26 - 50 of 55
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26 Ring, Terry Arthur; Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Determination of soot refractive index as a function of height in an inverse diffusion flameWith the scope of combustion diagnostics increasing, it is becoming ever more important for some of the more basic physical properties of soot to be addressed. Soot refractive index values were obtained as a function of height in a benzene inverse diffusion flame (IDF). The IDF was chosen for ease i...Inverse diffusion flame2007
27 Eddings, Eric G.; Smith, Philip J.Soot volume fraction from extinction in JP-8 and heptane pool firesTotal extinction measurements from a multiple beam experiment using a 10mW laser diode are presented and compared to calculate soot volume fraction in heavily sooting pool fires from a 150 mm diameter pan of Jet Propulsion fuel 8 (JP-8) and heptane. Trends in attenuation are critiqued for the t...Soot volume fraction; Heptane pool fires; JP-8 pool fires; Heavily sooting pool fires; Laser diagnostics2005
28 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Fast cook-off tests reportThe Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions (C-SAFE) at the University of Utah is focused on providing science-based tools for the numerical simulation of accident scenarios involving fires and high-energy devices (Pershing, 2000). The initial computational efforts are concentra...Heat flux; Heat transfer; Cookoff tests; Center for the Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions; C-SAFE2003
29 Sutherland, James Clayton; Kerstein, Alan R.; Chen, Jaqueline H.An evaluation of the one-dimensional turbulence model: comparison with direct numerical simulation of CO/H2 jets with extinction and reignitionAbstract A variant of the One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model formulated in an Eulerian reference frame is applied to a planar nonpre mixed turbulent jet flame and results from the model prediction are compared with DNS data. The model employed herein solves the full set of conservation equation...2010
30 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.; Pugmire, Ronald J.Selection of surrogates for jet fuelsAbstract: A. detailed characterisation of JP fuels is provided based on literature data for the average of 55 worldwide and 4 US Jet-A fuels. These are complemented by NMR analysis of a JP-8 that provides the fractions of the carbon in the fuel that are present as protonated, bridgehead, and non-sub...Jet propulsion fuel; Surrogates; Simulations2008
31 Lighty, Joann; Sarofim, Adel F.Carbon dioxide effects on metal vaporization during coal combustionCoal combustion products may take one of two forms. Residual ash (> 1 micron) is formed by particle shrinkage and breaking during combustion. Some material will vaporize and later recondense. During recondensation, these molecules have a high affinity for submicron particles because of the large sur...Coal combustion products; Metal vaporization; Carbon dioxide; Residual ash2001
32 Pershing, David W.; Wendt, Jost O. L.Pulverized coal combustion: NOx formation mechanisms under fuel rich and staged combustion conditionsA 2 Kg/h pulverized fuel one dimensional flame combustor was used to determine time resolved NO profiles under fuel rich and staged combustion conditions. Seven solid fuels, including two coal chars, were investigated. Results show that at all fuel rich conditions NO is formed rapidly and then is ...Flame; Composition; Reaction1979
33 Veranth, John M.; Pershing, David W.; Sarofim, Adel F.Sources of unburned carbon in the fly ash produced from low-NOx pulverized coal combustionThe unburned carbon in the fly ash produced from low-NOx pulverized coal combustion is shown to consist of a mixture of soot and coal char. The soot was identified by the presence of chains or aggregates of 10-50-nm-diameter primary particles in electron microscope images of both laboratory sample...Unburned carbon; Char1998
34 Pershing, David W.Bench and pilot scale process evaluation of reburning for in-furnace NOx reductionThis paper describes a combined experimental and theoretical study which was undertaken to quantify the impact of fuel and process parameters on reburning effectiveness and provide the scaling information required for commercial application of reburning under highly varied industrial conditions. Ini...Reburning; Nitrogen oxides reduction; Staged fuel injection1986
35 Sarofim, Adel F.Numerical combustion of aviation fuel part I: a cross-model comparison of n-heptane premixed flameFour different n-heptane mechanisms were used to simulate a fuel rich n-heptane premixed flame and their results were compared with experimental measurements. In addition to discussion of the numerical performance of each mechanism, flux analysis coupled with the atomic distribution technique was us...Aviation fuel; n-heptane; Premixed flame2003
36 Pershing, David W.Biomass combustion: relationship between pollutant formation and fuel compositionA 65-kW refractory-walled reactor was used to study biomass combustion under conditions typical of the suspension-burning phase in a spreader-stoker-fired boiler. Isothermal combustion data and nitric oxide (NO) emission rates were obtained as a function of temperature, local oxygen concentration, ...Combustion; Emissions; Energy; Environmental control; Fuels; Pyrolysis; Biomass fuel; Particulates1989
37 Smith, Philip J.State space sensitivity to a prescribed probability density function shape in coal combustion systems: joint β-PDF versus clipped Gaussian PDFThe turbulent transport of three coal off-gas mixture fractions is coupled to a prescribed joint //-probability- density-function (//-PDF) mixing model. This physical transport and subgrid joint //-PDF mixing model is used to explore the incorporation of coal off-gas compositional disparities betwe...Off-gas stream; β-PDF; Char oxidation2000
38 Pershing, David W.Control of NOx and particulate emissions from spreader-stokers fired with hogged woodThe formation and emission of nitrogen oxides and particulate carry-over were studied from spreader-stoker combustion of hogged Douglas-fir, with a focus on optimizing the combustion conditions in each of the two distinct combustion zones, the bed phase and the suspension phase local oxygen availabi...Chemical analysis; Combustion; Emission; Engineering; Environmental control; Fuels; Nitrogen compounds; Particulates; NOx; Hogged wood1987
39 Pershing, David W.; Wendt, Jost O. L.Pulverized coal combustion: the influence of flame temperature and coal composition on thermal and fuel NOxA laboratory combustor was used to investigate the factors that influence the conversion of fuel nitrogen in coal during coal combustion. Fuel NO was isolated by experimentation utilizing Argon / Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide mixtures as the oxidant, and care was taken to compare cases with air at matche...Fuel nitrogen; Flame temperature; Coal composition1977
40 Pershing, David W.Formation and control of NO emissions from coal-fired spreader-stoker boilersStoker coal-fired furnaces are significant in terms of coal consumption and environmental impact; however, they have received little research attention. This paper describes the results of a study on the formation and control of nitrogen oxides in coal-fired spreader-stoker systems. Three scales of...Stoker coal-fired furnaces1983
41 Eddings, Eric G.NOx emissions from intermediate-temperature combustion of steel-industry by-product gasesA study of NOx emissions from the combustion of coke-oven gas and blast-furnace gas (steel industry by-product gases) was undertaken using detailed kinetic modeling to elucidate the pathways for NOx formation. The study was performed at the intermediate temperatures (1200-1400K) and 1 atm, which rep...2004
42 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.; Pershing, David W.Production of nitrogen oxide during char oxidation at pulverized coal combustion conditionsMore stringent regulations for NOx control in pulverized coal combustors have made the scientific community focus on sources of emissions that were traditionally considered less relevant to the overall NOx production. The oxidation to NO of the nitrogen that is organically bound to the char is one o...2001
43 Sarofim, Adel F.; Eddings, Eric G.Muiltifunctional fuel additives for reduced jet particlate emissionsUsing Government drawings, specifications, or other data included in this document for any purpose other than Government procurement does not in any way obligate the U.S. Government. The fact that the Government formulated or supplied the drawings, specifications, or other data does not license the ...2006
44 Pershing, David W.Influence of fuel composition and flame temperature on the formation of thermal and fuel NOx in residual oil flamesA 900 kw model package boiler and a 20 kw laboratory tunnel furnace were used to study fuel and thermal NO, formation during heavy oil combustion. Package boiler results indicated that atomizer design, spray/ flow field interactions, and fuel composition were significant, dependent parameters. These...Residual oil flames1979
45 Pershing, David W.; Slaughter, David MichaelParameters influencing the evolution and oxidation of sulfur in suspension phase coal combustionStoker coal-fired boiler furnaces are significant in terms of coal consumption and environmental impact; however, they have received relatively little research attention. This paper describes the results of a two-year study on the formation of sulfur oxides in the suspension phase of a coal-fired s...Stoker coal-fired furnaces1983
46 Lighty, Joann; Silcox, GeoffreyFundamentals of mercury oxidation in flue gasThis report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, ...2006
47 Sutherland, James Clayton; Kerstein, Alan R.A unified approach to the various formulations of the one-dimensional-turbulence modelThe One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model has been successfully applied as a stand-alone model for predicting turbulence statistics in both nonreacting and reacting flows. There are several formulations of the model in the literature, and most of the variable-density formulations do not clearly dis...2010
48 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Thermal behavior of a high-energy material immersed in a fireOne of the uncertainties in the calculations of time-to-explosion for containers of high-energy materials immersed in fires is that of the thermal boundary at the container-explosive interface. Understanding this interface is critical in evaluating risks, safety issues and prevention mechanisms. In ...2004
49 Pershing, David W.Control of NOx emissionsNITROGEN OXIDES (NOX) are produced in combustion from molecular nitrogen (thermal NOx) or from oxidation of nitrogen contained in the fuel (fuel NOx). Production of NOx in a turbulent diffusion flame is largely dependent upon fuel composition and fuel/air contacting, which for liquid fuels is determ...Staged heat release; Tunnel furnace; Boiler simulator; Staged combustion1980
50 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Modeling benzene and naphthalene formation in a premixed propylene flameThe Utah Surrogate Mechanism was used to model a fuel-rich, non-sooting premixed laminar flame of propylene at 5000 Pa with an equivalence ratio of 2.32. The simulation results were found to be satisfactory in comparison with the experimental data. For example, the measured concentration profiles of...Utah Surrogate Mechanism; Propylene; Combustion modeling; Benzene formation; Naphthalene formation2005
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