26 - 50 of 912
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26 Ashton, Alan ConwayElectronics, music and computersElectronic and computer technology has had and will continue to have a marked effect in the field of music. Through the years scientists, engineers, and musicians have applied available technology to new musical instruments, innovative musical sound production, sound analysis, and musicology. At the...Computers; Music1971
27 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: May 1971Final technical report 1 December 1969 to 30 June 1970.1971-05
28 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: December 1971Semi-Annual Technical Report for period 1 June 1971 to 31 December 1971. This document includes a summary of research activities and facilities at the University of Utah under Contract F30602-70-C-0300. Information conveys important research milestones attained during this period by each of the f...Man/machine communications; Computing systems; Digital waveform processing1971-12
29 Archuleta, MichaelHidden surface line drawing algorithmThis paper describes a fast procedure in processing hidden surface pictures with the output in vector form. The program has been written expressly for a Decsystem 10 and has performed successfully on three different installations. The algorithm which is being used is a modification to the Watkins' A...Watkins algorithm; Hidden surface1972
30 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: June 19721972-06
31 Evans, DavidGraphical man/machine communications: December 1972The object of the graphical man/machine communication effort is the development of computers and computing techniques the people may use interactively in real time to extend their problem-solving capability, and to work cooperatively by means of improved communications via computer. This report summ...Waveform processing; Symbolic computation; Man/machine communications1972-12
32 Riesenfeld, Richard F.Computer aided geometric designThis book contains the edited proceedings of the first International Conference on Computer Aided Geometric Design, an important new field that draws on the principles of computer science, mathematics, and geometric design. The list of contributors includes most of the leading researchers in the...Computer aided geometric design1973
33 Greenfield, HarveySimulation of arbitrary shaped boundaries for hemodynamic studies1973
34 Miller, Neil JosephRemoval of noise from a voice signal by synthesisThis report describes research into the problem of rectification of sound recordings made under adverse conditions and communicated and recorded with a great deal of noise. In the course of this research, a number of refinements have been made to the process of digital speech synthesis through new v...Rectification; Homomorphic vocoder; Digital speech synthesis; Filtering device1974
35 Colas-Baudelaire, PatrickDigital picture processing and psychophysics: a study of brightness perceptionA computer driven display system was used to study brightness contrast phenomena, in a project motivated by research in digital picture processing. The modeling approach was that of Stockham and Davidson: the visual system is modeled as the cascade of a linear system (eye optics) and a multiplicati...Digital picture processing; Computer driven display system; Brightness contrast1974
36 Boll, Steven F.Selected methods for improving synthesis speech quality using linear predictive coding: system description, coefficient smoothing and streakThis report develops two generalizations of the standard Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) implementation of a narrow band speech compression system. The purpose of each method is to improve the speech quality that is available from a standard LPC system.Linear Predictive Coding; LPC; Speech compression system; Pitch excited system1974
37 Vickers, Donald LeeSorcerer's apprentice: head-mounted display and wandSorcerer's Apprentice is an interactive computer graphics system utilizing a head-mounted display and at three-dimensional wand. The system allows three-dimensional interaction with line drawings which are displayed in real time, that is about 20 frames per second. The display, worn like a pair of e...Sorcerer's apprentice; Head-mounted display; Three-dimensional wand1974
38 Cole, Edwin RandolphThe removal of unknown image blurs by homomorphic filteringThis report describes a homomorphic method for the estimation and removal of unknown image blurs, which are presumed to have been caused by a linear stationary system. Previous methods have required a more or less perfect a priori knowledge of the identity of the blur. the method described here requ...Homomorphic filtering; Removal; Image blurs; Blurred image1974
39 Baxter, Brent S.Image processing in the human visual systemThis work extends the multiplicative visual model to include image texture as suggested by experiments [Campbell, Weisel] linking a low resolution Fourier analysis with neurons in certain parts of the visual cortex. The new model takes image texture into account in the sense that weak texture is acc...Human visual system; Image texture1975
40 Greer, William HarveyMonaural sensitivity to dispersion in impulses and speechMonaural sensitivity; Dispersion; Impulses; Speech1975
41 Parke, Frederic IraA parametric model for human facesThis report presents a computer model for the representation of human faces. This three-dimensional, parametric model produces shaded facial images. The face, constructed of polygonal surfaces, is manipulated through the use of parameters which control interpolation, translation, rotation and scalin...Parametric model; Human face1975
42 Rom, Raphael JonaImage transmission and coding based on human visionIn recent years more and more attention was paid to digital image processing especially as the result of the development of highly efficient algorithms and also because of technologically better facilities. Concurrently attempts were made to find a mathematical model for human vision to achieve a be...Image transmission; Image coding; Human vision1975
43 Ingebretsen, Robert BergstromLog spectral estimation for stationary and nonstationary processesThis research is concerned with two log spectral estimators in the context of both stationary and nonstationary signals. They differ because in one smoothing is realized before the logarithmic transformation, while the other is smoothed in the logarithimc domain. It is shown that for stationary sign...Log spectral estimation; Nonstationary processes; Log spectral estimators1975
44 Fuchs, HenryThe automatic sensing and analysis of 3-D surface points from visual scenesDescribed are the design and implementation of a new range-measuring sensing device and an associated software algorithm for constructing surface descriptions of arbitrary three-dimensional objects from single or multiple views. The sensing device, which measures surface points from objects in its ...Range-measuring; Sensing device1976
45 Callahan, Michael WayneAcoustic signal processing based on the short-time spectrumThe frequency domain representation of a time signal afforded by the Fourier transform is a powerful tool in acoustic signal processing. The usefulness of this representation is rooted in the mechanisms of sound production and perception. Many sources of sound exhibit normal modes or natural frequen...Acoustic signal processing1976
46 Newell, Martin EdwardThe utilization of procedure models in digital image synthesisMany algorithms have been developed for synthesizing shaded images of three dimensional objects modeled by computer. In spite of widely differing approaches the current state of the art algorithms are surprisingly similar with respect to the richness of the scenes they can process. One attribute the...Digital image synthesis; Procedure models; Shaded images; Three dimensional objects1976
47 Crow, Franklin C.The aliasing problem in computer-synthesized shaded imagesThis paper describes work toward improving the quality of computer-synthesized shaded images. Current (practical) hidden-surface algorithms produce an image whose precision is strictly limited by the number of picture elements. Problems caused by this limitation are described and explained in the t...aliasing problem; shaded images; hidden-surface algorithms1976
48 Atashroo, Mohammad AliPole-Zero modeling and its applications to speech processingAutocorrelation Pole-Zero modeling identifies the parameters of a rational transfer function H(z) whose short time-lag autocorrelations either exactly match (Autocorrelation partial Realization) or closely approximate (Autocorrelation Prediction) those of a given spectrum. As a result, the spectrum...Pole-Zero modeling; Speech processing1976
49 Allen, Edgar S.Sensory information processing (1 July 1976 - 31 March 1977)The student of human visual perception is often overwhelmed by the vast amount of data that has been accumulated from experiments performed within the last century or so. It is often difficult to understand why a certain experiment has been performed.Results from similar experiments sometimes seem t...Sensory information processing1977
50 McDonald, Lee EdwinImage recognition using generalized correlationThis paper investigates the use of generalized cross-correlation in pattern matching when the objects may be of one or two dimensions. Generalized correlation can be used to determine the amount of dilatation and rotation between a given template and an object, in addition to determining the relativ...Image recognition; Generalized correlation1977
26 - 50 of 912