26 - 50 of 176
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
26 On Dilation of the Pupil from Stimulation of the Cortex Cerebri (Annotations)Eye movements and pupil dilation upon stimulation of the frontal eye field, corona radiata, and internal capsule.Card Catalog Index Cards
27 On Dilation of the Pupil from Cerebral Stimulation (Annotations)Eye movements and pupil dilation upon stimulation of the brain.Card Catalog Index Cards
28 Brainstem Loci for Sympathetic Activation of the Nictitating Membrane and Pupil in the Cat (Annotations)Hypothalamic origin and efferent pupillodilator tract through the brain stem and cord.Card Catalog Index Cards
29 Some Observations During Stimulation of the Human Hypothalamus (Annotations)Autonomic and behavioral effects of hypothalamic stimulation; pupil dilation during stimulation was most common and most accurate indicator of electrode placement; equal or unequal pupil dilation during stimuli.Card Catalog Index Cards
30 Ueber die Oculo-pupillarer Centren (Annotations)Pupil dilation upon stimulation of cortex, colliculi, and striatum.Card Catalog Index Cards
31 Stimulation and Destruction of the Prelemniscal Radiation or its Adjacent Area in Various Extrapyrimidal Disorders (Annotations)Stimulation and lesions in the area of the pre-lemniscal radiation.Card Catalog Index Cards
32 Ueber die Innervation und die Hirnzentren der Thraenenabsonderung (Annotations)Stimulation of the thalamus (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
33 Centre Adrenalino-Secreteur Hypothalamique (Annotations)Sympathetic action potentials upon hypothalamic stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
34 De L'influence de L'ecorce Grise sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Annotations)Sympathetic ocular triad upon cortical stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
35 Of the Visual Area of the Cerebral Cortex and its Relation to Eye Movements (Annotations)Eye and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation); cortical localization, pupils mentioned in passing.Card Catalog Index Cards
36 Experimentelle und Pathologisch-Anatomische Untersuchen Ueber die Hauber Region, den Sehhuegel und die Regio Subthalamica, Nebst Beitragen zur Kenntniss Frueh Erworbener Gross- und Kleinhirndefecte (Annotations)Anatomy of visual pathways and other areas of cerebral sites; effects of early cerebral damage in rabbit, dog, man; anatomic connections of cortex, thalamus, subthalamus; effects of hemispherectomy in infant animals.Card Catalog Index Cards
37 Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde. Gesammelte Mittheilungen (Annotations)Extensive monograph, some from earlier papers; describes pupillary dilation upon cortical stimulation; hemianopsia in monkeys with unilateral occipital lesions and blind dogs and rabbits with bilateral lesions; pupils remained reactive; eye and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilatio...Card Catalog Index Cards
38 Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde: Gesammelte Mittheilungen Aus den Jahren (Annotations)Study involving cerebral stimulation and lesions.Card Catalog Index Cards
39 Ueber die Functionen der Grosshirnrinde: Gesammelte Mittheilungen Aus den Jahren (Annotations)Study involving cerebral stimulation and lesions.Card Catalog Index Cards
40 Des Centres Vasomoteurs et de Leur Mode D'action (Annotations)Vasomotor effects of brain stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
41 Recherches Experimentales sur L'excitation du Cerveau par L'electricite' and 'Influence de L'excitation sur la Secretion Salivaire (Annotations)Vascular effects (including vasodilation) upon brain stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
42 A Record of Experiments upon the Functions of the Cerebral Cortex (Annotations)Discrete motor loss upon cortical ablations.Card Catalog Index Cards
43 Richerche Sperimentali Sulle del Cervello (Annotations)Stimulation of different points of the hemisphere (pupillary reactions).Card Catalog Index Cards
44 Pupillodilator Pathways in the Brain Stem of the Cat: Anatomical and Electrophysiological Identification of a Central Autonomic Pathway (Annotations)Hypothalamic origin and efferent path of pupillo-dilator tract to the cord.Card Catalog Index Cards
45 Stimulation of the Hypothalamus with the Horsley-Clarke Stereotaxic Instrument (Annotations)Autonomic effects and snarling expression with hypothalmic stimuli in cat.Card Catalog Index Cards
46 Ueber das Verhalten der Pupille nach Resection des Halssympathicus, Resp. Entfernung Seines Obersten Ganglions (Annotations)Cortical stimulation generalized with strong and localized with weak stimuli (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
47 Ueber den Einfluss des Halssympathicus Auf das Auge (Annotations)Cortical stimulation generalized with strong and localized with weak stimuli (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
48 Ueber die Beziehungen Zwischen Grosshirnrinde und Pupille (Annotations)Cortical stimulation generalized with strong and localized with weak stimuli (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
49 Influence du Systeme Nerveux sur la Dilation de la Pupille (Illustrations and Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon brain stimulation.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
50 Apparent Shape and Size of the Pupil Viewed Obliquely (Illustrations and Annotations)Case study of the response of the peripheral retina, apparent shape and size of the pupil for large angles of view. By photographing the pupil at various angles in the horizontal meridian from 20 degrees nasal to 105 degrees temporal the mean results were obtained for a group of 13 subjects.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
26 - 50 of 176