51 - 75 of 116
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51 Hawkes, KristenSome current ideas about the evolution of the human life historyHuman life history is characterised by a long juvenile period (weaning to reproductive maturity), and a long post-reproductive lifespan in females. How do we explain the differences between our nearest relatives, the great apes, and ourselves? This chapter summarises some recent attempts to use l...Human life history; Fertility; Apes; Juvenile period1999
52 Cashdan, Elizabeth A.How women competeMen are more physically aggressive and more risk-prone than women, but are not necessarily more competitive. New data show the gender difference in competitiveness to be one of kind rather than degree, with women and men competing in different ways and, to some extent, over different objectives, but...Gender differences, behavior; Competition; Aggression1999-06
53 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Spatial and temporal stability of mtDNA haplogroup frequencies in native North AmericaMitochondrial DNA lineage frequencies in prehistoric Aleut, eastern Utah Fremont, Southwestern Anasazi, Pyramid Lake, and Stillwater Marsh skeletal samples from northwest Nevada and the Oneota of western Illinois are compared with those in 41 contemporary aboriginal populations of North America. T...Mitochondrial DNA; Lineage variation; Haplogroup assignment2000
54 Broughton, JohnCathedral cave fishesTable XLI provides the numbers of identified fish specimens by element from Stratum II at Cathedral Cave. The criteria used to arrive at those identifications are provided in chapter nine. A total of 547 identified fish specimens are represented in this deposit; all of those are sculpin. The mottled...Homestead Cave; Ichthyofauna; Lake Bonneville2000
55 Broughton, JohnTerminal Pleistocene fish remains from Homestead Cave, Utah, and implications for fish biogeography in the Bonneville BasinEleven fish species were identified from Homestead Cave, Utah. The remains, concentrated in the lowest stratum of the deposit, were accumulated by owls between approximately 11,200 and 10,100 14C yr B.P. and likely represent fish associated with the final die-off of the Lake Bonneville fauna. Fou...Fish assemblage; Quaternary; Lake Bonneville2000
56 Hawkes, KristenHunting and the evolution of egalitarian societies: lessons from the HadzaPolitical hierarchies are common in human societies but absent among many mobile hunter-gatherers. So egalitarian social organizations have been attributed to limits that foraging imposes on wealth accumulation. But male-dominance hierarchies characterize all the great apes, our nearest relatives. ...2000
57 Broughton, JohnHomestead cave IchthyofaunaBiological evidence on the climatic and hydrographic history of the intermountain region would be much richer, if we had more than the present dribble of paleontological data on the fishes (Hubbs and Miller, 1948, p. 25). In this passage from their landmark synthesis of historical fish biogeograph...Homestead Cave; Ichthyofauna; Lake Bonneville2000
58 Rogers, Alan R.Pleistocene population X-plosion?In two recent papers, Kaessmann et al. presented DNA sequence data from the X chromosome (Xq13.3) of 30 chimpanzees and 69 humans (Kaessmann et al. 1999a; Kaessmann et al. 1999b). These data bear on two longstanding questions involving late Pleistocene demographic history: (1) whether the long-term...2000
59 McElreath, RichardIn search of homo economicus: behavioral experiments in 15 small scale societiesRecent investigations have uncovered large, consistent deviations from the predictions of the textbook representation of Homo economicus One problem appears to lie in economists' canonical assumption that individuals are entirely self-interested: in addition to their own material payoffs, many exper...Economic behavior; Self-interest; Fairness; Reciprocity2001
60 Broughton, JohnResource intensification and late Holocene human impacts on Pacific coast bird populations: evidence from the Emeryville shellmound avifaunaAnthropologists and conservation biologists have commonly assumed that the distributions and abundances of vertebrate resources recorded during the early historic period in North America reflected a "pristine" condition. This view follows from the perception that Native American population densities...Resource intensification; Holocene human impacts; Foraging efficiency; Harvest pressure; Bird populations; Emeryville shellmound2001
61 Hawkes, KristenWhy hunter-gatherers work: An ancient version of the problem of public goodsFrom the abstract: People who hunt and gather for a living share some resources more widely than others. A favored hypothesis to explain the differential sharing is that giving up portions of large, unpredictable resources obligates others to return shares of them later, reducing everyone's variance...Hunter-gatherer societies; Public goods2001-08
62 Rogers, Alan R.; Harpending, Henry C.Genetic structure of ancient human populationsDiscusses mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences as important source of data about the history of human species.Tree of descent; Mismatch distributions; Simulations; Findings; Intermatch distributions; Younger and older populations2001-09-15
63 Hawkes, KristenHunting and nuclear families: some lessons from the Hadza about men's workHadza hunter-gatherers display economic and social features usually assumed to indicate the dependence of wives and children on provisioning husbands and fathers. The wives and children of better Hadza hunters have been found to be better-nourished, consistent with the assumption that men hunt to pr...Subsistence economy; Tindiga, African people; Subsistence hunting2001-10-24
64 McElreath, RichardCan females gain additional paternal investment by mating with multiple males? a game theoretic approachAlthough females may require only one mating to become inseminated, many female animals engage in costly mating with multiple males. One potential benefit of polyandrous mating is gaining parental investment from multiple males. We developed two game theoretic models to explore this possibility. Our...Female multiple mating; Polyandry; Nonprocreative mating; Paternal investment; Mating benefits; Mating strategy2001-11
65 McElreath, RichardAre peasants risk-averse decision makers?For decades, researchers studying small-scale, subsistence-oriented farmers have sought to explain why these "peasants" seem slow to acquire new technologies, novel agricultural practices, and new ideas from the larger societies that have engulfed them. The early work on this question suggested that...Subsistance farmers; Risk-aversion; Risk-taking; Cultural conservatism; Cost-benefit analysis2002
66 Wiessner, Pauline W.Vines of complexity - egalitarian structures and the institutionalization of inequality among the EngaThe initial stages of the institutionalization of hierarchical social inequalities remain poorly understood. Recent models have added important perspectives to "adaptationist" approaches by centering on the agency of "aggrandizers" who alter egalitarian institutions to suit their own ends through de...Egalitarian structures; Political evolution; Social d2002-04
67 Hawkes, KristenHuman life histories: primate trade-offs, grandmothering socioecology, and the fossil recordHuman life histories differ from those of other animals in several striking ways. Recently Smith and Tompkins (1995, p. 258) highlighted the combination of "slow" and "fast" features of human lives. Our period of juvenile dependency is unusually long, our age at first reproduction is late, and we h...Meat; Maturity; Life Span2003
68 McElreath, RichardShared norms and the evolution of ethnic markersUnlike other primates, human populations are often divided into ethnic groups that have self-ascribed membership and are marked by seemingly arbitrary traits such as distinctive styles of dress or speech (Barth 1969, 1981). The modern understanding that ethnic identities are flexible and ethnic bou...Ethnic groups; Ethnic identity; Migration; Markers2003-02
69 Rogers, Alan R.Genetic variation at the MCIR Locus and the time since loss of human body hairThe melanocortin I receptor (MCIR) locus makes a protein that affects the color of skin and hair. At this locus, amino-acid differences are entirely absent among African humans, abundant among non-Africans (especially Europeans), and abundant in chimpanzee/human comparisons (Rana et al. 1999, Hardin...Nonsynonymous; Chimpanzee; Constraint2004
70 Broughton, JohnPrehistoric human impacts on California birds: evidence from the Emeryville Shellmound AvifaunaThe abundance of artiodactyls, marine mammals, waterfowl, seabirds, and other animals in 18th- and 19th-century California astonished early explorers, and the incredible wildlife densities reported in their accounts are routinely taken as analogues for the original or pristine zoological condition. ...Avifauna; Prehistoric hunting; Biological evaluation of environmental impacts2004
71 McElreath, RichardSocial learning and the maintenance of cultural variation: an evolutionary model and data from East AfricaHuman societies maintain between-group variation despite mixing of people and ideas. In order for variation to remain, migrants or their children must preferentially adopt local norms, customs, and beliefs. Yet the details of how cultural variation is maintained, despite mixing, remain unknown. This...Cultural variation; cultural identity; East Africa2004
72 Broughton, JohnPristine benchmarks and indigenous conservation? Implications from California zooarchaeologyThe superabundance of tame wildlife during the early historic period in California astonished European explorers. And the historic accounts of incredible animal densities, most notably artiodactyls, have influenced a long-held perception that California Indians lived in harmony with nature. However,...2004-01-01
73 McElreath, RichardEconomic man in cross-cultural perspective: behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societiesSince "Selfishness examined . . ." (Caporael et al. 1989) appeared in these pages, more than 15 years ago, many additional experiments have strongly confirmed the doubts expressed by Caporael and her collaborators concerning the adequacy of self-interest as a behavioral foundation for the social sci...Economic outcomes; Selfishness; Fairness; Reciprocity2005
74 Rogers, Alan R.; Jorde, Lynn B.Modeling the amplification dynamics of human Alu retrotransposonsRetrotransposons have had a considerable impact on the overall architecture of the human genome. Currently, there are three lineages of retrotransposons (Alu, L1, and SVA) that are believed to be actively replicating in humans. While estimates of their copy number, sequence diversity, and levels of ...Retrotransposons; Amplification dynamics; Mutation; Human-chimpanzee divergence2005
75 Broughton, JohnFish remains dominate Barn Owl pellets in northwestern NevadaThe foraging ecology of the Barn Owl (Tytoalba) has been studied extensively, both in the New World (Marti 1988, Castro and Jaksic 1995, Van Vuren and Moore 1998, and others) and the Old World (Glue 1967, Yom-Tov and Wool 1997, and others). Small rodents, insectivores, and small birds are generally ...Barn Owl pellets; Northwestern Nevada; Fish; Fish remains2006
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