51 - 75 of 109
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51 Horch, Kenneth W.Classification of action potentials in multi unit intrafascicular recordings using neural network pattern recognition techniquesNeural network pattern-recognition techniques were applied to the problem of identifying the sources of action potentials in multi-unit neural recordings made from intrafascicular electrodes implanted in cats. The network was a three-layer connectionist machine that used digitized action potenti...Intrafascicular electrodes; Multi-unit neural activity; Artificial neural networks1994
52 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Wills, Norma M.rRNA-mRNA base pairing stimulates a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshiftBase pairing between the 3' end of 16S rRNA and mRNA is shown to be important for the programmed -1 frameshifting utilized in decoding the Escherichia coli dnaX gene. This pairing is the same as the Shine-Dalgarno pairing used by prokaryotic ribosomes in selection of translation initiators, but for ...Frameshifting; Escherichia coli; Binding Sites; Base Composition1994
53 Horch, Kenneth W.Tracking changes in action potential shapes in chronic multi-unit intrafascicular recordings using neural network pattern recognition techniquesA novel scheme is proposed to train an Artificial Neural Network (A") classifier, on a repeated basis, in order to track temporal changes in the shapes of the action potentials recorded through chronically implanted intrafascicular electrodes. This scheme uses classification results of the ANN Clas...Intrafascicular electrodes; Artificial neural network1994
54 Horch, Kenneth W.Control of ankle position using neural feedbackThis paper describes a closed loop control system that uses afferent neural activity from muscle spindle fibers as feedback for controlling ankle position. The gastrocnemius muscle was stimulated through a dual channel intrafascicular electrode implanted in a fascicle of the tibial nerve. Dual cha...Neuromuscular stimulation; Peripheral nerve; Joint angle1994
55 Horch, Kenneth W.Action potential classification with dual channel intrafascicular electrodesUsing recordings of peripheral nerve activity made with carbon fiber intrafascicular electrodes, we compared the performance of three different recording techniques (single channel, differential, and dual channel) and four different unit classification methods (linear discriminant analysis, temp...Carbon fiber intrafascicular electrodes; Dual channel recording1994
56 Christensen, Douglas A.Biosensor development at the University of UtahInterest in biosensors has increased rapidly in the past few years due to the many potential advantages of these devices, such as small size, speed of response, and specificity 111. The term "biosensor" in the broad sense describes any device or apparatus which detects biological signals for the pu...Silicon retina; Photosensing array; CHEMFET; Fluorescence lmmunosensor; Planar waveguide1994-07
57 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Krapcho, Karen J.; Talbot, Phil; Thulin, CraigCrystallization of the MS2 translational repressor alone and complexed to bromouridineThe coat protein from the MS2 bacteriophage plays a dual role by encapsidating viral RNA and also by binding RNA as a translational repressor. In order to study the isolated dimer in a conformation not influenced by capsid interactions, a mutant molecule was crystallized that is defective in capsid ...Crystallization; RNA Bacteriophage; RNA Hairpin; Translational Repressor1995
58 Horch, Kenneth W.Perspectives on new electrode technology for stimulating peripheral nerves with implantable motor prosthesesAbstract-The limits of present electrode technology are being reached in current motor prostheses for restoring functional movement in paralyzed people. Improved devices require electrodes and stimulation methods that will activate muscles selectively and independently with less implanted hardwa...Paralysis; Prostheses; Electrodes1995
59 Christensen, Douglas A.Modeling sources in the FDTD formulation and their use in quantifying source and boundary condition errorsThe modeling of voltage and current sources as either added or replaced sources in FDTD simulations is described and their differences discussed in terms of a transmission line analogy. An infinitesimal current element (ICE) is used to illustrate the validation of added source modeling and to study...Finite-difference time-domain method; Infinitesimal current element1995-04
60 Horch, Kenneth W.Closed loop control of ankle position using muscle afferent feedback with functional neuromuscular stimulationThis paper describes a closed-loop functional neuromuscular stimulation system that uses afferent neural activity from muscle spindle fibers as feedback for controlling position of the ankle joint. Ankle extension against a load was effected by neural stimulation through a dual channel intrafasc...Neuromuscular stimulation; Functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS); Neural electrodes1996
61 Christensen, Douglas A.; Herron, James N.Optical immunoassay systems based upon evanescent wave interactionsImmunoassays based upon evanescent wave interactions are finding increased biosensing application. In these devices, the evanescent tail associated with total internal reflection of an incident beam at the substrate/solution interface provides sensitivity for surface-bound proteins over bulk molec...Diagnostics; Evanescence; Planar waveguides; Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)1996
62 Christensen, Douglas A.General formulation for connecting sources and passive lumped-circuit elements across multiple 3-D FDTD cellsA previous extension of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to include lumped-circuit elements is further extended to model lumped-element circuits connected across multiple FDTD cells. This formulation is needed to model many kinds of circuits, like those with a transistor or other ac...Finite-difference time-domain method; Lumped-element circuit; Dielectric; Microstrip1996-02
63 Hendee, Shonn P.; Faour, Fouad A.; Christensen, Douglas A.; Patrick, Baharah; Durney, Carl H.; Blumenthal, Donald K.Effects of weak extremely low frequency magnetic fields on calcium/calmodulin interactions.Mechanisms by which weak electromagnetic fields may affect biological systems are of current interest because of their potential health effects. Lednev has proposed an ion parametric resonance hypothesis (Lednev, 1991, Bioelectromagnetics, 12:71-75), which predicts that when the ac, frequency of a c...Electromagnetic Fields; Calcium-binding Proteins; Lednev's Theory1996-06
64 Horch, Kenneth W.Electrical stimulation of the ventral lumbo-sacral spinal cord results in mixed recruitment order of quadriceps and tibialis anterior motor unitsPulse width modulated, twitch recruitment curves for quadriceps and tibialis anterior were obtained by stimulating their respective motor activation pools in the ventral lumbo-sacral portion of the spinal cord. The duration of the twitch responses were analyzed as a function of stimulus strength ...Quadriceps; Tibialis anterior; Ventral lumbo-sacral spinal cord; Reversed recruitment1997
65 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Felden, Brice; McCutcheon, John P.Probing the structure of the Escherichia coli 10Sa RNA (tmRNA)The conformation of the Escherichia coli 10Sa RNA (tmRNA) in solution was investigated using chemical and enzymatic probes. Single- and double-stranded domains were identified by hydrolysis of tmRNA in imidazole buffer and by lead(II)-induced cleavages. Ribonucleases T1 and S1 were used to map unpai...Covariation; Pseudoknot; Structural Probing; 10Sa RNA; tmRNA1997
66 Horch, Kenneth W.Proposed specifications for a lumbar spinal cord electrode array for control of lower extremities in paraplegiaThe goal of the study was to provide specifications for a stimulating electrode array to be implanted in the lumbosacral spinal cord as part of a functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) system for control of lower extremity muscles in paralyzed individuals. Dual channel stimulation of the qua...Stimulating electrode array; FNS; Functional neuromuscular stimulation1997
67 Christensen, Douglas A.Dispersion effects in fiber optic interferometryAn extended analysis of the effects of uncompensated fiber dispersion on the fringe visibility of a fiber optic interferometer is developed, with particular emphasis on stellar interferometry. Both material and waveguide dispersion for single-mode, polarization-preserving fibers are considered. It...Stellar interferometry; Fiber optics; Statistical optics1997
68 Horch, Kenneth W.Are the extrinsic muscles better suited for signaling joint angles or finger tip location?We used a biomechanical model of the human long finger to determine whether the extrinsic muscles are better suited for estimating the finger's joint angles or for estimating location of the finger tip. We found that two of the extrinsic muscles together could provide information sufficient to direc...Extrinsic muscles; Metacarpophalangeal joint; Biomechanical models1997
69 Christensen, Douglas A.; Herron, James N.Rapid clinical diagnostics assays using injection-molded planar waveguidesThe goal of our research program is to develop an evanescent wave immunoassay system that can be used in point-of-care and critical care settings. Several key attributes are required to accomplish this goal: (i) the assay system should be at least as sensitive as present day immunoassays; (ii) assay...Planar waveguides; Creatine phosphokinase MB (CK-MB); Cardiac troponin I (cTnl); Diagnostics; Evanescence; Fluorescence; Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)1998
70 Christensen, Douglas A.Plasma-etched polymer waveguides for intrachip optical interconnectsOptical intrachip communication offers the potential advantages of high speed and lack of electrical interference. We report on progress made on an interconnect design using GaAs LEDs, polymer waveguides, and photodiodes in a silicon substrate. The polymer waveguides are fabricated in polyimide or p...Polymer waveguides; Intrachip interconnects; LEDs1998
71 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Ingram, Jennifer A.; Kelly, Paul J.; Grentzmann, GuidoDual-luciferase reporter system for studying recoding signalsA new reporter system has been developed for measuring translation coupling efficiency of recoding mechanisms such as frameshifting or readthrough. A recoding test sequence is cloned in between the renilla and firefly luciferase reporter genes and the two luciferase activities are subsequently measu...Amino Acid Sequence; Genes, Reporter; HIV; Antizyme; Translation1998
72 Normann, Richard A.; Maynard, Edwin M.Neural interface for a cortical vision prosthesisThe development of a cortically based vision prosthesis has been hampered by a lack of basic experiments on phosphene psychophysics. This basic research has been hampered by the lack of a means to safely stimulate large numbers of cortical neurons. Recently, a number of laboratories have developed a...Neuroprosthetics; Artificial Vision; Electrode Arrays; Multielectrode Recordings; Biocompatibility1999
73 Horch, Kenneth W.Selective activation of muscle groups in the feline hindlimb thorough electrical microstimulation of the ventral lumbo-sacral spinal cordSelective activation of muscle groups in the feline hindlimb by electrical stimulation of the ventral lumbo-sacral spinal cord was investigated. Spinal cord segments L5 to S1 were mapped using a penetrating tungsten needle electrode. Locations that produced isolated contraction of quadriceps, ti...Functional electrical stimulation; Motor pools; Spinal chord stimulation2000
74 Horch, Kenneth W.Muscle recruitment through electrical stimulation of the lumbo-sacral spinal cordThe goal of this study was to determine the feasibility of producing graded muscle contraction in individual muscles or muscle groups by electrically stimulating motor neurons in the lumbo-sacral spinal cord. Recruitment curves were obtained for quadriceps, tibialis anterior and triceps surae/pl...Functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS); Motor pools, Muscle recruitment, Spinal cord stimulation2000
75 Christensen, Douglas A.Planar waveguide biosensors for nucleic acid hybridization reactionsOligonucleotide probes derived from (1) the T3 RNA polymerase promoter sequence (T3) and (2) prostate-specific antigen messenger RNA (PSA) were prepared and labeled with a red-emitting fluorescent dye (Cy5). The complimentary oligonucleotides (anti T3 and anti PSA) were prepared and labeled with bio...Planar waveguides; Evanescence; Fluorescence; Glandular kallikrein; MDx; Molecular diagnostics; Nucleic acid; PSA; Oligonucleotide probes2000
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