51 - 75 of 215
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51 Battin, Margaret P.Assisted suicide: can we learn from Germany?As the United States' public discussion of euthanasia and assisted suicide grows increasingly volatile, our interest in the Netherlands--the only country that openly permits the practice of euthanasia--has grown enormously. How do they do it? we ask. What drugs do they use? How many cases of euthan...Assisted suicide; Netherlands; Right to die1992
52 Francis, LeslieEmployment and intellectual disabilityUnder recent decisions of the United States Supreme Court, people with disabilities alleging employment discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are caught in a vicious triangle. One vertex of the triangle is self-accommodation. Correcting for their impairments through effort,...Americans with Disabilities Act; ADA; Intellectual disability2004
53 Battin, Margaret P.Textbook of healthcare ethics (Book Review)Reviews the book `Textbook of Healthcare Ethics,' by Erich H. Loewy.Books; Ethics; Healthcare2001-09-17
54 Battin, Margaret P.Least worst death: selective refusal of treatmentIn recent years "right-to-die" movements have brought into the public consciousness something most physicians have long known: that in some hopeless medical conditions, heroic efforts to extend life may no longer be humane, and the physician must be prepared to allow the patient to die. Physician re...Death; Dying; Right to die; Natural death1983
55 Andreou, ChrisoulaRationality and Freedom by Amartya Sen [review]A review of Rationality and Freedom, the first of two volumes of essays by Amartya Sen on rationality, freedom, and justice.Book review; Rationality; Freedom; Justice2003
56 Battin, Margaret P.Scott Ames: a man giving up on himselfThe tragic story of Scott Ames raises a fundamental question concerning involuntary commitment of patients when suicide seems likely. What right has a physician ever to interfere when apatient proposes to take his own life? Under ordinary cirucmstances one argues that because of depression, or some ...Suicide prevention; Scott Ames2003
57 White, Nicholas P.Review of Terence Irwin, 'Plato'This impressive and valuable book is in many ways a new edition of Irwin's well-known Plato's Moral Theory and like that book must be carefully studied by anyone seriously interested in Plato- not only in his ethics but in his Philosophy; in general.Epistemological demands; Hedonism; Philosophizing1996-10
58 Andreou, ChrisoulaCommunicative Action and Rational Choice by Joseph Heath [review]A review of Communicative Action and Rational Choice, in which the author, Joseph Heath, develops an insightful account of practical reason that builds on his critical evaluations of both Jurgen Habermas's theory of communicative action and the instrumental conception of rationality.Action; Communication; Rationality; Choice; Book review2002
59 Millgram, ElijahDoes the categorical imperative give rise to a contradiction in the will?The Brave New World-style utilitarian dystopia is a familiar feature of the cultural landscape; Kantian dystopias are harder to come by, perhaps because, until Rawls, Kantian morality presented itself as a primarily personal rather than political program. This asymmetry is peculiar for formal reas...Categorical imperative; Dystopia; Self-refutation2003
60 Tuttle, Howard N.Some issues in Ortega y Gasset's critique of Heidegger's doctrine of SeinThe purpose of this paper is to propose a hypothesis to illuminate Ortega's critical response to Heidegger's question of being (Seinsfrage). While Ortega integrated the classical requirements for the idea of Being into his idea of human life as radical reality, Heidegger's delineation of human life...1991
61 White, Nicholas P.Review of Nancy Sherman, "Making a Necessity of VirtueMaking a Necessity of Virtue is about the ethics of Aristotle and Kant. "Specifically," according to the first chapter, it "is about the role of emotions and practical reason in each theorist's account of virtue," though with "greater attention to the place of emotions in moral character". This desc...Virtue; Ethics; Reason; Emotions; Morality2000
62 White, Nicholas P.Review of J. Moline, "Plato's theory of understandingThe Introduction to this book promises a " synoptic" (p. xi; cf. p. 183) account of Plato's concept (£moi;f]UT|), which Prof. Moline says is the "central integrating concept" of Plato's dialogues (p. ix). The term "synoptic" here appears to mean that the book treats and links problems in such ar...Synoptic; Knowledge; Meaning1983
63 Tuttle, Howard N.Problem of natural law in AristotleIn reading Aristotle's ethical, political, and jurisprudential writings we often come upon the term physis, which we may translate as "by the order of nature." In ancient political theory this term physis was often contrasted with nomos or "that which is by convention." I will argue in this paper t...1978
64 Battin, Margaret P.Legal physician-assisted dying in Oregon and the Netherlands: evidence concerning the impact on patients in "vulnerable" groupsIf physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and/or voluntary active euthanasia were legalised, would this disproportionately affect people in ‘‘vulnerable'' groups? Although principles of patient autonomy and the right to avoid suffering and pain may offer support for these practices, concerns about the...Vulnerable groups; Oregon; Netherlands2007-10-01
65 Benham, BryanRyle and the para-mechanicalThe thesis of this paper is the unconventional claim that Gilbert Ryle is not a logical behaviorist. The popular account of Ryle clearly places his work in The Concept of Mind (1949) in the camp of logical behaviorist.1 The object of this paper, however, will be to illustrate how the conventional in...Behaviorist; Logical behaviorism2000
66 Landesman, Bruce M.Physician attitudes toward patientsAn 8-year-old child with a minor head injury is brought in to the emergency department and is judged by the physician to be completely normal. The parents say that a sibling had a skull fracture under similar circumstances and that they would sleep much better if a skull x-ray were taken. The physic...Society-inclusive ethic; Rationing; Worry1986
67 Thalos, Mariam G.Wit of knitting: a philosophical reflection on knitting things arightSeeing a pattern in a medium of yarn emerge on a pair of needles, initially from a single row of loops, and grow to become an article of clothing, is immensely satisfying. Indeed, every moment of knitting provides immediate gratification. This is perhaps why knitting, like many other occupations of ...2008
68 Plutynski, AnyaModeling evolution in theory and practiceThis paper uses a number of examples of diverse types and functions of models in evolutionary biology to argue that the demarcation between theory and practice, or "theory model" and "data model." is often difficult to make. It is shown how both mathematical and laboratory models function as plausib...Models; Theory; Data; Evolutionary biology2001
69 Battin, Margaret P.Sex & consequences: world population growth vs. reproductive rightsConflict between concern over global population growth (still rising precipitously, even though growth rates have slowed) and concern for reproductive rights is intense. NeoMalthusians, on the one hand, point to the dire consequences of overpopulation; feminist defenders of reproductive rights and ...Reproduction; Population growth; Birth control; Feminism1997
70 Battin, Margaret P.Telling confessions: confidentiality in the practice of religionWHEN, if ever, may or should a professional practitioner reveal a confidential disclosure? This is a question of moral concern that arises in many areas of professional ethics. Those who have access to private information include many individuals, among them physicians, psychiatrists, attorneys, tea...1983
71 Battin, Margaret P.Voluntary euthanasia and the risks of abuse: can we learn anything from the Netherlands?In the United Stares' quite volatile public debates over the legalization of voluntary active euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, much has been made of the risk of abuse. Indeed, it was probably tears of abuse that contributed more than any other single factor to the 1991 defeat of the Unite...Slippery slope; Deliberations; Scruples1992
72 Hanna, Patricia LeeSummaries and comments on Lappin, S. Sorts, ontology and metaphor: the semantics of sortal structureIn this interesting study, Shalom Lappin argues that any adequate theory of sortal incorrectness must meet four requirements. First, it must account for the truth valuelessness of sortally incorrect sentences. Second, it must provide a means of distinguishing truth valuelessness arising from sortal...Valuelessness; Incorrectness1983
73 Landesman, Bruce M.Violence, terrorism and justice (Book Review)Reviews the book `Violence, Terrorism and Justice,' edited by R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris.Books; Philosophy;; Terrorism; Justice; Violence1993-07
74 Battin, Margaret P.False dichotomy versus genuine choice the argument over physician-assisted dyingDespite a growing consensus that palliative care should be a core part of the treatment offered to all severely ill patients who potentially face death,1 challenging questions remain. How broad a choice should patients have in guiding the course of their own dying? What limitations should be placed ...2004
75 Francis, LeslieVirtue and the American family: abortion and divorce in Western law by Mary Ann GlendonAbortion and Divorce in Western Law is seductive and dangerous. It is seductive because it is half right; it is dangerous because it is half wrong on many levels: the data assembled about abortion law, the comparative law methodology employed, and the conclusions drawn for American public policy abo...Abortion and divorce in American law; Book review; Glendon, Mary Ann1988
51 - 75 of 215