26 - 50 of 260
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26 Tuttle, Howard N.Negation of historyHistory is inevitably involved in our philosophical reflections about human nature and destiny. Yet in the past, Philosophy; has had an uneasy and questionable relationship to history. In this paper I would like to examine seven paradigmatic cases which hopefully will illustrate some crucial aspects...1982
27 Battin, Margaret P.Two cardiac arrests, one medical teamThe most painful of all medical care decisions concerns life-preserving measures which, because of limited resources, require certain individuals to be excluded in favor of others. How does one weigh the relative rights of individuals to such care? Whenever possible, decisions to withhold lifesaving...1982
28 Hanna, Patricia LeeEqual rights for children (book review)A review of the book "Equal Rights for Children" by Howard Cohen.Books, reviews; Equal rights; Children1982-04
29 Hanna, Patricia LeeEducation, society, and human nature: an introduction to the Philosophy; of education (book review)A review of the book "Education, society, and human nature: an introduction to the Philosophy; of education" by Anthony O'Hear.Books, reviews; Education, Philosophy1982-07
30 Landesman, Bruce M.EgalitarianismDespite the popularity of equality as a political value, egalitarianism as a political theory has never, I think, been fully or successfully defended. I aim in this paper to begin the defense of such a view. The egalitarianism I have in mind has as its ideal a condition of equal wellbeing for all p...Equality; Equal; Theory1983
31 Battin, Margaret P.Least worst death: selective refusal of treatmentIn recent years "right-to-die" movements have brought into the public consciousness something most physicians have long known: that in some hopeless medical conditions, heroic efforts to extend life may no longer be humane, and the physician must be prepared to allow the patient to die. Physician re...Death; Dying; Right to die; Natural death1983
32 White, Nicholas P.Review of J. Moline, "Plato's theory of understandingThe Introduction to this book promises a " synoptic" (p. xi; cf. p. 183) account of Plato's concept (£moi;f]UT|), which Prof. Moline says is the "central integrating concept" of Plato's dialogues (p. ix). The term "synoptic" here appears to mean that the book treats and links problems in such ar...Synoptic; Knowledge; Meaning1983
33 Battin, Margaret P.Telling confessions: confidentiality in the practice of religionWHEN, if ever, may or should a professional practitioner reveal a confidential disclosure? This is a question of moral concern that arises in many areas of professional ethics. Those who have access to private information include many individuals, among them physicians, psychiatrists, attorneys, tea...1983
34 Hanna, Patricia LeeSummaries and comments on Lappin, S. Sorts, ontology and metaphor: the semantics of sortal structureIn this interesting study, Shalom Lappin argues that any adequate theory of sortal incorrectness must meet four requirements. First, it must account for the truth valuelessness of sortally incorrect sentences. Second, it must provide a means of distinguishing truth valuelessness arising from sortal...Valuelessness; Incorrectness1983
35 Battin, Margaret P.Suicide and ethical theoryExcept in the present century, suicide has been viewed throughout Western history as an act having ethical significance, one for which moral blame or praise was a proper response. Response, of course, varied with the times. During the Stoic era of Greece and Rome, suicide was praised as the morall...Ethical theory1983
36 Kachi, YukioGods, forms, and socratic pietyThe recent resurgence in Socratic scholarship has been rather unconcerned with the religious dimension of Socrates' thought. Yet there can be no doubt that there is such a dimension, and that it is significant to his Philosophy;. After all, Socrates was tried and found guilty of impiety.Socrates; Philosophy;; Divine1983
37 Battin, Margaret P.Applied professional ethics and institutional religion: the methodological issuesIn the last several years, philosophical enthusiasm for applied professional ethics has spread from medicine to law, education, government, engineering, business, and to other professional and semiprofessional fields. Each involves an institutional structure within which professional practitioners p...Professional ethics; Religion; Applied ethics1984
38 Landesman, Bruce M.Justice: cosmic or communal?What are the ground rules to be used for determining the scope and breadth of justice? What human activities does it cover, how much does it demand, what duties does it require? How are conflicting "intuitions" on these matters to be adjudicated? These questions are raised by Theodore Benditt's "The...1985
39 White, Nicholas P.Review of R. W. Sharples, 'Alexander of Aphrodisias on fate'This is a book review of an English translation of Alexander of Aphrodisias' On Fate, written about 200 A.D.Fate; Book review1985
40 Francis, LeslieRecent developments in genetic diagnosis: some ethical and legal implicationsThis essay outlines some of the ethical complexities genetic technology poses in two areas of decision-making: when to perform genetic testing and what to do with the information gained from genetic testing.Genetic Technology; Genetic Testing; Ethics1986
41 Battin, Margaret P.Dreariness of aesthetics (continued), with a remedyIn 1951, J. A. Passmore shamelessly titled an essay "The Dreariness of Aesthetics." Drawing on John Wisdom's earlier complaints, he denounced aesthetics' dullness, its pretentiousness, and the fact that it was "peculiarly unilluminating." What Passmore had in mind were the vapid abstractions and m...Aesthetics; Aestheticians; Art; Beauty1986
42 White, Nicholas P.Rulers' choicePlato undertook in the Republic to show that "it is in every way better to be just than unjust" (Book II, 357b1 -- 2). What did he mean by this? I would like to focus on two relevant questions. 1) Did he believe that invariably the more just a person is, the better it is for him? We should prefer t...Republic; Plato; Justice1986
43 Landesman, Bruce M.Physician attitudes toward patientsAn 8-year-old child with a minor head injury is brought in to the emergency department and is judged by the physician to be completely normal. The parents say that a sibling had a skull fracture under similar circumstances and that they would sleep much better if a skull x-ray were taken. The physic...Society-inclusive ethic; Rationing; Worry1986
44 Millgram, ElijahAristotle on making other selvesThere is still a relative paucity of discussion of the views on friendship that Aristotle presents in the Nicomachean Ethics, although some recent work may indicate a new trend. One suspects that this paucity reflects a belief that those views are not very interesting; if true, this witnesses to an ...Virtue-friendship; Nicomachean Ethics; Non-instrumental friendship1987
45 White, Nicholas P.Forms and sensibles: Phaedo 74B-CIn Phaedo 74b6-c6 Plato offers an important argument for the proposition that such things as "the equal itself," i.e. such things as are often called "Forms," are distinct from sensible objects. The argument is especially important because it is one of a very small number of explicit arguments-perha...Plato; Forms; Sensibles1987
46 Battin, Margaret P.Age rationing and the just distribution of health care: is there a duty to die?These lines express a view again stirring controversy: that the elderly who are irreversibly ill, whose lives can be continued only with substantial medical support, ought not to be given treatment; instead, their lives should be brought to an end. It should be recognized, as one contemporary politi...1987
47 Battin, Margaret P.Age-rationing and the just distribution of health care: Is there a duty to die?The author analyzes the argument that a policy involving distributive justice in the allocation of scarce health care resources, based on the strategy of rational self interest maximation under a veil of ignorance (Rawls/Daniels), would result in an age rationing system of voluntary, socially encour...Health care providers; Death; Euthanasia1987-01
48 White, Nicholas P.Review of J. Annas and J. Barnes, 'The modes of scepticism'This is a review of Julia Annas and Jonathan Barnes book, The Modes of Scepticism: Ancient Texts and Modern Interpretations. This book contains translations of material from Philo of Alexandria, Diogenes Laertius, and Sextus Empiricus concerning the ancient 'modes' or 'tropes' of skeptical argument...Skepticism; Book review; Tropes (Philosophy;)1988
49 Francis, LeslieVirtue and the American family: abortion and divorce in Western law by Mary Ann GlendonAbortion and Divorce in Western Law is seductive and dangerous. It is seductive because it is half right; it is dangerous because it is half wrong on many levels: the data assembled about abortion law, the comparative law methodology employed, and the conclusions drawn for American public policy abo...Abortion and divorce in American law; Book review; Glendon, Mary Ann1988
50 Battin, Margaret P.Letter to the editor why the slippery slope isn't slippery: a reply to Walter M. Weber on the right to dieWalter M. Weber's remarks present a brief but revealing exposition of the right-to-life argument against legal recognition of the "right to die." I say "revealing" because while these remarks p[resent the conservative view perhaps as clearly as it has been set forth so far, they exhibit particularly...1988
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