51 - 75 of 84
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51 Malloy, Thomas E.; Jensen, Gary C.Mapping Gregory Bateson's epistemology to nonlinear dynamic systems theory: dynamic form and hierarchies of knowledgeGregory Bateson construes mental process as the flow and transform of differences in a system whether the system be a single human or a complex ecology. Stuart Kauffman uses NK Boolean systems to model the self-organization of order in biological evolution. Because the Boolean base (0, 1) maps to Ba...Network; Complex; Psychology; Mind; Nature2006-10-23
52 Fogel, Alan DaleNoninnatist alternatives to the negative evidence hypothesisIn this commentary we consider three issues. First, we suggest that Crain's definition of innateness is not biologically plausible. Second, we show how the criteria he uses as hallmarks of innateness can have alternative explanations. Finally, we reinterpret his research findings on grounds that do ...1992
53 Werner, Carol M.; Brown, Barbara B.Using accelerometer feedback to identify walking destinations, activity overestimates, and stealth exercise in obese and nonobese individualsAccelerometer output feedback might enable assessment of recall biases for moderate bouts by obese and nonobese individuals; accelerometry might also help residents recall destinations for moderate-intensity walking bouts. Methods: Adult residents' 1-week accelerometer-measured physical activity and...Physical activity assessment; METs; Community-based research; Obese2008
54 Hartmann, Donald P.Changing criterion designThis article describes and illustrates with two case studies a relatively novel form of the multiple-baseline design called the changing criterion design. It also presents the design's formal requirements, and suggests target behaviors and circumstances for which the design might be useful.Multiple baseline; Changing criterion design; Methodology; Shaping; Experimental control1976
55 Diamond, LisaContributions of psychophysiology to research on adult attachment: review and recommendationsDespite the increasing use of psychophysiological measures to investigate social and interpersonal phenomena, few studies of adult romantic attachment have taken advantage of this approach. In this article I argue for a biologically-specific, theory-based integration of psychophysiological measures ...Attachment; Emotions; Physiology2001-10-08
56 Berg, Cynthia A.Individual differences in script reports: implications for language assessmentWhen individuals are asked to describe routine events, their descriptions often exhibit characteristics of script reports (Schank & Abelson, 1977). A script has been defined as a set of expectations individuals have about routine events that is organized in a temporal-causal sequence of acts or sing...Script reports; Language assessment1990
57 Friedrich, FrancesCapacity demands of automatic processes in semantic primingIn three experiments, we examined the effects of prime-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SSA) and the proportion of related primes and targets (relatedness proportion, or RP) on semantic priming when the prime was either named or was searched for a specific letter . In Experiment 1, with an RP of ....Semantic priming; Stimulus onset asynchrony1994
58 Diamond, LisaSex, dating, passionate friendships, and romance: intimate peer relations among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescentsAlthough the raw number of adolescent romantic and sexual involvements is well documented, the actual experience and meaning of these relationships for adolescents receives little attention. As a result, these relationships are frequently classed together on the basis of surface similarities, despi...Teenagers; Relationships; Sex; Dating; Romance; Gays; Lesbians; Bisexuals1999
59 Berg, Cynthia A.; Smith, Timothy W.; Uchino, Bert N.; Hopkins, Paul N.; Yoon, Hyo-ChunHostile personality traits and coronary artery calcification in middle-aged and older married couples: different effects for self-reports versus spouse ratingsObjective: To examine the association between hostile personality traits and coronary artery disease (CAD) and the role of aspects of hostility, method of assessment, and age as influences on its magnitude, as prior studies of hostility and coronary artery calcification (CAC) have produced conflicti...2007-06-01
60 Diamond, LisaPassionate friendships among adolescent sexual-minority womenAbstract:Adolescent friendships containing the emotional intensity of romantic relationships, yet lacking sexual activity, have been documented in numerous cultures and historical periods. This research explores these relationships among contemporary young sexual-minority women. Phone interviews wit...Sexual attraction; Gender differences; Intimacy; Young; Love2004-04-28
61 Fogel, Alan DaleCourse in modern physics for ColombiaThe problems on encounters in teaching physics in Colombia have been recognized for a number of years and can be easily generalized to almost every country in Latin America. These problems are sufficiently widespread, reaching not only across international lines but throughout all the levels of the ...1970
62 Drews, Frank; Bermudez, Julio Cesar; Agutter, James A.; Foresti, Stefano A.; Westenskow, Dwayne R.; Syroid, Noah Daniel; Tashjian, ElizabethBetween art, science and technology: data representation architectureAs our civilization continues to dive deeper into the information age, making sense of complex data becomes critical. This work takes on this challenge by means of a novel method based on complete interdisciplinarity, design process and built-in evaluations. The result is the design, construction, ...Data representation; Visualization design; Data environments2005
63 Berg, Cynthia A.Perspectives for viewing intellectual development throughout the life courseWhat has one voice and is four-footed, two-footed, and three-footed? The task of characterizing intellectual development throughout the life course can be likened to the situation that faced the Thebans as they tried to solve this riddle of the Sphinx. Oedipus gave the correct answer to this riddle...1992
64 Malloy, Thomas E.; Jensen, Gary C.Emergence of dynamic form through phase relations in dynamic systemsGregory Bateson construes mental process as the flow and transforms of differences in a system. Stuart Kauffman uses NK Boolean systems to model the emergence of order in biological evolution. Because the Boolean base (0, 1) maps to Bateson's idea of difference, we simulate Bateson's epistemology wi...Systems; Psychology; Models2005-10-24
65 Fogel, Alan DaleSocial dynamics of early human developmentI present the outlines of theory of social dynamics that combines a dynamic systems perspective and a Gibsonian ecological perspective to an understanding of the development of action (Fogel, in press). Different physical and social environments afford different opportunities for action. A rattle af...Social dynamics; Early human development1990
66 Diamond, LisaHow do I love thee? Implications of attachment theory for understanding same-sex love and desireHazan and Shaver's (1987) seminal notion that romantic love is an adult "version" of infant-caregiver attachment radically transformed our understanding of the nature and dynamics of adult intimate pair bonds, and the reverberations of this conceptual turning point continue to shape psychological re...Attachment Behavior; Psychology; Research; Romantic relationships2004
67 Fogel, Alan DaleDynamic systems theory places the scientist in the systemDynamic systems theory is a way of describing the patterns that emerge from relationships in the universe. In the study of interpersonal relationships, within and between species, the scientist is an active and engaged participant in those relationships. Separation between self and other, scientist...2002
68 Diamond, LisaCareful what you ask for: reconsidering feminist epistemology and autobiographical narrative in research on sexual identity developmentFeminist theory has had an undoubtable but inconsistent influence on developmental psychology. Although feminist perspectives have productively challenged developmental models centered on male experiences (Gilligan 1982) and have called attention to socialization practices that reproduce systemati...Feminism; Epistemology; Autobiography2006
69 Jones, Bryan W.; Jones, Christopher R.; Czajkowski, LauraFamilial advanced sleep-phase syndrome: a short-period circadian rhythmvariant in humansBiological circadian clocks oscillate with an approximately 24-hour period, are ubiquitous, and presumably confer a selective advantage by anticipating the transitions between day and night. The circadian rhythms of sleep, melatonin secretion and body core temperature are thought to be generated by ...Activity Cycles; Matched-Pair Analysis; Polysomnography1999
70 Gelfand, Donna M.Preschool assessment of attachment: construct validity in a sample of depressed and nondepressed families.Construct validity of the newly developed Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA) was examined in a sample of depressed and nondepressed mothers and their preschoolers, focusing on attachment related differences in children's general caregiving environments, maternal psychosocial functioning, and c...Preschoolers; Families; Maternal, psychosocial functioning; Mothers; Children, caregiving; Attachment1997-07
71 Friedrich, FrancesVisual perception without awareness in a patient with posterior cortical atrophy: impaired explicit but not implicit processing of global informationA patient with progressive posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) was examined on several tests of visual cognition. The patient displayed multiple visual cognitive deficits, which included problems identifying degraded stimuli, attending to two or more stimuli simultaneously, recognizing faces, tracing s...Posterior cortical atrophy; Global-local processing; Consciousness; Balint's syndrome; Simultanagnoisa2002
72 Drews, Frank; Strayer, David LeeDevelopment and evaluation of a high-fidelity simulator training program for snowplow operatorsThe safe operation of a snowplow requires a high level of expertise. Drivers often operate in very stressful situations, maneuvering 30 tons of equipment in tight quarters in blizzard conditions. Drivers often work long shifts, negotiate their vehicle in heavy traffic, on slippery roads with very li...Snowplow operators; Simulators; Accidents2004
73 Malloy, Thomas E.Steps to an ecology of emergenceTo begin to take steps to a mental ecology of emergence we first establish two fundamental assumptions from the methodology of transformational grammar-the centrality of human judgment based on direct experience and the proposition that the systematic nature of human behavior is algorithmically dri...Emergence; Perceptual Categories; Dynamic Constancy; Hierarchies; Boolean Models; Epistemology; Knowledge; Bateson; Kauffman2005
74 Hartmann, Donald P.Forcing square pegs into round holes: Some comments on "An Analysis-of-Variance Model for the Intrasubject Replication DesignThis paper critically examines the application of fixed-effect one-way analysis-of-variance procedures to learning data from a single subject. Procedures more appropriate for data obtained from intrasubject replication designs are briefly described.ANOVA; Variance analysis; Behavior analysis1974
75 Fogel, Alan DaleRelationships that support human developmentWhen Susan was one-and-one-half years old, she had been playing the "lion game" with her mother for the past few months. With a lion puppet on her hand, Susan's mother made the lion roar, tickle, bite, and tease Susan, who seemed delighted to be aroused and frightened. Susan and her mother first co...2008
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