26 - 50 of 56
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26 Millar, ThomasCenter lines, turn lanes and bicycle infrastructure : bikeways in the United States and Salt Lake City's 1700 South corridorContinuous and well-designed bicycle infrastructure plays an essential role in encouraging people to see and use the bicycle as a legitimate form of transportation and not only for recreation. In Salt Lake City, a common roadway striping design end bicycle lanes prematurely, requiring bicyclists to ...Bicycle lanes - Utah - Salt Lake City; Bicycle lanes - United States2013-05
27 Shackelford, DavidGraduating from the Electoral College : a critique on the electoral system of AmericaOur country is founded on democracy and the will of the people, but in the 2000 election the majority of citizens in the United States voted for the losing candidate. This result, of course, only is possible through the system called the Electoral College. This paper traces the history of the Electo...Electoral college; Presidents - United States - Election2013-05
28 Chure, Griffin DanielFLHE influences cellular morphology through control of flagellar assembly in escherichia coliThe bacterial flagellar motor is a complex nanomachine composed of thousands of individual protein subunits. One of these proteins, FlhE, has not been studied in depth and its function is not completely understood. The flhE gene is cotranscribed with flhB and flhA in the flhBAE flagellar operon. In ...Escherichia coli; Flagella (Microbiology)2013-05
29 Santos, Jean Paul DytiocoFlight control systems with optimal effector allocation accounting for load constraintsThis paper describes the development of quadratic optimization algorithms to be used in flight control systems; such optimization algorithms aid in distributing control efforts among available actuators to produce forces to keep aircraft stable and in flight. With the advancement of computing power,...Flight control; Algorithms2013-05
30 Aryaeinejad, KateiraInternational organizations, intrastate conflict, and humanitarian intervention: Determinants of successThe objective of this research project is to determine which specific organizational structures and characteristics increase the likelihood that a humanitarian intervention will occur and result in success. With that goal in mind, I develop two main hypotheses which I then test against carefully cho...Humanitarian intervention; Security, International2013-05
31 Little, Nancy AnnCharacterizing and mapping l(3)7E103 a gene required for Drosophila dorsal closureDorsal closure in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a complex morphogenetic process dependent upon three embryonic tissues: the lateral epidermis, leading edge epidermis, and amnioserosa. Additionally, the Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) and Decapentaplegic (Dpp) signaling cascades are required f...Drosophila melanogaster - Genetics; Drosophila melanogaster - Embryology2013-05
32 Pace, Andrew OldroysThe color of reprisal: The complex punishment of collaborators in postwar EuropeAs part of the grander program of postwar reconstruction and Denazification, Europe sought recriminations against the men and women in the occupied territories who had accommodated the Germans - obeyed them, worked for them, believed them, killed for them, or even those who had complied by looking t...Collaborationists - Europe; World War, 1939-1945 - Collaborationists - Europe2013-05
33 Thomas, NikitaCellular ultrastructure of C. elegans nervous systemDetermining the ultrastructural organization of the nervous system is a key step in understanding how complex behavior is generated. For a nervous system to function, it must be wired accurately. A complete wiring diagram, referred to as a connectome, can be created by tracing neuronal profiles thro...Caenorhabditis elegans - Nervous system2013-05
34 Richards, JacksonChasing channels: Progress in calcium channel localization in the C. Elegans synapseCalcium channels play a crucial role in neurotransmission by facilitating the flow of calcium ions necessary for synaptic vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter release. Different types of calcium channels participate in this process in the neurons of the nematode C. elegans. L- and N-type channels res...Calcium channels; Synaptic vesicles; Caenorhabditis elegans2013-05
35 Gondolo, AlessandroCharacterization and Synthesis of Rayleigh Damped Elastodynamic NetworksWe consider damped elastodynamic networks where the damping matrix is assumed to be a non-negative linear combination of the stiffness and mass matrices (Rayleigh damping). We give here a characterization of the frequency response of such networks. We also answer the synthesis question for such netw...Damping (Mechanics) - Mathematics2013-05
36 Thissen, CaitlinEstablishing sense of place in an urban desert wasteland : reconsidering traditional design materials in contemporary buildingA reconsideration of traditional and sustainable construction materials should not only be encouraged in the contemporary age, but should support the establishment of a more engaging spatial experience, culturally and ecologically. Traditional building and design materials preserve the local charact...Sustainable architecture - Arizona; Building materials - Arizona; Pueblo architecture - Arizona2013-05
37 Mclntire, Jake AlexTransformed into omnipresenceDuring my time at the University of Utah I have developed a body of work revolving around the dichotomy and coexistence of absence and presence. My fundamental inspiration spurs from the death of my Mother and a lost connection to religion. I understand absence and presence as reciprocal fluid state...Art/Art History2013-05
38 Lee, ZacharyUsing Drosophila to investigate p53 life-or-death decisionsThe p53 tumor suppressor is a central regulator of cellular responses to DNA damage. When DNA damage cannot be repaired most cells undergo p53-dependent cell death. Thisp55-mediated apoptosis is important to eliminate cells with damaged genomes and provides an important block to the development of c...Biology2013-05
39 Macura, ZeljkaThe influence of virtual others on judgments of self passageIndividuals perceive their ability to act in the environment, termed affordances, by evaluating the relationship between their own capabilities and dimensions and the properties of the environmental objects and surfaces that surround them (Gibson, 1979/1986, Richardson, Marsh & Baron, 2007; Ishak, A...Cognitive psychology; Visual perception; Other (Philosophy)2013-05
40 Donovan, MorganShower stillsEver since some of its earliest discovered forms, such as the painting of figures on cave walls, the creation of art has sought to understand the human condition. Now within our constantly changing society, it is increasingly important to continually explore the structure of humanity and the ways in...Portrait photography2013-05
41 Nicolo, TeraCharacterization of mitochondria-modified electrodesIn order to develop an herbicide sensor, yeast, potato, and bovine heart mitochondria were isolated and immobilized onto Toray paper electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry showed two redox peaks at 186 ± 14 mV vs. SCE and -357 ± 24 mV vs. SCE with an E1/2 of -128 mV. Scan rate studies suggested the proces...Electrodes; Herbicides - Detection2013-05
42 Ardovino, AnthonyHeroes of rock: A design post mortem exploring the video game design process as it relates to player satisfactionThe player experience is the heart of a video game and it is the core concept behind what makes a video game engaging and fun. For my senior capstone project I designed, produced, and managed a video game titled Heroes of Rock. I lead an 11 person team over the duration of my senior year to create a...Video games production; Psychological theory2013-05
43 Manwill, SavannahThe sociolinguistics of Basque in the U.S.This thesis examines the history of the Basques (both in Europe and the United States), the ethnolinguistic vitality of Basque in the U.S. (including the role of language and language revitalization efforts), and some linguistic features of Basque today. It makes use of various articles, studies, an...Basque language - Social aspects - United States; Sociolinguistics - United States2013-05
44 Turner, JoselynAccurate communication : explaining a medical technology to a mass audienceThe purpose of this thesis project is to describe the process I have taken, and that others could follow, to use the written communication tecliniques that I have learned during my undergraduate career to accurately inform a non-medically trained mass audience of a medical technology. Clear communic...Medical technology; Communication and technology2013-05
45 Sullivan, Steven M.A trace formula for G2An n-dimensional matrix representation of a group G on a vector space V is a homomorphism from G to GL(V). For our purposes, we consider an irreducible representation to be a representation which cannot be decomposed into the direct sum of smaller-dimensional representations. Let H be a subgroup of ...Trace formulas2013-05
46 Kemp, RoseA checklist for outstanding teaching of first grade literacyChildren typically learn to read and write early on in their lives. This is a crucial time for literacy education, generally referred to as the development of early literacy. At this time, "...it is such an important goal [to teach reading] that it is impossible to walk into a firstgrade classroom o...Reading (Primary); first grade (Education)2013-05
47 Moelling, Leah I.Eurypterid paleoecology : characterization and analysis of a late Silurian shallow marine fossil assemblage from southern Ontario, CanadaEurypterids were giant chelicerate arthropods that have been extinct since the Permian Period. Eurypterids are rare as fossils, and many eurypterid fossils are likely skeletons shed during life (molts), which make it problematic when seeking to determine the types of environments in which they lived...Eurypterida2013-05
48 Reyna Rivarola, Alonso Rafael"Aguantamos porque no nos Queda De Otra" (we holdup because we have no other option): Everyday resistance in the lives of Latina immigrant U.S. hospitality industry workersLatina immigrant workers in the United States are often rendered invisible by mainstream society. These women, especially when fulfilling service occupations, such as hotel housekeeping jobs, are expected to work in silence and in deference to those in "higher" positions of power (e.g. supervisors a...Hospitality industry; employees; United States; Hispanic American women; employment2013-06
49 Simonsen, KyleBreast cancer knowledge and attitudes among women in ArmeniaBackground: Breast cancer, the most common invasive cancer among women, has high incidence and mortality rates among women in the Republic of Armenia. Advanced stage at detection limits treatment options and contributes to high morbidity and mortality. Understanding women's breast cancer knowledge a...Breast - Cancer; Breast - Cancer - Patients - Attitudes; Breast - Cancer - Patients - Armenia (Republic)2013-07
50 Quigley, MatthewComing out black : race, identity, and coming outFor gay men the coming out process marks their acceptance of and in the gay community. The stories of "coming out" that they tell allow them to share in similar experiences and create a bond that ties them together. These narratives tend to emphasize similar experiences, seen as commonplace to a ful...African American gay men - Identity; Coming out (Sexual orientation)2013-07
26 - 50 of 56