26 - 50 of 68
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part Of
26 Observation on the Physiology of the Cerebral Cortex of the Anthropoid (Annotations)Motor cortex for face, hand; electrical stimuli; eye movements/reactions.Card Catalog Index Cards
27 A Record of Experiments on the Effects of Lesion of Different Regions of the Cerebral Hemispheres (Annotations)Monkeys with occipital lobectomy had fixed pupils, but also had severe optic atrophy, said to be secondary.Card Catalog Index Cards
28 Ophthalmic Presentations of Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study of the ophthalmic presentations of cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
29 Schaefer on the Temporal and Occipital Lobes (Annotations)Ocular and head movements upon cortical stimulation (pupil dilation).Card Catalog Index Cards
30 Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Monkey Eye in Miosis and Mydriasis (Annotations)Study of the monkey eye in miosis and mydriasis.Card Catalog Index Cards
31 The Functions of the Brain (Annotations)Pupillary effects of cortical and collicular stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
32 The Hypoglycemia of Asphyxia and the Part Played Therein by the Suprarenals (Illustrations and Annotations)"Investigation of the dependence of the pupillary paradox and hyperglycemia, as produced by asphyxia, on the integrity of the splanchnic nerves and the suprarenal glands." Used sensitized iris dilator as index of reactivity.Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
33 The Collagen Network in the Stroma of the Rat Iris (Annotations)Study of the collagen network in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
34 Cluster Migraine--An Unrecognized Common Entity (Annotations)Study of the cluster migraine.Card Catalog Index Cards
35 Cluster Headaches (Annotations)Study of cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
36 Diagnostic Importance of Ocular Syndrome due to Disturbance of Sympathetic Innervation (Annotations)Includes patient complaints of migraine, Horner's syndrome should be looked for, cases of paratrigeminal sympathalgia where Horner is combined with N5 legion.Card Catalog Index Cards
37 Pupillary Tyramine Test: Its Diagnostic Relevance in Cluster Headache (Annotations)Study utilizing pupillary tyramine test focusing on diagnostic relevance in cluster headaches.Card Catalog Index Cards
38 Pericarotid Syndrome (Annotations)Study of pericarotid syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
39 Recherches Experimentales sur L'excitation du Cerveau par L'electricite and Influence de L'excitation sur la Secretion Salivaire (Annotations)Vascular effects (including vasodilation) upon brain stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
40 Raeder's Paratrigeminal Syndrome (Annotations)Critique of "benign Raeder's syndrome"; own cases had carotid artery fibromuscular dysplasia.Card Catalog Index Cards
41 The Arrangement of the Connective Tissue in the Stroma Iridis of Man and Monkey (Annotations)Study of the connective tissue of the iris of humans and primates.Card Catalog Index Cards
42 The Innervation of the Nictating Membrane in the Cat (Illustrations and Annotations)In this study the nictitating membrane used as an indicator of adrenin, sympathin, and liver secretion resulting from sympathetic stimulation. Some preparations were unstable and presented spontaneous movements of the nictitating membrane, different from the frequent slight rhythmical contractions w...Notebook Illustrations and Annotations
43 The Tissue Spaces in the Human Iris and their Communications with the Anterior Chamber by way of the Iridic Crypts (Annotations)Study of the tissue spaces in the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
44 The Innervation of the Pupil (Annotations)Pupillary dilation upon cortical stimulation.Card Catalog Index Cards
45 The Effects of Stereotaxic Subthalamotomy on Sympathetic Tonus (Annotations)Post-operative Miosis, Ptosis, Hypohidrosis; Horner's Syndrome.Card Catalog Index Cards
46 Total Vasomotoric Sympathicoschisis (Annotations)Study of vasodilator-type vascular headache with signs of sympathicoschisis.Card Catalog Index Cards
47 Beitrag zur Oberflächenstruktur des Pigementepithels der Menschlichen Iris (Annotations)Contribution to the surface structure of the pigment epithelium of the iris.Card Catalog Index Cards
48 Beobachtungen und Analysen Mikrozirkulatorischer Vorgänge am Rattenauge. I. Ueber das Druckabhängige Verhalten der Irisgefässe (Annotations)Observations of micro-circulatory processes on the eye; observations of the pressure-dependent behavior of the iris vessel.Card Catalog Index Cards
49 Der Hund ohne Grosshirn (Annotations)Reduced rage threshold in dog; motor and autonomic functions in a dog without forebrain.Card Catalog Index Cards
50 Der Konstruktive Bau der Regenbogenhaut (Annotations)Study of iris structure.Card Catalog Index Cards
26 - 50 of 68