26 - 50 of 134
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26 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Different voices of gender: social recognitionMany researchers have shown that men and women speak differently. In this paper we examine whether these differences extend to the interpretation of speech. Men and women were recorded as they described their participation in a common interpersonal dilemma.Gender differences1997
27 McDaniel, SusanMedical culture and health politics: the Ontario debateThe 1986 doctors' strike in Ontario brought into stark relief many of the issues that have been latent in Canadian health politics for several decades. In this paper, an analysis from a sociological perspective is offered of the issues involved in the 1986 doctors' strike. Issues are discussed i...1988
28 McDaniel, SusanWomen's roles and reproduction: the changing picture in Canada in the 1980'sThe social roles of women have always been affected by their reproductive roles. Recently in Canada, as well as elsewhere, several challenges to traditional thinking about women's roles and reproduction have emerged. These challenges have called into question the models typically used to analyze wom...Childbearing; Motherhood; Childcare1988
29 Yu, ZhouImmigrants and housing markets in mid-size metropolitan areasThe recent trend of immigrants arriving in mid-size metropolitan areas has received growing attention in the literature. This study examines the success of immigrants in the housing markets of a sample 60 metropolitan areas using Census microdata in both 2000 and 2005. The results suggest that immig...2009
30 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Alone in the ivory tower: how birth events vary among male and female fast-track professionalsWe use data from the 2000 Census Public Use Microsample to examine the likelihood of a birth event, defined as the household presence of a child under two years old, for male and female professionals. Physicians have the highest rate of birth events, followed in order by attorneys and academics. W...Fertility; Family; Occupation; Academic careers; Census2009-06-10
31 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Problems in the pipeline: gender, marriage, and fertility in the ivory towerWomen have traditionally fared worse than men in the workplace. In few places has this been more apparent than higher education (Jacobs, 1996). In 2003, women received 47% of PhDs awarded (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2005a) but comprised only 35% of tenured or tenure-track fac...Family; Career; Marital Status2008
32 Yu, Zhou, Haan, Michael, Yi, ChengdongThe Inception of Housing Pathways in Urban China: The Declining Household Formation of Young Adults from 2011 to 2017The homeownership rate of young adults has surged to an unprecedented level in urban China, despite rising housing prices and significant rural-urban migration. A trend analysis of nationally representative microdata shows that household formation is the missing link in the paradox and that many you...Household formation; headship rates; young adults; migration; institutional barriers; housing pathways2017
33 Qin, Xianhong; Wei, Dennis Yehua; Yu, Zhou; Xiong, NingUrbanization, Suburbanization, and Population Redistribution in Urban China: A Case Study of NanjingThis paper analyzes the urbanization and suburbanization of Nanjing, an ancient capital and a new Tier-1 city in China, from 1990 to 2015. We use on China's census and survey microdata and the shift-share methods to examine population redistribution and spatial expansion in the city. The results sh...Urbanization; Suburbanization; Migration; Population Redistribution; Nanjing, China
34 Yu, ZhouChanging distribution of migrant population and influencing factors in urban China: economic transition, public policy, and amenitiesMigrant redistribution; rural-urban and interregional migration; urban transformation; economic transition; floating population2019
35 Fan, Jessie X., Yu, ZhouPrevalence and Risk Factors of Consumer Financial Fraud in ChinaThis study estimates the prevalence of consumer fraud in China and investigates consumer fraud risk factors using a novel two-stage conceptual framework that differentiates fraud exposure from fraud victimization after exposure. Multivariate analyses show that multiple risk factors have opposite eff...Consumer financial fraud victimization; China; migrants; financial knowledge; risk attitude
36 McDaniel, SusanSocial bases of neonatal and postneonatal mortality: an ecological analysis of Alberta, CanadaCanada's steady downward trend in mortality in the twentieth century has not been matched by a similar decline in infant mortality. This paper examines, by reference to census divisions in Alberta, the degree to which neonatal and postneonatal mortality are related to environmental factors. Although...Death; Exogeneous; Rates1981
37 Smith, Ken R.; Mineau, Geraldine Page; Kerber, Richard A.Effects of childhood and middle-adulthood family conditions on later-life mortality: evidence from the Utah population database, 1850-2002How do parents affect the health and longevity of their children? Parents can affect their children's life chances by transmitting a genetic endowment (or liability) for a long life while also providing resources and an environment that enhances (or limits) their children's longevity. Recently, m...Growth; Death; Adolescence; Geriatrics2005-01-05
38 Smith, Ken R.Association of physical and behavioral characteristics with menstrual cycle patterns in women age 29-31 yearsWe examined the association between menstrual cycle characteristics(cycle length, variability, and bleeding length) and physical and behavioral attributes in 766 women age 29-31 years. Menstrual cycled at a were prospectively recorded as part of the Menstruation and Reproductive History Study of col...1996
39 Zick, Cathleen D.; Brown, Barbara B.; Kowaleski-Jones, Lori; Smith, Ken R.Household food expenditure patterns: a cluster analysisThe 2001 report titled "The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity" identified overweight and obesity as major public health problems, costing U.S. society as much as $117 billion a year and posing as great a threat of death as poverty, smoking, or problem ...Food expenditure; Buying habits; Buying patterns2007
40 Yu, ZhouHeterogeneity in Asian American homeownership: the impact of household endowments and immigrant statusRecently, research has begun to investigate the reasons for differences in homeownership rates between Asian and whites. This paper extends this research by examining the heterogeneity that exists across Asian groups in the United States. We find that there are important differences across geog...Immigrants; Homeownership2003
41 Caserta, Michael; Lund, Dale A.Toward the development of an inventory of daily widowed life (IDWL): guided by the duel process model of coping with bereavementThe Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (Stroebe & Schut, 1999) suggests that the most effective adaptation involves oscillaton between two coping processes: loss-orientation (LO) and restoration-orientation (RO). A 22-item Inventory of Daily Widowed Life (IDWL) was developed to measure t...Bereavement; Grief reaction; Widowhood; Psychological orientation; Adaptation, Psychological2007-07
42 Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.;Brown, Barbara B.; Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Kowaleski-Jones, LoriPhysical activity during the transition from adolescence to adulthoodWe examine how age, life course roles, and contextual variables relate to both the composition and the overall level of physical activity in late adolescence and early adulthood. Methods: Data on respondents age 15 to 29 y in the 2003 American Time Use Survey are used to estimate multivariate logis...Time use; Active leisure; Team sports; Active transportation; Life course2007
43 Wolfinger, Nicholas H.Thanks for nothing: changes in income and labor force participation for never-married mothers since 1982This study examines whether the changing social and economic characteristics of women who give birth out of wedlock have led to higher family incomes. Using Current Population Survey data collected between 1982 and 2002, we find that never-married mothers remain poor. They have made modest econom...Motherhood; Single Mothers; Income; Population surveys2006-07-26
44 McDaniel, SusanAdoption policy in Great Britain and North AmericaThis paper has two purposes. First, to explore what existing adoption legislation may indicate about the meaning and function of adoption practices in North America and Great Britain. Second, to consider some possible policy implications revealed by clearer understanding of the social meaning of exi...Adoption law; Family; North America1984
45 Smith, Ken R.Fertility and post-reproductive longevityWe examine the effects of reproduction on longevity among mothers and fathers after age 60. This study is motivated by evolutionary theories of aging and theories predicting social benefits and costs of children to older parents. We use the Utah Population Database, that includes a large genealogic...Fertility; Post-reproductiivity; Longevity2002
46 McDaniel, SusanGenerational consciousness of and for womenRelying and building on an analytical framework of gendered generation, the question is posed of whether there is a greater or lesser interconnected consciousness among generations of women. Generational consciousness for women may be both thicker and more britte than it is for men. Both patriarchy...Gendered generations; Feminism; Generational consciousness2002
47 McDaniel, SusanSexual harassment in Canadian academe: explorations of power and privilegeSexual harassment is one of the ways in which women in academe experience inequities. Knowledge about and understanding of sexual harassment is increasing, perhaps even dramatically. Empirical research on sexual harassment in Canada, and particularly in the universities, is an important contributor...Intimidation; Authority; Powerlessness1991
48 McDaniel, SusanEstimates of the rate of illegal abortion and the effects of eliminating therapeutic abortion, Alberta 1973-74*In the current controversy surrounding abortion, rates of illegal abortion, being difficult to ascertain, seldom inform the debate. We utilize a relatively new survey tool, the randomized response technique (RRT), to estimate rates of illegal abortion in Edmonton, Alberta. A comparison of results o...Birth; Health; RRT; Fertility1979
49 Yu, ZhouMisleading comparisons of homeownership rates between groups and over time: the effects of variable household formationDespite ominous signs of housing market stress, the homeownership rate reached an all time high in 2006. We seek to understand whether the conventional definition of homeownership, which is based on the share of households and ignores the effects of variable household formation, has confounded the a...2009
50 Diener, Marissa L.; Wright, CherylAttachment security among mothers and their young children living in poverty: associations with maternal, child, and contextual characteristicsIn order to extend previous research and inform intervention programs, the goal of the present study was to further understand variability in mother-child attachment security among high-risk families living in poverty. Mothers (65% Hispanic) and their young children who were in a home visitor progr...Attachment security2003
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