51 - 75 of 649
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51 Jorgensen, ErikImproved Mos1-mediated transgenesis in C. elegansThe ability to add or delete genes to the genome of genetic model organisms is essential. Previously, we developed methods based on the Mos1 transposon1 to make targeted transgene insertions (Mos1-mediated Single Copy transgene Insertions, MosSCI2) and targeted deletions (Mos1-mediated deletions, Mo...2012-01-01
52 Shapiro, Michael D.Divergence, convergence, and the ancestry of feral populations in the domestic rock pigeonStringham, Sydney A.; Mulroy, Elisabeth E.; Xing, Jinchuan; Record, David; Guernsey, Michael W.; Aldenhoven, Jaclyn T.; Osborne, Edward J.
53 Shapiro, Michael D.Divergence, convergence, and the ancestry of feral populations in the domestic rock pigeonStringham, Sydney A.; Mulroy, Elisabeth E.; Xing, Jinchuan; Record, David; Guernsey, Michael W.; Aldenhoven, Jaclyn T.; Osborne, Edward J.
54 Horvath, Martin P.Biochemistry of Cone Snail toxin activationCone snails use venom to capture prey for food and for defense against predators. The venom is composed of over 100 active peptides that target specific receptors in the nervous system. Several of these peptides have the potential to become medicine for treatment of pain, depression, seizures, and n...biochemistry; horvath; olivera; cone snail; toxin; nmda; elution; buffers; sparse matrix test; protease; protein; purification; neurotoxin; conotoxin2013
55 Adler, Frederick R.Mathematical modeling the age dependence of Epstein-Barr virus associated infectious mononucleosisMost people get Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection at young age and are asymptomatic. Pri-mary EBV infection in adolescents and young adults however, often leads to infectious mononucleosis (IM) with symptoms including fever, fatigue, and sore throat that can persist for months. Expansion in the num...2012
56 Clayton, Dale H.Does avian malaria reduce fledging success: an experimental test of the selection hypothesisLike many parasites, avian haematozoa are often found at lower infection intensities in older birds than young birds. One explanation, known as the "selection" hypothesis, is that infected young birds die before reaching adulthood, thus removing the highest infection intensities from the host popul...2013-01-01
57 Jorgensen, ErikNano-fEM: Protein localization using photo-activated localization microscopy and electron microscopyMapping the distribution of proteins is essential for understanding the function of proteins in a cell. Fluorescence microscopy is extensively used for protein localization, but subcellular context is often absent in fluorescence images. Immuno-electron microscopy, on the other hand, can localize pr...2012-01-01
58 Dearing, Maria-Denise[Dearing_Database_Pilot][Database deposited March 08, 2013, as part of a pilot project, eResearch Committee, University of Utah.] [This description should include information that explains the dataset in detail in a manner that would be useful to potential reuse. The contact information for the primary investigator should ...[Creator keywords here.]2013-03-08
59 Dale, ColinA novel human-infection-derived bacterium provides insights into the evolutionary origins of mutualistic insect-bacterial symbiosesDespite extensive study, little is known about the origins of the mutualistic bacterial endosymbionts that inhabit approximately 10% of the world's insects. In this study, we characterized a novel opportunistic human pathogen, designated ‘‘strain HS,'' and found that it is a close relative of th...2012-01-01
60 Capecchi, Mario R.Production of selenoprotein P (Sepp1) by hepatocytes is central to selenium homeostasisBackground: Sepp1 transports selenium, but its complete role in selenium homeostasis is not known. Results: Deletion of Sepp1 in hepatocytes increases liver selenium at the expense of other tissues and decreases whole-bodyselenium by increasing excretion. Conclusion: Sepp1 production by hepatocytes ...2012-01-01
61 Adler, Frederick R.A time since recovery model with varying rates of loss of immunityFor many infectious diseases, immunity wanes over time. The majority of SIRS models assume that this loss of immunity takes place at a constant rate. We study temporary immunity within a SIRS model structure if the rate of loss of immunity can depend on the time since recovery from disease.We determ...2012-01-01
62 Adler, Frederick R.Sputum biomarkers and the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with cystic fibrosisLung function, acute pulmonary exacerbations (APE), and weight are the best clinical predictors of survival in cystic fibrosis (CF); however, underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Biomarkers of current disease state predictive of future outcomes might identify mechanisms and provide tre...2012-01-01
63 Olivera, Baldomero M.Modulation of conotoxin structure and function is achieved through a multienzyme complex in the venom glands of cone snailsBackground: Conotoxins can be utilized to investigate enzyme-assisted folding of disulfide-rich peptides. Results: Various ER-resident cone snail enzymes act in concert to accelerate the oxidative folding of conotoxins and modulate their conformation by reconfiguring disulfide connectivities. Conclu...2012-01-01
64 Sekercioglu, CaganMapping functional traits: comparing bundance and presence-absence estimates at large spatial scalesEfforts to quantify the composition of biological communities increasingly focus on functional traits. The composition of communities in terms of traits can be summarized in several ways. Ecologists are beginning to map the geographic distribution of trait-based metrics from various sources of data,...2012-01-01
65 Ehleringer, James R.Bayesian integration of isotope ratio for geographic sourcing of castor beansRecent years have seen an increase in the forensic interest associated with the poison ricin, which is extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. Both light element (C, N, O, and H) and strontium (Sr) isotope ratios have previously been used to associate organic material with geographic...2012-01-01
66 Goller, FranzProsthetic Avian vocal organ controlled by a freely behaving bird based on a low dimensional model of the biomechanical peripheryBecause of the parallels found with human language production and acquisition, birdsong is an ideal animal model to study general mechanisms underlying complex, learned motor behavior. The rich and diverse vocalizations of songbirds emerge as a result of the interaction between a pattern generator i...2012-01-01
67 Jorgensen, ErikUNC-41/stonin functions with AP2 to recycle synaptic vesicles in Caenorhabditis elegansThe recycling of synaptic vesicles requires the recovery of vesicle proteins and membrane. Members of the stonin protein family (Drosophila Stoned B, mammalian stonin 2) have been shown to link the synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin to the endocytic machinery. Here we characterize the unc-41 gen...2012-01-01
68 Clayton, Dale H.How effective is preening against mobile ectoparasites? An experimental test with pigeons and hippoboscid fliesBirds combat ectoparasites with many defences but the first line of defence is grooming behaviour, which includes preening with the bill and scratching with the feet. Preening has been shown to be very effective against ectoparasites. However, most tests have been with feather lice, which are relati...2012-01-01
69 Olivera, Baldomero M.Stapling mimics noncovalent interactions of γ-carboxyglutamates in conantokins, peptidic antagonists of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptorsBackground: Can dicarba bridges (stapling) replace noncovalent interactions that stabilize helical conformation of neuroactivepeptides? Results: A rational design, synthesis, structural, and functional characterization of stapled conG analogs that target NMDAreceptors is reported. Conclusion: Staple...2012-01-01
70 Loftus, Patrick David; Rosenblatt, Jody; Eisenhoffer Jr., George ThomasInduced pressure promotes extrusion and transient polyp formation in MDCK monolayers to maintain homeostasisIn the human body about 100,000 cells are produced every second by mitosis and a similar number die by apoptosis. What happens if too much death occurs? What happens if too little death occurs? How are dying epithelial cells removed?Extrusion; MDCK monolayers; Polyp formation; Trapeze Interactive Poster2010-03-15
71 Potts, Wayne K.MHC signaling during social communicationThe major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been known to play a critical role in immune recognition since the 1950s. It was a surprise, then, in the 1970s when the first report appeared indicating MHC might also function in social signaling. Since this seminal discovery, MHC signaling has been f...2012-01-01
72 Sekercioglu, CaganIbis questThe day I arrived in Ethiopia, researcher Yilma Dellelegn Abebe of the Ethiopia Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS) was just leaving the capital city, Addis Ababa, to search for three Northern Bald Ibises in a remote, roadless area of the country. These critically endangered birds had been ...2007-01-01
73 Sekercioglu, CaganLandscape constraints on functional diversity of birds and insects in tropical agroecosystemsIn this paper, we analyze databases on bird and insects to assess patterns of functional diversity in human-dominated landscapes in the tropics. Perspective from developed landscapes is essential for understanding remnant natural ecosystems, because most species experience their surroundings at spat...2008-01-01
74 Sekercioglu, CaganForest fragmentation hits insectivorous birds hardHabitats around the world, especially in the tropics, are being fragmented at a rapid rate, causing a tremendous loss of biodiversity[1]. For example, 12% of the approximately 10,000 bird species are threatened with extinction in the next 10 to 100 years, and another 8% are near-threatened[2]. This ...2002-01-01
75 Sekercioglu, CaganThe need to quantify ecosystem services provided by birdsWhat are birds worth-what is their actual dollar value to human society? To most of us in the ornithological community, birds are invaluable. But in these times we need more specific rationales to convince policy makers and business leaders to include bird conservation in land-use and development de...2011-01-01
51 - 75 of 649