51 - 75 of 494
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51 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Competition between foragers and food producers on the Botletli River, BotswanaThe immigration of food-producing groups into areas occupied by hunters and gatherers must have been a common occurrence in prehistory. How were the hunter-gatherers affected by this? I describe here two groups of Kalahari Basarwa ('Bushmen'), one living along the flood plain of the lower Botletli ...Kalahari Basarwa; Bushmen; Foraging; Cattle1986
52 Francis, John G.Public lands institutions and their discontentsThe history of the federal lands has been marked by recurring debates over the nature of the land tenure system in the West. The fundamental and enduring nature of these debates has been quite apparent recently, for serious attention has been paid to the following specific proposals. Should the owne...Federal lands; United States1986
53 Zick, Cathleen D.Does the teaching of home economics skills have an economic payoff? The case of clothing constructionIn recent years secondary schools have begun to view their home economics programs as an increasing marginal portion of their overall curricula. Because no payments are made for goods produced at home, gauging the economic value of taking a home economics class has been difficult for students, paren...Nonmarket activities; Clothing construction; Home sewing; Valuation1986
54 Francis, John G.; Francis, Leslie P.Rationing of health care in Britain: an ethical critique of public policy-makingIN BRITAIN, as in the United States, rationing of health care is a fact of life and death. Some rationing is overt, such as the Stanford heart transplant program's decision not to accept very young or older patients.1 Some is disguised, such as day-to-day decisions in hospitals about "do not resusci...Rationing; National Health Service1986
55 Rogers, Alan R.Migration and genetic drift in human populationsIn humans and many other species, mortality is concentrated early in the life cycle, and is low during the ages of dispersal and reproduction. Yet precisely the opposite is assumed by classical population-genetics models of migration and genetic drift. We introduce a model in which population regul...Frequencies; Variance; Dynamics1986
56 Francis, John G.; Benedict, Robert ConeIssue group activists at the conventionsThe rise of the new single issue groups has presented the Republican and Democratic parties with a novel challenge to their historic roles as broad-based coalition parties. Both parties now confront groups within their ranks that demand of party nominees a strict commitment to the position held by t...Single issue groups1986
57 McDaniel, SusanSocial reconstruction of sexual assault by women victims: a comparison of therapeutic experiencesIn this study, the conventionally accepted view of sexual violence against women as manifested by traditional therapy is contrasted with the feminist perspective represented by feminist therapy and feminist self-help groups for victims of sexual assault. The focus of the research is on the ways in ...Sexual violence; Feminist self-help; Feminist counselling1986
58 Rogers, Alan R.Population differences in quantitative characters as opposed to gene frequenciesHypotheses about evolution can be tested by comparing genetics differences with those of quantitative characters. Such comparisons are one source of information concerning the forces that maintain variation among natural populations.Genes; Evolution; Anthropology1986-05
59 Gelfand, Donna M.Characteristics of Venezuelan school refusers toward the development of a high-risk profileParent, teacher, and child reports were used to identify situational and personal factors associated with school refusal in 114 3- to 13-year-old Venezuelan children. The sample consisted of 57 school refusers and 57 nonrefusers matched on age, school, and sex. As compared with nonrefusers, the refu...1987
60 Rogers, Alan R.Model of kin-structured migrationWhen individuals disperse from one local group to another, they often do so in the company of relatives. This is known as "kin-structured migration," and its effect on genetic population structure is investigated here. It is shown that when migration is kin-structured, the ratio of between- to with...Fission; Mobility; Population1987
61 McDaniel, SusanCulture of gender: socialization, spirituality and sexualityIn this presentation, I hope to take you on a journey through the social landscape which teaches us about spirituality and sexuality. Like any journey, this one will have its ups and downs and in this case both ups and downs come from the same source. That source is the recognition that what we can...1987
62 Mineau, Geraldine Page; Bean, Lee LawrenceIntergenerational transmission of relative fertility and life course patternsIn many countries fertility trends over the last century have been characterized by sustained declines and the dissemination of a relatively sophisticated contraceptive knowledge. Many possible avenues for the dissemination of such knowledge exist among contemporary populations. There has, however,...Relative fertility; Intergenerational transmission1987
63 McDaniel, SusanWomen, work and health: some challenges to health promotionWith greater proportions of women spending more of their working' lives outside the home, the worksite may be an excellent place for health education and promotion among women. Building' opportunities into the work day for information and counselling sessions, education about worksite health hazard...Housewives; Working women; Health risk1987
64 Fogel, Alan DaleResearch in review: the development of nurturance in young childrenAn important, perhaps essential, adult characteristic is the motivation and ability to be a skillful and sensitive caregiver. This ability is the core of effective parenting and is also needed by nonfamily child care providers, caregivers for the handicapped and elderly, loving partners, and even pe...Nurturance1988
65 McDaniel, SusanOlder women: their quest for justice and peaceMyths, misconceptions and stereotypes about women and about older people combine in ways that prevent us from noticing some promising new developments in the quest for justice and peace. A popular stereotype sees the person working toward peace and justice as youthful, and significantly, often male....Women; Peace; Justice1988
66 McDaniel, SusanMedical culture and health politics: the Ontario debateThe 1986 doctors' strike in Ontario brought into stark relief many of the issues that have been latent in Canadian health politics for several decades. In this paper, an analysis from a sociological perspective is offered of the issues involved in the 1986 doctors' strike. Issues are discussed i...1988
67 McDaniel, SusanWomen's roles and reproduction: the changing picture in Canada in the 1980'sThe social roles of women have always been affected by their reproductive roles. Recently in Canada, as well as elsewhere, several challenges to traditional thinking about women's roles and reproduction have emerged. These challenges have called into question the models typically used to analyze wom...Childbearing; Motherhood; Childcare1988
68 McDaniel, SusanChallenges to health promotion among older working womenThe work site, has, been a place of successful health promotion among; certain groups, most notably men in management. The potential of work site health promotion among women, particularly among' older working women, remains unexplored.. Given women's greater longevity and women's likelihood of spen...Workers; Longevity; Aging1988
69 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Technological change and child behavior among the !KungHow does change in one part of a social system affect other parts? This is the central question that must be answered in order to understand the process through which culture changes. This paper is about a small piece of the problem. It investigates how changes in subsistence economy affect child be...Child behavior; Technological change; Foraging groups; Settled groups1988
70 Hawkes, KristenOn Human fertility: Individual or group benefit?Caldwell et al. (CA 28:25-43) have pointed to the pervasive influence of Carr-Saunders's (1922) concept of population regulation throughout two-thirds of a century of anthropology and demography.1988-01-01
71 Hawkes, KristenFood sharing among Ache hunter-gatherers of Eastern ParaguayEmpirical research on food sharing among hunter-gatherers should provide critical data for evaluating both the possible role of food sharing in hominid evolution and the question of how such behavior could be selected.Hunter-gatherers; Ache; Paraguay; Anthropology1988-02
72 Hawkes, KristenHadza scavenging: implications for Plio/Pleistocene Hominid subsistenceThe frequent association of stone tools and large animal bones in African Plio/Pleistocene archaeological sites has long been taken as evidence of the importance of hunting in early hominid diets. Many now argue that it reflects hominid scavenging, not hunting.Hadza; Scavenging; Plio/Pleistocene; Hominid Diet1988-04
73 McDaniel, SusanWomen inventors in Canada: research and interventionWhat is an inventor or an invention? In this essay, we use the definition of the Canadian Patent Act, which considers a patentable invention to be a new or improved product or process or a new application of an existing product or process. An invention must be technically feasible - it must -"work" ...Patent; Inventions; Creativity1989
74 McDaniel, SusanReconceptualizing the nuptiality/fertility relationship in Canada in a new ageFirst comes love; then comes marriage; along comes Joanie with a baby carriage. This straightforward temporal sequence so long taken for granted in North America may no longer be valid. With marriage rates declining, birth rates at an historic low, births occurring outside legal marriage, and dramat...Marriage; Family; Feminist1989
75 McDaniel, SusanNew stork rising? Women's roles and reproductive changesAnyone who has not been living in a remote cave will know that reproduction in the past decade has been changing rather dramatically. These changes have occurred on several fronts. Writing as a sociologist, I shall emphasize the social aspects of these changes, looking first at some of the changes ...In vitro; Birth rate; Artificial insemination1989
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