26 - 50 of 109
Number of results to display per page
26 Social behaviors in the developing Danio Rerio larva and adult Danionella2016-04Text
27 Mediating silence: translation in Clarice Lispector's The Hour of the Star2016-04Text
28 Memoized parsing with derivatives2016-04Text
29 Popular music and public education: Culturally responsive to the past and present alike2016-04Text
30 Love, and 1,138 other reasons to marry2016-04Text
31 Metropolitan divergence segregation patterns in New York and Detroit2016-04Text
32 Statesmen in the arena: The policy and politics of the ancient games2016-04Text
33 Shifting physical activity patterns among women: The historical and potential future impacts on pelvic floor and skeletal health2016-04Text
34 Social externalities of community college education2016-04Text
35 The role of mRNA decay in a genetic switch2016-04Text
36 Sensory experience in space: an analysis of phenomenology and wineries2016-04Text
37 Salary cap accounting: The unique financial constraint for professional sports organizations2016-04Text
38 Removal of endotoxins from recombinant antithrombin2016-04Text
39 The role of heparan sulfate in maintaining stereotyped birdsong2016-04Text
40 Capital account liberalization & income inequality: 1980-20092016-04Text
41 Applying the theory of planned behavior to aggressive treatments at the end-of-life2016-04Text
42 The "tampon tax" public discourse of policies concerning menstrual taboo2016-04Text
43 Analyzing the relationship between PDM2 and B-catenin proteins in human cancers2016-04Text
44 Assessment of exercise-stimulated tissue oxygenation in calf muscle with functional MRI2016-04Text
45 Comparison of popular force fields for molecular modeling of proteins applied to ice binding of the tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein2016-04Text
46 Defining learning: mystifying machine learning as a powerful tool in a data-driven world2016-04Text
47 Design of a novel x-ray CT in situ experiment for imaging 3D deformation of aluminum foam materials2016-04Text
48 Deglycoyslation of glucose oxidase and its application within high power enzymatic fuel cells2016-04Text
49 Yin Yu Tang and the effects of re-contextualization on vernacular architecture2016-04Text
50 Fidelity to the sheltered instruction observation protocol (SIOP): Is it possible?2016-04Text
26 - 50 of 109