26 - 50 of 151
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26 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulationsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric-point measured at the two different crystallographic planes by the streaming potential method was found to be similar and exists at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edg...Streaming potential; Scanning electron microscope; Atomic force microscope2006
27 Miller, Jan D.Adsorption mechanisms in nonmetallic activation systemsAdsorption of lead and ferric iron on quurtz and alumina is presented as a function of pH. Only the hydrolyzed species of these metal ions, FeOHt+ and PbOH', adsorb significantly on each of these minerals. Zeta potentials of quartz were measured as a function of pH in the presence of various additio...Ferric iron; Quartz; Lead; Alumina; Adsorption; pH (Chemistry)1970
28 Miller, Jan D.Removal of dissolved contaminants from mine drainageEleven mill tailing samples from locations throughout the Rocky Mountain region were tested for their effectiveness in removal of dissolved contaminants from mine drainage . With the exception of the sample of the Blaine Mill tailing, the average capacity of the tailings tested was 9.8 mg of iron p...Mine drainage; Mill tailing; Adsorption; Precipitation; Rocky Mountain Region1972
29 Miller, Jan D.Flotation behavior of digested Asphalt Ridge tar sandThe hot water process for Utah tar sands differs significantly from that used for Canadian tar sands due to inherent differences in respective bitumen viscosities and the nature of bitumen-sand association. These differences have led to the identification of certain design criteria necessary to ac...Tar sand; Utah; Bitumen; Hot water separation; Froth flotation1981
30 Miller, Jan D.Characterization of spherical alumina particles obtained by melting in a hydrogen-oxygen flameSpherical oxide particles can be used as mineral fillers, paint pigments, polishing materials and catalysts. They can be prepared using various techniques involving precipitation and spray drying. Melting of particles in a high-temperature flame is a simple technique which produces particles with ...Alumina; Oxides; Hydrogen-oxygen flame2003
31 Miller, Jan D.Mercury control in the cyanidation of gold oresThe control of mercury during gold cyanidation is of particular interest to the gold mining industry. Typically, mercury(II) is released as cyano complexes during leaching and follows gold through the solution concentration and purification step (carbon adsorption and electrowinning or zinc cementat...Gold cyanidation; solvation extraction; selective cementation1996
32 Miller, Jan D.; Hupka, JanPotential of air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation in environmental technologyAir-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation is a high capacity flotation technology originally developed in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Utah for processing mineral resources. However, the technology has been found to be useful in industrial waste processing, recycli...De-inking; Capacity; Recycling1992
33 Miller, Jan D.Treatment of cyanide by using the Mexican modification of the Merrill-Crowe processCyanide consumption can be a major factor which contributes to operating cost for cyanidation. Also after extraction and recovery of precious metals substancial amounts of cyanide are delivered to tailings ponds which creates environmental problems due to the toxicity of cyanides. In this regard, th...Cyanidation; Merrill-Crowe process; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; Cyanide recovery; Cyanide destruction; Chlorine dioxide1999
34 Miller, Jan D.Selectivity considerations in the amine extraction of gold from alkaline cyanide solutionsIt has been discovered that gold can be extracted from alkaline cyanide solution with primary, secondary, and tertiary amines by adding certain Lewis base modifiers, such as organic phosphorus oxides. Under these circumstances, gold can be extracted at about pH 10, commensurate with the pH of cyan...Gold; Amines; Alkaline cyanide; Extraction1984
35 Miller, Jan D.Surface phase transitions of adsorbed collector molecules as revealed by in-situ FT-IR/IRS spectroscopyIt has been shown by inspection of FT-IR/IRS spectra that the alkyl conformation of adsorbed collectors can be determined. The conformations of adsorbed collectors were interpreted in terms of bulk solution phases of the collectors. Such analysis was performed on the CaF2/oleate, A1203/SDS and KC1/...Oleates; Micellar; In situ analysis; Adsorption1993
36 Miller, Jan D.Interaction forces between ink particles, cellulose fibers and mineral fillers as determined by AFMRecycling of wastepaper is an important industrial activity for the conservation of our natural resources. Wastepaper is mostly generated from newspaper and office waste (from photocopiers and laser printers) [1]. One important step in wastepaper recycling is the separation of ink from cellulose...Solution; Wastepaper; Chemistry1996
37 Miller, Jan D.Flotation behavior of chromium and manganese mineralsFlotation behavior of chromite and manganese-bearing minerals has been reviewed. Flotation of these minerals and ores with fatty acids, amines, sulfates, sulfonates and hydroxamates has been presented and is discussed in terms of surface charge and chemical interaction between the mineral surface ...Concentration; Chromite; Deposits1986
38 Miller, Jan D.Gold flotation from Colorado River sand with the air-sparged hydrocyclonePilot-scale tests indicate that effective concentration of fine gold from Colorado River sands can be achieved by flotation with the air-sparged hydrocyclone. The fine sands (55% -kOQ mesh and 0 01 opt *) from gravity concentration were processed with a 5-cm air-sparged hydrocyclone (capacity -1.0 t...Gold; Hydrocyclones; Sand; Flotation1986
39 Miller, Jan D.; Niewiadomski, Marcin M.; Hupka, Jan; Nalaskowski, JakubAir bubble and oil droplet interactions in centrifugal fields during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotationThe interactions of air bubbles and oil droplets in centrifugal flotation have been considered with respect to process conditions present during Air-sparged Hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation. Encounter efficiency of oil droplets with air bubbles has been found to be significantly smaller when compared t...Centrifugal flotation; Froth flotation; Oil flotation; Dispersed oil; Air-sparged hydrocyclone; ASH2007
40 Miller, Jan D.Further considerations of magnetic deinking for wastepaper recycling millsMagnetic de-inking has been shown to be an efficient process for the removal of certain toner particles from mixed office waste (MOW) furnishes. It is possible to achieve a dirt removal of 96% with the WHIMS (wet high intensity magnetic separator) if all toner particles present in the furnish are at...Magnetic deinking; Paper pulp; Wastepaper; Mixed office waste; (MOW)1998
41 Miller, Jan D.Magnetic separation for wastepaper recycle millsAn alternative approach to the conventional washing and flotation techniques for de-inking of mixed office waste (MOW) is magnetic separation. The use of magnetic de-inking has great potential to improve the efficiency of ink removal due to the magnetic content of toners. It is shown experimen...Deinking; Paper pulp; Wastepaper; Magnetic separation1997
42 Miller, Jan D.Effect of pH on pulping and flotation of mixed office wastepaperThe effect of pulping reagents on the deinking flotation of laser-printed wastepaper was investigated with regard to the removal efficiency of toner and mineral filler particles at different pH values. These results show that caustic pulping causes the toner to be released from the fibres as larger...Wastepaper; Deinking; pH values; Pulp production processes1999
43 Miller, Jan D.Multiphase flow characteristics of gas sparged hydrocyclone flotation deinkingA new high-efficiency technology has been developed for flotation deinking of various wastepaper grades. The GSC gas sparged hydrocyclone is a centrifugal device that operates at consistencies of 1 to 3 percent and uses conventional flotation chemistry. Research and development efforts have continue...Wastepaper; Deinking; Gas sparged hydrocyclone flotation deinking1993
44 Miller, Jan D.Flow phenomena and its impact on air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation of quartzFluid flow phenomena and therefore the flotation efficiency of air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation are strongly dependent on operating and design variables such as air and slurry flow rates, underflow and overflow opening areas, percent solids of the feed, reagent levels, particle size and ASH...Quartz; Flotation; Hydrocyclones1995
45 Miller, Jan D.; Deo, Milind; Lin, Chen-LuhDistribution of multiphase fluids in porous media: comparison between lattice Boltzmann modeling and micro-x-ray tomographyA parallel implementation of the three-dimensional Shan-and-Chen multicomponent, multiphase lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to simulate the equilibrium distributions of two immiscible fluids in porous media. The simulations were successfully validated against cone-beam x-ray microtomographi...Multiphase fluid flow; Porous media; X-ray microtomography2008-02
46 Miller, Jan D.Spectroscopic analysis of passivation reactions for carbonaceous matter from carlin trend oresAbstract. Three different refractory carbonaceous gold ores from the Carlin operation in northeastern Nevada were investigated to characterize the effect of passivation treatments on the nature of the carbonaceous material. The carbonaceous material was chemically isolated from the ores and pass...Gold; Chlorine; Cyanidation1990
47 Miller, Jan D.Evaluation of stucco binder for agglomeration in the heap leaching of copper oreIt is known that the presence of excess fines in heap leaching operations may cause low recovery due to reduced heap permeability and/or channeling of lixiviant flow. These problems are mitigated to some extent by agglomeration pretreatment prior to heap leaching. Sulfuric acid leach solution is the...2011-01-01
48 Miller, Jan D.; Nalaskowski, JakubFlotation chemistry and technology of nonsulfide mineralsThe dimensions of nonsulfide flotation technology extend in many directions, as might be expected from the diversity of the mineral classes, which include soluble salt minerals (potash, borax, and trona), semisoluble salt minerals (phosphate minerals, fluorite, calcite, and barite), and insoluble ox...Flotation; Insoluble collectors; Salt minerals; Nonsulfide minerals2007
49 Miller, Jan D.Hydrophobic character of semisoluble salt minerals with oleate as collectorThe effects of temperature, oxygen partial pressure, and solution chemistry can have a significant effect on the hydrophobic character of semisoluble salt minerals with adsorbed oleate. Measurements of bubble-attachment time and contact angle reveal the sensitivity of these hydrophobic surfaces to c...Flotation; Solution; Oleate1984
50 Chandran, RaviNear threshold fatigue crack growth behaviour of a high strength steel: the effect of prior austenitic grain sizeNear threshold fatigue crack propagation behaviour of a high strength steel under different prior austenitic grain sizes with constant tensile properties was investigated. Attention has been paid to the observation of facture modes at thresh-; old in different grain sizes. The observations indicate ...High strength steel; Crack growth; Austenitic grain size1987
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