26 - 50 of 48
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26 Normann, Richard A.; Kolb, HelgaNeural organization of the retina of the turtle Mauremys caspica: a light microscope and Golgi studyThe organization of the retina of the turtle species Mauremys caspica, found in fresh water ponds of Israel, has been examined by light microscopical techniques including examination of fresh wholemount retina, one micron blue-stained vertical sections and Golgi-stained material. The anatomical find...Turtle Retina; Photoreceptors; Golgi Technique; Amarcine Cells1988
27 Gesteland, Raymond F.Translation of Rl7 RNA fragmentsExamination of the events during infection of cells by RNA phages reveals phemonomena that are surprisingly complex for a virus that has only enough information to code for three to four proteins. The coat protein is synthesized at a rapid rate through most of the infectious cycle making it the pre...Electrophoresis; RNA, Messenger; Peptide Biosynthesis; Kinetics1969
28 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Baranov, Pavel V.P-site tRNA is a crucial initiator of ribosomal frameshiftingThe expression of some genes requires a high proportion of ribosomes to shift at a specific site into one of the two alternative frames. This utilized frameshifting provides a unique tool for studying reading frame control. Peptidyl-tRNA slippage has been invoked to explain many cases of programmed ...Translation; Recoding; Kinetic Model; Frameshifting; Ribosome2004
29 Normann, Richard A.; Abbasi, Masoud; Johansson,TorbjornSilicon carbide enhanced thermomigrationThe widespread acceptance of thermomigration technology to produce through-chip interconnects has been impaired by (i) a random walk of the Si-Al liquid eutectic inclusion as it traverses the wafer, and (ii) a ?surface barrier? which allows thermomigration of only relatively large inclusions. In ...Silicon Dioxide; Thermometers; Transducers; Thermomigration Technology; Infrared Lamps1992
30 Normann, Richard A.; Chandler, John P.Effects of calcium ions on L-type horizontal cells in the isolated turtle retinaA technique by which the retina can be isolated from the turtle eye is described. Scanning electron microscopy revealed morphological variability between preparations and also between regions of the same one. Large areas were often totally free of any pigment epithelial cells, yet contained a high p...Retina; Calcium; Horizontal Cell; Turtle1990
31 Normann, Richard A.Signal transmission from red cones to horizontal cells in the turtle retina1. Intracellular recordings were made from L-type horizontal cells in the retina of the turtle Pseudemys scripta elegans. The responses were evoked by 500 msec pulses of 'white' light. 2. L-type horizontal cells were classified as either, 'small receptive field' s.r.f. or 'large receptive field' l.r...Turtles; Synapses; Retina; Photoreceptors1979
32 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Ingram, Jennifer A.; Kelly, Paul J.; Grentzmann, GuidoDual-luciferase reporter system for studying recoding signalsA new reporter system has been developed for measuring translation coupling efficiency of recoding mechanisms such as frameshifting or readthrough. A recoding test sequence is cloned in between the renilla and firefly luciferase reporter genes and the two luciferase activities are subsequently measu...Amino Acid Sequence; Genes, Reporter; HIV; Antizyme; Translation1998
33 Baehr, Wolfgang; Prestwich, Glenn D.Photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase delta subunit (PDEdelta) functions as a prenyl-binding proteinBovine PDEdelta was originally copurified with rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) and shown to interact with prenylated, carboxymethylated C-terminal Cys residues. Other studies showed that PDEdelta can interact with several small GTPases including Rab13, Ras, Rap, and Rho6, all of which are prenylate...Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer; GTP Phosphohydrolases; Immunohistochemistry2004
34 Varner, Michael W.; Clark, Edward B.; Fernando, Kumari L.; Mathews, V. JohnRobust estimation of fetal heart rate variability using Doppler ultrasound.This paper presents a new measure of heart rate variability (HRV) that can be estimated using Doppler ultrasound techniques and is robust to variations in the angle of incidence of the ultrasound beam and the measurement noise. This measure employs the multiple signal characterization (MUSIC) algori...Prenatal Ultrasonography; Fetal Heart Rate; Blood Flow Velocity; Algorithms2003-08
35 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Krapcho, Karen J.; Talbot, Phil; Thulin, CraigCrystallization of the MS2 translational repressor alone and complexed to bromouridineThe coat protein from the MS2 bacteriophage plays a dual role by encapsidating viral RNA and also by binding RNA as a translational repressor. In order to study the isolated dimer in a conformation not influenced by capsid interactions, a mutant molecule was crystallized that is defective in capsid ...Crystallization; RNA Bacteriophage; RNA Hairpin; Translational Repressor1995
36 Normann, Richard A.Visual Neuroprosthetics: Functional Vision for the BlindResent progress in materials and microfabrication technologies have allowed researchers to reconsider the prospect of providing a useful visual sense to the profoundly blind. This will be accomplished by electrically stimulating their visual systems via an array of implanted microelectrodes. T...Visual Neuroprosthetics; Vision; Blindness1995-01
37 Gesteland, Raymond F.Characterization of lysozyme messenger and lysozyme synthesized in vitroIn vitro systems for protein systhesis have been in wide use for about 10 years. In most of the early work protein synthesis was measured by following the incorporation of radioactive amino acids into acid precipitable material. This test cannot distinguish between the synthesis of complete, activ...Lysozyme Messenger; Lysozyme Synthesized; Protein Synthesis1969
38 Normann, Richard A.Statistical encoding model for a primary motor cortical brain-computer interfaceA number of studies of the motor system suggest that the majority of primary motor cortical neurons represent simple movement-related kinematic and dynamic quantities in their time-varying activity patterns. An example of such an encoding relationship is the cosine tuning of firing rate with respect...Discrete Distribution; LN Model; Neural Decoding; Neuroprosthetics; Sequential Monte-Carlo Filter2005
39 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Wills, Norma M.rRNA-mRNA base pairing stimulates a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshiftBase pairing between the 3' end of 16S rRNA and mRNA is shown to be important for the programmed -1 frameshifting utilized in decoding the Escherichia coli dnaX gene. This pairing is the same as the Shine-Dalgarno pairing used by prokaryotic ribosomes in selection of translation initiators, but for ...Frameshifting; Escherichia coli; Binding Sites; Base Composition1994
40 Gesteland, Raymond F.Simian virus 40-specific polypeptides in Ad2+ND4- infected cellsA comparison of the proteins synthesized in human cells at late times after infection with adenovirus (Ad2) and with the adeno-simian virus 40 (SV40) hybrid viruses revealed polypeptides of 30,000 and 92,000 molecular weight specific for the hybrid viruses Ad2+ND1 and Ad2+ND4, respectively. Cell-fre...Molecular Weight; Peptide Biosynthesis; RNA, Messenger; Viral Proteins1976
41 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.Evolutionary specialization of recoding: frameshifting in the expression of S. cerevisiae antizyme mRNA is via an atypical antizyme shift site but is still +1An autoregulatory translational shift to the +1 frame is required for the expression of ornithine decarboxylase antizyme from fungi to mammals. In most eukaryotes, including all vertebrates and a majority of the studied fungi/yeast, the site on antizyme mRNA where the shift occurs is UCC-UGA. The me...Antizyme; ODC; Polyamines; Frameshifting2006
42 Normann, Richard A.Effects of GABA and related drugs on horizontal cells in the isolated turtle retinaThe role of GABA in the outer plexiform layer of the turtle retina has been examined by intracellular recordings from L- and C-type horizontal cells in the isolated retina preparation. GABA (1-5 mM) slightly depolarized the L-type horizontal cells, reduced the amplitude of their photoresponses, and ...Retina; Horizontal Cells; Synapse; Negative Feedback; GABA; Turtle1990
43 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.; Weiss, Robert B.Slippery runs, shifty stops, backward steps and forward hops: -2, -1, +1, +2, +5 and +6 Ribosomal frameshiftingFrameshift mutations frequently express residual levels of gene activity; that is, they are often leaky. This leakiness can be used as a tool to define the functional components that affect the reading frame during gene expression. Recent technological advances in the capability to efficiently bu...Molecular Sequence Data; Mutation; RNA, Transfer; Frameshifting1987
44 Normann, Richard A.; Shoham, ShyCoding of position by simultaneously recorded sensory neurones in the cat dorsal root ganglionMuscle, cutaneous and joint afferents continuously signal information about the position and movement of individual joints. How does the nervous system extract more global information, for example about the position of the foot in space? To study this question we used microelectrode arrays to record...Cats; Sensory Neurones; Movement; Limb Position2004
45 Normann, Richard A.; Campbell, Patrick K.; Jones, Kelly E.100 electrode intracortical array: structural variabilityA technique has been developed for fabricating three dimensional "hair brush" electrode arrays from monocrystalline silicon blocks. Arrays consist of a square pattern of 100 penetrating electrodes, with 400 microns interelectrode spacing. Each electrode is 1.5mm in length and tapers from about 100 m...Microelectrode arrays; Stimulation; Micromachining1990
46 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Atkins, John F.Origin and destiny of adenovirus proteinsLytic infection of human cells by adenovirus proceeds by a temporal expression of genes. Classically two phases have been defined: an early phase, which includes events occurring before the onset of DNA synthesis (8 hours), and a late phase, including events whose existence depends on the onset of...Protein Biosynthesis; DNA, Viral; Adenoviridae; RNA, Viral; Time Factors1975
47 Gesteland, Raymond F.Pattern of protein synthesis in monkey cells infected by simian virus 40After infection of several permanent monkey cell lines by simian virus 40 (SV40), four additional protein bands can be detected by simple sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole-cell extracts. These bands appear only after the onset of viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) syn...Monkeys; Simian virus 40; Peptides; DNA, Viral/biosynthesis1972
48 Normann, Richard A.; Horch, Kenneth W.; Cha, KichulMobility performance with a pixelized vision systemA visual prosthesis, based on electrical stimulation of the visual cortex, has been suggested as a means for partially restoring functional vision in the blind. The prosthesis would create a pixelized visual sense consisting of punctate spots of light (phosphenes). The present study investigated the...Visual Prosthesis; Mobility; Phosphene Simulator1992
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