51 - 75 of 86
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51 Reel, JustineWeight pressure in sport-females (WPS-F) scoring informationPurpose: To assess sport-specific weight pressures for female athletes participating in a variety of sports Refer to the following article for more information regarding the development of the WPS-F: Reel, J.J., SooHoo, S., Petrie, T.A., Greenleaf, C., Carter, J.E. (June 2010). Slimming down fo...2010-05-25
52 Reel, JustineWeight pressures in sport-males (WPS-M) scoring informationPurpose: To assess sport-specific weight pressures for male athletes participating in a variety of sports Refer to the following article for more information regarding the development of the ...2010-06-02
53 Dibble, Leland E.Eccentric exercise versus usual-care with older cancer survivors: the impact on muscle and mobility- an exploratory pilot studyBackground: Resistance exercise programs with high compliance are needed to counter impaired muscle and mobility in older cancer survivors. To date outcomes have focused on older prostate cancer survivors, though more heterogeneous groups of older survivors are in-need. The purpose of this explorat...2011
54 Hannon, James C.Determination of step rate thresholds corresponding to physical activity intensity classifications in adultsBackground: Current recommendations call for adults to be physically active at moderate and/or vigorous intensities. Given the popularity of walking and running, the use of step rates may provide a practical and inexpensive means to evaluate ambulatory intensity. Thus, the purpose of this study wa...2011
55 Marcus, RobinAn eccentrically biased rehabilitation program early after TKA surgeryRehabilitation services are less-studied aspects of the management following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) despite long-term suboptimal physical functioning and chronic deficits in muscle function. This paper describes the preliminary findings of a six-week (12 session) eccentrically-biased rehabili...2011
56 Dibble, Leland E.Development of a scale to assess avoidance behavior due to a fear of falling: the fear of falling avoidance behavior questionnaireBackground. A history of falls or imbalance may lead to a fear of falling, which may lead to self-imposed avoidance of activity; this avoidance may stimulate a vicious cycle of deconditioning and subsequent falls. Objective. The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire that would quanti...2011
57 Martin, JimEffects of temperature on maximum cycling power and optimal pedaling rate2011
58 Wambaugh, Julie L.Apraxia of speech: perceptual analysis of trisyllabic word productions across repeated sampling occasionsEarly apraxia of speech (AOS) research has characterized errors as being variable, resulting in a number of different error types being produced on repeated productions of the same stimuli. Conversely, recent research has uncovered greater consistency in errors, but there are limited data examining ...2011-01-01
59 Metos, Julie MarieTeacher awareness and implementation of food and physical activity policies in Utah Elementary Schools, 2010Introduction Schools are a key venue for childhood obesity prevention policies. The objective of this study was to examine factors associated with elementary school teacher awareness and implementation of their schools' food and physical activity policies. Methods We collected data through an online...2011-01-01
60 Newton, MariaThe influence of a simulated 'pep talk' on athlete inspiration, situational motivation, and emotionCoaches routinely use pep talks to inspire and motivate athletes, but the efficacy of this strategy has not been empirically examined. Conceptually based on Thrash and Elliot's [3, 4] inspiration research this study explored the impact of a simulated pep talk on inspiration, inspiration to perform, ...2011-01-01
61 Podlog, Leslie WilliamA review of return to sport concerns following injury rehabilitation: practitioner strategies for enhancing recovery outcomesObjectives: Evidence suggests that competitive athletes returning to sport following injury rehabilitation may experience a range of psychosocial concerns. The purpose of this paper is to review some of the psychosocial stresses common among returning athletes and to provide practitioner strategies ...2011-01-01
62 Taylor, Linda JoEmeritus alumni scholarship: enpowering refugee students to go to college2011-04-27
63 Hayes, Bradley T.Immediate effects of muscular fatigue on postural stability and motoneuron pool excitability in healthy adults2011-04-27
64 Shaw, Janet M.Habitual physical activity does not infer healthy eating patterns in clinic staff2011-09-03
65 Reel, JustineIt was hard, but it was good: a qualitative exploration of stress-related growth in division I intercollegiate athletesRecent research suggests that many individuals not only survive, but thrive as a result of life stress and trauma. Both scientific and anecdotal evidence support the notion of psychosocial growth and development following stress in athletes. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of ...2012-01-01
66 Wambaugh, Julie L.Acquired apraxia of speech: the effects of repeated practice and rate/rhythm control treatments on sound production accuracyPurpose: This investigation was designed to elucidate the effects of repeated practice treatment on sound production accuracy in individuals with apraxia of speech (AOS) and aphasia. A secondary purpose was to determine if the addition of rate/rhythm control to treatment provided further benefits be...2012-01-01
67 Roy, NelsonCase-control study of risk factors for spasmodic dysphonia: a comparison with other voice disordersObjectives: This epidemiology study examined risk factors uniquely associated with spasmodic dysphonia (SD). Study Design: Case-control. Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 150 patients with SD (with and without coexisting vocal tremor) and 136 patients with other structural, neurological, ...2012-01-01
68 Kumpfer, KarolEffectiveness of a culturally adapted strengthening families program 12-16 years for high-risk Irish familiesBACKGROUND: Evidence-based programs (EBPs) targeting effective family skills are the most cost effective for improving adolescent behavioural health. Cochrane Reviews have found Strengthening Families Program (SFP) to be the most effective substance abuse prevention intervention. Standardized cultur...2012-01-01
69 Roy, NelsonPrevalence and causes of dysphonia in a large treatment-seeking populationObjective: To determine the prevalence and common causes of dysphonia as diagnosed by primary care physicians (PCPs) and otolaryngologists, and to evaluate differences in etiologies offered by these providers. Study Design: Retrospective analysis of data from a large, nationally representative admin...2012-01-01
70 Jalili, ThunderCytosolic, but not mitochondrial, oxidative stress likely contributes to cardiac hypertrophy resulting from cardiac specific GLUT4 deletion in miceWe hypothesized that oxidative stress may contribute to the development of hypertrophy observed in mice with cardiac specific ablation of the insulin sensitive glucose transporter gene (GLUT4, G4H-/-4 ). Measurements of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in isolated mitochondria and whole heart homogenates...2012-01-01
71 Marcus, RobinTargeting anabolic impairment in response to resistance exercise in older adults with mobility impairments: potential mechanisms and rehabilitation approachesMuscle atrophy is associated with healthy aging (i.e., sarcopenia) and may be compounded by comorbidities, injury, surgery, illness, and physical inactivity. While a bout of resistance exercise increases protein synthesis rates in healthy young skeletal muscle, the effectiveness of resistance exerci...2012-01-01
72 Hannon, James C.Physical activity differences by birthplace and sex in youth of Mexican HeritageBackground: One of the goals of Healthy People 2020 is to increase physical activity (PA) and reduce health disparities among different racial and ethnic segments of the U.S. population. Few studies have been conducted to examine PA differences by birthplace and sex in youth of Mexican heritage. Met...2012-01-01
73 Hayes, Bradley T.Lack of neuromuscular origins of adaptation after a long-term stretching programContext: Static stretching is commonly used during the treatment and rehabilitation of orthopedic injuries to increase joint range of motion (ROM) and muscle flexibility. Understanding the physiological adaptations that occur in the neuromuscular system as a result of long-term stretching may provid...2012-01-01
74 Podlog, Leslie WilliamCollege students goal orientations, situational motivation and effort/persistence in physical activity classesThe purpose of this study was to examine relationships among college students' 2 × 2 goal orientations (mastery-approach [MAp], mastery-avoidance [MAv], performance-approach [PAp], performance-avoidance [PAv]), situational motivation (intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation...2012-01-01
75 Podlog, Leslie WilliamThe effect of variety expectations on interest, enjoyment, and locus of causality in exerciseMost attempts to influence intrinsic motivation have focused on contextual support for basic need satisfaction, including the provision of autonomy support, structure, and interpersonal involvement (e.g., Edmunds et al. in Eur J Soc Psychol 38:375-388, 2008). This study explored the extent to which ...2012-01-01
51 - 75 of 86