26 - 50 of 48
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26 Jameson, Kenneth P.Dollarization in Latin America: wave of the future or flight to the past?Ecuador undertook official dollarization in 2000 when it destroyed its own currency, the sucre, and adopted the dollar. El Salvador converted all financial instruments to dollars, and Guatemala now allows transactions to be carried out in any currency. Both assumed that the dollar would soon displac...Domestic currencies; Latin America; Dollarization2003
27 Waitzman, Norman J.For cost-reducing technologies, knowing markets is to change themSponsored research from a NSF Foundation/Whitaker Foundation initiative on cost-reducing technologies brought together faculty from engineering, medicine, and social sciences to link economic and policy assessments to engineering design. The technology under development is to be an inexpensive, e...Cost-reducing technologies; PKU monitors2003
28 Waitzman, Norman J.Connecting the dots and merging meaning: using mixed methods to study primary care delivery transformationObjective: To demonstrate the value of mixed methods in the study of practice transformation and illustrate procedures for connecting methods and for merging findings to enhance the meaning derived.. Data Source/Study Setting: An integrated network of university-owned, primary care practices at the ...2013-01-01
29 Jameson, Kenneth P.Supply side economics: growth versus income distributionThis article discusses the supply-side policies of developing countries and the relationship between growth and income distribution leading to a equitable distribution of income, which have important implications for developed economies. The huge spurs to investment have aided growth but worsened in...Economic development; Income; Progressive taxation; Developing countries1980-11
30 Li, MinqiDialogue on the future of ChinaThree Chinese scholars speak to the question: How do you think the June 4th movement of 1989 will be remembered-----as another May 4th 1919, the threshold of a period of general political awakening and turbulence, or instead as a Chinese version of 1848 or 1968 in Europe: a last spontaneous explosio...China; Politics; Social conditions1999
31 Jameson, Kenneth P.Data and social science rhetoric: policy and instructionI believe that social science and empirical investigation can make important contributions to our understanding and to resolution of policy issues, but only if we are clear on the nature of social science and the role of quantification. In particular we must admit the limits of our truth claims, th...Social sciences; Quantification; Empirical investigation1996
32 Li, MinqiAfter neoliberalism: empire, social democracy, or socialism?Analyzes political doctrines such as imperialism, social democracy and socialism as a possible economic trend after the neoliberalism era. Characteristics of neoliberal regime; Alternative scenarios of global economic crisis; Problems that a revived social democratic capitalism would not address; Ac...Political doctrines; Liberalism; Imperialism2004
33 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartLabor productivity and energy use in a three sector model: an application to EgyptThis paper presents a model of a developing economy with three sectors| industry, agriculture, and energy. Industry and energy are assumed to be demand- constrained, but agriculture supply-constrained. The model highlights (a) structural transformation, through labor transfer from agriculture to in...2010
34 Bilginsoy, CihanPrevailing wage regulations and school construction costs: evidence from British ColumbiaThe stock of public school buildings constructed during the baby boom is aging along with that generation of Americans. Soon much of this building stock will have to be replaced.(FN1) The financing of this rebuilding of America's schools is an emergent political issue of considerable importance. Giv...2000-01-01
35 Li, MinqiChinas grain production: a decade of consecutive growth or stagnation?Some progressive writers have argued that while China's agricultural privatization achieved short-term gains, it did so by undermining longterm production facilities such as the infrastructure and public services built in the socialist era.1 Environmental scholars have questioned the sustainability ...2014-01-01
36 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartA global model of recovery and rebalancingThis paper presents an investigation of global recovery from the great recession and rebalancing of global external imbalances, using a global model of sixteen countries and composite regions. The model applies to the short run, and only to the real side. Key features are demand-driven output determ...2010-01-01
37 Waitzman, Norman J.Half-life of cost-of-illness estimates: the case of Spina BifidaNeural tube defects, which include spina bifida, are one of the most frequent and important categories of birth defects. Accordingly, there has been considerable interest in studying the impact of spina bifida as a public health problem. This impact can be measured in various ways, including dise...Spinal cord; Birth defect; Healthcare costs2004-10-12
38 Li, MinqiRise of China and the demise of the capitalist world-economy: exploring the historical possibilities in the 21st centuryChina's rising importance in the capitalist world economy raises questions of world-historic significance. How is China's internal social structure likely to evolve as China assumes different positions in the existing world system? Will China's current regime of accumulation survive the potential pr...World economy; China; Economic development2005
39 Bannister, Stephen CharlesSex, Gutenberg, and the steam engine: the English industrial revolution2011
40 Zick, Cathleen D.; Srisukhumbowornchai, SivitheeDoes housework matter anymore? The shifting impact of housework on economic inequalityIn recent years, American women's housework time has declined while American men's housework time has risen. We examine how these changes have affected economic inequality in America. Using time-diary data from the Time Use in Economic and Social Accounts, 1975-76 (N=1,484) and the American Time Use...Demography; Socioeconomic status; Household duties; Female; Male; United States; Economics2006-09-25
41 Jameson, Kenneth P.Has institutionalism won the development debate?Institutionalism has again become central to development thinking, accompanied by an appreciation of the variety and complexity of institutional evolution. The result is not the 'old institutionalism' of Thorstein Veblen and Clarence Ayres or the 'new institutionalism' of the early Douglass North. ...Development; Institutionalism; Markets2006
42 Li, MinqiThe structure of trade in the United States and China2011
43 Li, MinqiSecular trends, long waves, and the cost of the state: evidence from the long-term movement of the profit rate in the U.S. economyTheorists in the tradition of either Classical Marxism or Keynesianism understand that as capitalism provides an historical space for the development of material forces of production, its economic and social contradictions tend to develop, requiring progressively more complex institutional structure...Marxism; Social structures of accumulation; Neoliberalism2006
44 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartStructural transformation in China and India: the role of macroeconomic policiesThis paper explores macroeconomic policies that can sustain structural change in China and India. A two-sector open-economy model with endogenous productivity growth, demand driven output and income distribution as an important determinant of economic activity is calibrated to a 2000 SAM for China a...2012-01-01
45 Maloney, Thomas N.Making the effort: the racial contours of Detroit's labor markets, 1920-1940In 1940 the Ford Motor Company employed half of the black men in Detroit but only 14 percent of the whites. The authors postulate that black Detroiters were concentrated at Ford because they were excluded from working elsewhere. Those most affected were young married black men. A Ford job was vir...Automotive workers - Black people; Ford Motor Company1995
46 Maloney, Thomas N.Higher places in the industrial machinery?: tight labor markets and occupational advancement by black males in the 1910sThe economic history of African American workers since 1940 has been marked by alternating episodes of progress and stagnation. Sharp gains in relative incomes during the 1940s were followed by little change in this measure in the 1950s. Renewed progress from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s was follo...Black people; Job opportunities; Labor market2005
47 Von Arnim, Rudiger LennartRedistribution in a neo-Kaleckian two-country modelWe investigate the interaction between demand-driven growth and income distribution in open economies, by combining expenditure-switching and demand spillover effects in a neo-Kaleckian two country model. First, we specify elasticities of wage share and real exchange rate to the money wage relative ...2014-01-01
48 Arnim, Rudiger vonA global model of recovery and rebalancingThis paper presents an investigation of global recovery from the Great Recession and the rebalancing of global external imbalances, using a global model of 16 countries and composite regions. The model applies to the short term and only to the real side. Key features are demand-driven output determi...Global imbalances; great recession; global model2012-08-01
26 - 50 of 48