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26 Rashid, Khalid; Powell, KodyDynamic simulation, control, and design of a novel solar thermal hybrid power plantSolar power is among the promising technologies leading towards cleaner fuel. However, there are still technological challenges regarding the reliability of power generation due to its intermittency. This work demonstrates the synergies that exist in integrated hybrid systems, where a dispatchable f...Solar energy--Research; Solar thermal energy--Research; Solar power plants--Research2017
27 Sutherland, James ClaytonAdvanced regression methods for combustion modelling using principal componentsModelling the physics of combustion remains a challenge due to a large range of temporal and physical scales which are important in these systems. Detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms are used to describe the chemistry involved in the combustion process yielding highly coupled partial differential e...2014-01-01
28 Whitty, Kevin J.A pulse-width modulation controlled wire-mesh heater apparatus for investigation of solid fuel pyrolysisA novel wire mesh heater apparatus has been developed to study the devolatilization of solid fuels under pressurized conditions at well-controlled heating rates on the order of 1000 K/s. The apparatus combines direct current and pulse-width modulation with a fast-acting and high current-capacity re...2012-01-01
29 Sutherland, James ClaytonA comparison of various models in predicting ignition delay in single-particle coal combustionIn this paper, individual coal particle combustion under laminar conditions is simulated using models with various levels of complexity for the particle and gas phase chemical kinetics. The mass, momentum and energy governing equations are fully coupled between the particle and the gas phase. In the...2014-01-01
30 Smith, Philip J.State space sensitivity to a prescribed probability density function shape in coal combustion systems: joint β-PDF versus clipped Gaussian PDFThe turbulent transport of three coal off-gas mixture fractions is coupled to a prescribed joint //-probability- density-function (//-PDF) mixing model. This physical transport and subgrid joint //-PDF mixing model is used to explore the incorporation of coal off-gas compositional disparities betwe...Off-gas stream; β-PDF; Char oxidation2000
31 Pershing, David W.Control of NOx and particulate emissions from spreader-stokers fired with hogged woodThe formation and emission of nitrogen oxides and particulate carry-over were studied from spreader-stoker combustion of hogged Douglas-fir, with a focus on optimizing the combustion conditions in each of the two distinct combustion zones, the bed phase and the suspension phase local oxygen availabi...Chemical analysis; Combustion; Emission; Engineering; Environmental control; Fuels; Nitrogen compounds; Particulates; NOx; Hogged wood1987
32 Pershing, David W.; Wendt, Jost O. L.Pulverized coal combustion: the influence of flame temperature and coal composition on thermal and fuel NOxA laboratory combustor was used to investigate the factors that influence the conversion of fuel nitrogen in coal during coal combustion. Fuel NO was isolated by experimentation utilizing Argon / Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide mixtures as the oxidant, and care was taken to compare cases with air at matche...Fuel nitrogen; Flame temperature; Coal composition1977
33 Pershing, David W.Formation and control of NO emissions from coal-fired spreader-stoker boilersStoker coal-fired furnaces are significant in terms of coal consumption and environmental impact; however, they have received little research attention. This paper describes the results of a study on the formation and control of nitrogen oxides in coal-fired spreader-stoker systems. Three scales of...Stoker coal-fired furnaces1983
34 Eddings, Eric G.NOx emissions from intermediate-temperature combustion of steel-industry by-product gasesA study of NOx emissions from the combustion of coke-oven gas and blast-furnace gas (steel industry by-product gases) was undertaken using detailed kinetic modeling to elucidate the pathways for NOx formation. The study was performed at the intermediate temperatures (1200-1400K) and 1 atm, which rep...2004
35 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.; Pershing, David W.Production of nitrogen oxide during char oxidation at pulverized coal combustion conditionsMore stringent regulations for NOx control in pulverized coal combustors have made the scientific community focus on sources of emissions that were traditionally considered less relevant to the overall NOx production. The oxidation to NO of the nitrogen that is organically bound to the char is one o...2001
36 Eddings, EricModified CPD Model for Coal Devolatilization at UCTT ConditionsTo study coal pyrolysis behavior at underground coal thermal treatment (UCTT) conditions, a modified CPD (M-CPD) model was developed and evaluated using two scales of experiments as well as two different coals, Utah Sufco and Illinois #6. Compared with the original CPD model, three major aspects wer...Coal; pyrolysis; modeling; underground heating2019
37 Sarofim, Adel F.; Eddings, Eric G.Muiltifunctional fuel additives for reduced jet particlate emissionsUsing Government drawings, specifications, or other data included in this document for any purpose other than Government procurement does not in any way obligate the U.S. Government. The fact that the Government formulated or supplied the drawings, specifications, or other data does not license the ...2006
38 Pershing, David W.Influence of fuel composition and flame temperature on the formation of thermal and fuel NOx in residual oil flamesA 900 kw model package boiler and a 20 kw laboratory tunnel furnace were used to study fuel and thermal NO, formation during heavy oil combustion. Package boiler results indicated that atomizer design, spray/ flow field interactions, and fuel composition were significant, dependent parameters. These...Residual oil flames1979
39 Pershing, David W.; Slaughter, David MichaelParameters influencing the evolution and oxidation of sulfur in suspension phase coal combustionStoker coal-fired boiler furnaces are significant in terms of coal consumption and environmental impact; however, they have received relatively little research attention. This paper describes the results of a two-year study on the formation of sulfur oxides in the suspension phase of a coal-fired s...Stoker coal-fired furnaces1983
40 Sutherland, James ClaytonA filter-independent model identification technique for turbulent combustion modelingIn this paper, we address a method to reduce the number of species equations that must be solved via application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This technique provides a robust methodology to reduce the number of species equations by identifying correlations in state-space and defining new v...2012-01-01
41 Lighty, Joann; Silcox, GeoffreyFundamentals of mercury oxidation in flue gasThis report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, ...2006
42 Sutherland, James Clayton; Kerstein, Alan R.A unified approach to the various formulations of the one-dimensional-turbulence modelThe One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model has been successfully applied as a stand-alone model for predicting turbulence statistics in both nonreacting and reacting flows. There are several formulations of the model in the literature, and most of the variable-density formulations do not clearly dis...2010
43 Eddings, Eric G.Experimental and numerical investigation on sulfur transformation in T pressurized oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coalPressurized oxy-fuel combustion, as a novel and promising technology for CO2 capture from power plants, has attracted worldwide attentions. The high partial pressure of CO2 induces significant changes to the SOx release characteristic. Properly addressing these fundamental issues and technological c...Pressurized; Oxy-fuel combustion; SO2 emission; Numerical; Pulverized coal2019
44 Eddings, Eric G.Joint NSF-NSFC Workshop on Combustion Related to Sustainable EnergyA workshop on Combustion Related to Sustainable Energy was held in Hangzhou, China on March 10-12, 2014. The workshop was jointly sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The purpose of the workshop was to bring together a limite...Combustion, sustainable energy, research needs, climate change, renewable fuel, efficiency, Workshop China2016
45 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Thermal behavior of a high-energy material immersed in a fireOne of the uncertainties in the calculations of time-to-explosion for containers of high-energy materials immersed in fires is that of the thermal boundary at the container-explosive interface. Understanding this interface is critical in evaluating risks, safety issues and prevention mechanisms. In ...2004
46 Pershing, David W.Control of NOx emissionsNITROGEN OXIDES (NOX) are produced in combustion from molecular nitrogen (thermal NOx) or from oxidation of nitrogen contained in the fuel (fuel NOx). Production of NOx in a turbulent diffusion flame is largely dependent upon fuel composition and fuel/air contacting, which for liquid fuels is determ...Staged heat release; Tunnel furnace; Boiler simulator; Staged combustion1980
47 Eddings, Eric G.; Sarofim, Adel F.Modeling benzene and naphthalene formation in a premixed propylene flameThe Utah Surrogate Mechanism was used to model a fuel-rich, non-sooting premixed laminar flame of propylene at 5000 Pa with an equivalence ratio of 2.32. The simulation results were found to be satisfactory in comparison with the experimental data. For example, the measured concentration profiles of...Utah Surrogate Mechanism; Propylene; Combustion modeling; Benzene formation; Naphthalene formation2005
48 Pershing, David W.Influence of coal composition on the fate of volatile and char nitrogen during combustionFifty coals from North America, Europe, Asia, South Africa and Australia were burned in a 21 kW, refractory-lined tunnel furnace to determine the influence of coal properties on the fate of volatile and char nitrogen. Excess air fuel NO emissions (as determined by combustion in Ar/02/C02) ranged fro...Coal composition; Char nitrogen; Volatile nitrogen; NO emissions1982
49 Smith, Philip J.Soot in combustion simulationsSoot is the dominant source of radiative heat transfer from most practical flames. A review is presented of historical, empirical modelling approaches for estimating heat flux from fires and flames. These historical methods have drawn on empiricism to address the role of soot while seeking methods f...Large eddy simulation; LES; Combustion simulation; Radiative heat transfer; Pool fires2005
50 Eddings, Eric G.The potential of on-line optical flow measurement in the control and monitoring of pilot-scale oxy-coal flamesDigital image processing techniques oer a wide array of tools capable of extracting apparent displacement or velocity information from sequences of images of moving objects. Optical flow algorithms have been widely used in areas such as traffic monitoring and surveillance. The knowledge of instantan...2014-01-01
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