26 - 50 of 487
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26 Cline, Nicole L.Markets of sorrow, labors of faithThe United States Constitution was written with the expectation that our government officials serve with integrity. Normative theory of public administration is grounded through the oath of office to uphold the Constitution. When people in the U. S. become victims of catastrophic events, they expect...2013-01-01
27 Rogers, Alan R.Genetic relatedness to sisters children has been underestimatedMales of many species help in the care and provisioning of offspring, and these investments often correlate with genetic relatedness. For example, many human males invest in the children of sisters, and this is especially so where men are less likely to share genes with children of wives. Although t...2013-01-01
28 Hawkes, KristenGrandmothers and their consequencesBoth what we share and don't share with our primate cousins make us human. Easy enough to start a list. At least since Darwin, most would rate moral sentiments as distinctively human. But our modern selves didn't emerge from ancestral apes in one step. When did populations along the way become human...2012-01-01
29 Sansone, CarolHow students socially evaluate interest: peer responsiveness influences evaluation and maintenance of interestSocial influences (e.g., by teachers, parents and peers) on students' experience of interest are typically described in terms of affecting students' initial choice of and/or completion of specific educational activities. When considered within the framework of the Self-Regulation of Motivation (SRM)...2012-01-01
30 Francis, John G.HIV treatment as prevention: Not an argument for continuing criminalisation of HIV transmissionHIV prevention and treatment are undergoing impressive technological and practice changes. In-home rapid testing, prophylaxis before risky sex, and treatment as prevention give cause for remarkable optimism and suggest the possibility of an AIDS-free generation. These changes in HIV prevention and t...2013-01-01
31 Forster, Richard R.Ice surface morphology and flow on Malaspina Glacier, Alaska: Implications for regional tectonics in the Saint Elias orogenThe Saint Elias Mountains in southern Alaska are located at a structural syntaxis where the coastal thrust and fold belt of the Fairweather plate boundary intersects thrust faults and folds generated by collision of the Yakutat Terrane. The axial trace of this syntaxis extends southeastward out of t...2014-01-01
32 Zick, Cathleen D.The kids are all right: Generational differences in responses to the great recessionData from a university survey of 2,799 employees were examined to determine age cohort differences in retirement planning activities in the aftermath of the Great Recession. A life course approach and logistic regression were used to assess whether members of four different age cohorts altered their...2012-01-01
33 Diener, Marissa L.Kindergarten readiness and performance of Latino children participating in Reach Out and ReadBackground: Literacy is a vital skill that forms the basis for academic, occupational, and social success. Minority populations, especially immigrant Latinos in the US, have achievement gaps in literacy when compared to the White population. The Reach Out and Read (ROR) program is a pediatric, prima...2012-01-01
34 Harpending, Henry C.J. P. Rushtons theory of ethnic nepotismUnreciprocated aid among co-ethnics and the emotional intensity of ethnic conflict have long been explanatory challenges to evolutionary science. J. P. Rushton's theory of assortative ethnic affiliation-altruism, mating and friendship directed towards fellow ethnics-derives from his more general the...2012-01-01
35 Yu, ZhouMisleading comparisons of homeownership rates when the variable effect of household formation is ignored: explaining rising homeownership and the homeownership gap between Blacks and AsiansDespite ominous signs of housing market stress in the U.S., the homeownership rate reached an all time high in 2006. The conventional definition of homeownership, which is based on the share of households and ignores the effects of variable household formation, confounds the measurement of "success"...2010-01-01
36 Maloney, Thomas N.Ghettos and jobs in history: neighborhood effects on African American occupational status and mobility in World War I-era Cincinnati, OhioThis article examines how residence in racially segregated neighborhoods affected the job prospects of African American men in the late 1910s. The analysis focuses on one northern city-Cincinnati, Ohio.The evidence comes from a new longitudinal dataset containing information on individuals linked...Economic outcomes; Residential segregation; Black urban neighborhoods2005
37 Utz, Rebecca L.Obesity in America, 1960-2000: is it an age, period or cohort phenomenon?Increasing rates of obesity have sparked tremendous public concern because excess body weight is linked to a host of mortality, morbidity, and disability outcomes. Using five waves of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), this project privides a four-decade pict...Health, weight; Overweight; Population trends2004-09-23
38 Wen, MingPersonal, social, and ecological influences on loneliness and satisfaction among rural-to-urban migrants in Shanghai, ChinaThis study examined personal, social, and ecological influences on loneliness and satisfaction among rural-urban migrants in Shanghai, China. Data used in this study were from the Shanghai Rural-to-Urban Migrant Worker Survey conducted by the Institute of Demographic Research, Fudan University, C...Lonliness; Rural-to-urban migration; Internal migration; Shanghai, China2008-02-02
39 Yu, ZhouHeterogeneity and dynamics in China's emerging housing marketChina's emerging housing market, as a critical element of ongoing economic reforms, has drawn increasing attention. The complete abandonment of the socialist housing allocation system in the late 1990s has led to profound changes in housing distribution and consumption in urban China. This article, ...Housing distribution; Housing reform; Chinese Census; Beijing; Shanghai; Tianjin; Chongqing
40 Codding, Brian F.A land of work: foraging behavior and ecologyWork is a core theme in many of the major issues and debates in California archaeology. Work is central in understanding why the first Californians entered the region (e.g., Erlandson, this volume): how thousands of years of work following colonization resulted in the overexploitation of particular ...Human behavioral ecology; Hunter-gatherer; North America: California2012-03-15
41 Codding, Brian F.Explaining prehistoric variation in the abundance of large prey: a zooarchaeological analysis of deer and rabbit hunting along the Pecho Coast of Central CaliforniaThree main hypotheses are commonly employed to explain diachronic variation in the relative abun dance of remains of large terrestrial herbivores: (1) large prey populations decline as a function of anthro pogenic overexploitation; (2 ) large prey tends to increase as a result of increasing social p...Foraging; Resource depression; Prestige hunting; Paleoclimatic variability; Human behavioral ecology; Zooarchaeology; Central California2009-11-14
42 Codding, Brian F.Interpreting abundance indices: some zooarchaeological implications of Martu foragingIndices of taxonomic abundance are commonly used by zooarchaeologists to examine resource inten sification, overexploitation and gender divisions in foraging labor. The original formulation of abundance indices developed a clear interpretive framework by linking the measure with foraging models from...Human behavioral ecology; Zooarchaeology; Ethnoarchaeology; Resource intensification; Gender division of labor; Western Australia2010-07-20
43 Francis, LeslieRecent developments in genetic diagnosis: some ethical and legal implicationsThis essay outlines some of the ethical complexities genetic technology poses in two areas of decision-making: when to perform genetic testing and what to do with the information gained from genetic testing.Genetic Technology; Genetic Testing; Ethics1986
44 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Reexamining the economic costs of marital disruption for womenChanges in labor force participation and returns may have lessened divorce's traditionally severe economic consequences for women. Method. We use recent data from the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH) to analyze the economic well-being of women whose marriages ended between the firs...2001
45 Brown, Barbara B.Residential territories: cues to burglary vulnerabilityNewman's work on defensible space and Altman's work on territoriality were used to formulate a hypothesis that certain design elements enhance or reflect residential territoriality and thereby influence burglars' target selections. Specifically, evidence on the links from real and symbolic barriers...Burglary; Residences; Territoriality; Homes1985
46 Wang, Yu; Sun, Bindong; Yu, ZhouEqualization or polarization? The effect of the Internet on National Urban Hierarchies across the World, 2000-2018As Internet adoption and diffusion continues worldwide, little is known about its effects on the restructuring of national urban hierarchies across the world. We create a panel data of city population with uniform definitions within each of the 133 countries from 2000 to 2018, using the Pareto index...Internet; urban hierarchy; nonlinear link; channel; transnational; urban growth2018
47 Hawkes, KristenHadza children's foraging: juvenile dependency, social arrangement and mobility among hunter-gatherersPresents a study on the foraging activities of Hadza children in Tanzania, Africa. Success of children's foraging; Determinants of children's foraging; Monitoring of the activities of children; Near-camp foraging return rates; Variables underlying the patterns of foraging.Children; Foraging; Hazda; Hunter-gatherers1995
48 Zimmer, ZacharyDeterminants of old-age mortality in TaiwanRelationships among socio-demographic characteristics, general assessments of health, and old-age mortality are well established in developed countries. There is also an increasing focus on the connection between early-life experiences and late-life health. This paper tests these and other associat...Mortality determinants; Gompertz regression2003
49 Utz, Rebecca L.Procedure to correct proxy-reported weight in the National Health Interview Survey, 1976-2002Background: Data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) show a larger-than-expected increase in mean BMI between 1996 and 1997. Proxy-reports of height and weight were discontinued as part of the 1997 NHIS redesign, suggesting that the sharp increase between 1996 and 1997 may be artifactua...National Health Interview Survey; NHIS; Proxy-reported weight2009
50 Nicoll, Kathleen; Chan, Marjorie A.Utah's geologic and geomorphic terrestrial analogs to Mars: a training ground for future robotic and human missions to MarsUtah offers spectacular geologic features and valuable analogue environments and processes for Mars studies. Relatively intact, horizontal strata of the Colorado Plateau are analogous to Mars, where the effects of strong ground motion from earthquakes or impacts are preserved. Within Utah, easily ac...2010
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