontology" or ...1997
75 Firmage, Edwin B.Discipleship in the nuclear eraNUCLEAR WEAPONRY HAS PRESENTED THE greatest challenge and threat to humanity and to Christian belief in world history. Some of these problems are deep but are not unique to the nuclear era: Under what conditions-if indeed any at all-may one human being justifiably take another's life? Other problems...1987
51 - 75 of 146